EX. EX. EX...

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After Squids talk with Courtney Holt, the CEO of maker studios, our 'ex' boss, we were in shock.
I hadn't quite come to terms with my YouTube channel not being there..
David was heart broken, I saw the picture of Tom and Nicole, cheek to cheek.. Why would she do this to David? How could someone be so... Mean.. I suppose that was rich coming from me..

I sat down beside David on the bench.
I put my arm around his neck to comfort him.
"How long do you reckon we've got?" He asked me,
"Till what?"
"Till we run out of money. I've still gotta pay that Egyptian creep when I get home, by that time I'll probably have to pay her over half a million."
"I won't let you do that." I told him, remembering that the prices doubled every month.
"Stamps, YouTube is our life. It's the only thing I'm good at. I really can't do anything else."
"YouTube is staying. We are going to get to the bottom of this." I said, taking a deep breath, "I'm going to ring Nicole."
"You are?!" David asked me in shock,
"Yeh, well she'd probably lie to you, let's be honest." I sighed, David bit his lips and scrunched his eyes.
"She loved me-" he began,
"She loved me. And I know she did so whatever is going on I-" he covered his mouth, "I don't know.. I don't know anything."

I put my hand over his lips as I pulled out my phone and rang Nicole.
"What do i say?" He asked,
"Nothing. You aren't here. Let me do the talking." I ordered.
Nicole picked up to my surprise.
"Hello, Joe?"
"Hi Nicole, how are things?" I asked her,
"Ehh.. Good? What about you?"
"Yeah. Great. Just.. Great." I moaned, "okay I'm not sure that you are aware about our channels being terminated but-"
"David and my channels have been taken down due to in active content- did you or did you not upload his videos?"
"No." She said. Well at least she's not denying it.
"Why?!" I asked her,
"I- I really have to go-"
"-and snog your boyfriend's brother?!"
"No! No it's not like that at all! I love David it's just.. Things are really complicated for me."
"For you?! How the hell are things complicated for you! It isn't you who has lost your job, it isn't you who has almost being killed several times! It isn't you who is earning no money and is stuck thousands of miles from home with no purpose! It is you however who is posting pictures and breaking David's heart! How dare you!?"
As I exhaled after my rant, I couldn't hear Nicole at all until she whispered a few words.
"Please tell him that I love him. And I promise you that there's a reason behind this.."
I looked at David in a saddened way. David looked down.
I sighed, there was no use arguing any further. "Have a good day." I told her, before hanging up.

"Mate I've got no clue.." I sighed, putting down my phone.
"What do we do?" He asked,
"Call Courtney? She's the one who got us into all this mess! If it wasn't for her we would still have our channels, our family and we wouldn't be stuck here, heartbroken in the middle of the ocean!"
We looked out at the sea, I was slowly growing to hate Courtney.

"I'm going to ring Beth." David said,
"Wait- What?! No-"
"Yes!" He said, picking up his phone and searching up in his contacts list for her number.
I just stared at him in fear,
"Come on Stamps, this is the only way to figure out what the hell is going on back home!"
Before I had anytime to argue he had already dialled in the number.
"Hello Beth?" He began,
"What is going on back home. Don't lie please." He spoke firmly,
"Nothing is going on." She said,
"Is that why you didn't upload Stampys videos?"
"There was.. There was a thing.." She began,
"Is that all you can tell me? A 'thing'!"
"You need to come home! Please you just need to come home!" She begged. I was shocked at her change of attitude, I reckoned that it was put on.
"Why? What can't you tell us over the phone."
"I can't say." She whispered, before hanging up.
David's mouth dropped with disgust as if no one had ever hung up on him before.

"What the heck am I supposed to say to that?" He dictated,
"Nothing, apparently." I sighed. Then my phone rang, it was Courtney Holt.
"Is she here to tell us it's a prank or something?" I sighed,
"God I hope so." David replied as I answered the phone.

"Hello." I sighed, pressing the phone close to my ear.
"Hello who is this?!" A man responded- not Courtney- he sounded stressed.
"Eh, I could ask you the same question..?" I replied, confused. David raised an eyebrow.
"Are you.. Joseph Garrett?"
"I am, yes."
"Courtney was texting you.. She- she-" he was short of breath, I could almost hear his heart,
"Slow down, slow down, what happened?" I asked the panicked man.
"Her- her phone was in her hand.. She was texting you.. She was saying that she was so sorry.."
"Okay.. Thanks for letting me know, but tell her that-"
"You don't understand." He said. I raised an eyebrow as I heard the man get his bearings,
"What? What don't I understand?" I asked, but nothing could have prepared me for this..

"She's dead. Joseph. Courtney is dead."

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