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As I ran beside David on the pavement I noticed smoke building in the sky.
"Dave- the smoke.." I began, seeing David's mouth open wide in fear.
"That's not from her hotel is it?" I asked, my eyes widening when David would not respond.
We proceeded to sprint towards the burning hotel, smoke propelled from some open windows.
"What floor is she on?!" I yelled at David,
"S...sixteen I think.. They should have her outside, she needs to be outside!"
David's face was flushing red and white, I could tell that he was panicking, my phone started ringing, it was Beth. It killed me to hang up on her but I could barely speak because of the exhaustion.

When we got to the building hundreds of people came piling out of the front entrance... Were any of these people Nicole? I tried to focus on everyone's faces, I couldn't see Nicole anywhere, nor could David.
"Can you see her?" I asked David as we ran towards the crowd.
"No." He responded,
"Right I'm going in, what's her room number?" I asked him,
"162, be careful, I'll come in after I've checked everyone here." He told me,
"I will. Call me." I said, turning to the door before he grabbed my arm,
"No seriously, be careful mate." He ordered. I nodded before running in to the smoky reception. Fire fighters were beginning to crowd outside the building, but I was already deep inside, climbing up the staircase to floor sixteen. There was a fire on the 10th floor, making it hard for me to get around. It was almost impossible to breathe in the smoke. David began calling me, I was exhausted and it was hard to breathe. I lifted my phone out of my pocket and answered the call, sitting on one of the steps, boiling hot and covered in smoke.
"Joe are you alright?!" He called,
"Y-yeh." I responded, coughing,
"I've found Nicole, she was rescued from her window by the fire fighters, she's okay, come back out now." He said,
"Okay." I replied, standing up and coughing again, walking back down the stairs and hanging up.
It was only when I was on the eleventh floor that I heard someone screaming "Help!" But it was from very high up.. I reckoned about the nineteenth floor. But I couldn't just leave them there.
I ran up again, up past the sixteenth floor to the nineteenth where the fire blazed among the floor.
"Hello?!" I called, banging down their door. I was ready to pass out from the smoke, I presumed that everyone in this room already had.
The fire was spreading closer to their room, I managed to break through the door, the room inside was encased in smoke. A limp body lay on the ground, I checked around the room to make sure that there was no one else was there, fortunately there wasn't so I took the body in my arms and began to run down the stairs as fast as I could.

"Isn't he answering his phone?" Nicole asked, her arms still wrapped around me. I tried calling again and again.
"He said that he was on his way out fifteen minutes ago.. I'm gonna go in and find him." I told Nicole.
"No Dee-" Nicole begged, I put my hand on her face and kissed her on the lips before running into the building when the police weren't looking.
I began to climb up the stairs, it was so dark apart from the sudden bursts of fire. I called Joe on my phone again, it had rang about five times before I heard a slight vibration coming from close by.
"Joe?!" I called, running up to try and find him, we were on the 13th floor.
I saw him sitting on a set with a lady in his arms, I covered my mouth with my arm from the smoke, I lifted the woman into my arms and Joe's eyes opened,
"Come on Joe we've gotta get out of here!" I called, patting his shoulder. We ran down the stairs, Joe constantly coughing from the thick black smoke. We eventually made it down to safety, running outside, we were surrounded by paramedics, they put the unconscious lady which Joe rescued into an ambulance and drove her away before sitting us down on the ambulance bed.
"You okay mate?" I asked Joe, patting his back.
"Yeh." He coughed, "sorry.. I just heard someone calling 'help' and I couldn't ignore her."
"I understand. Hey.. Why don't just you and Beth take that meal at the restaurant tonight on your own." I offered,
"Huh? Can't the four of us go?" He asked,
"I think you want to be alone with Beth." I replied,
"Well isn't it about time you put a ring on the girl?" I asked him. His mouth dropped and he shook his head,
"She's too young, she's only twenty-four I can't just propose to her, I don't even have a ring."
"Well we're in New York, buy her one! Who cares about her age, Nicoles only 25, you've been going out for so long now, you may as well." I argued. Before I started coughing again from the smoke. The paramedics put 'shock' blankets over us before taking a good look with microscopes into our eyes.
"How do you feel?" They asked us,
"Tired." I laughed, "nah, really I feel okay. He was in there the longest."
"I'm fine, I'll get over it." Joe said, standing up and leaving with me.
I immediately went over to Nicole who was still shaking and crying from the shock.
"Are you two alright?" She asked us as I sat behind her on the wall, massaging her back.
"We're fine." Joe said, coughing. "Just feel like I've eaten a lit cigarette."
"What about you Nicole?" I asked her, kissing her cheek.
"I'm alright, and the baby is too. They took an ultrasound." I sighed with relief, before I noticed Joe falling to the ground.
I ran and caught him mid fall, catching him under his arms I leant him up against the wall.
"Joe are you alright?" I asked him, lifting his head up. His eyes blinked open and he rubbed his eyes with his hands.
"Back to the boat?" I offered, he nodded with fatigue before I helped him and Nicole up.

THE BOAT TRIP: Stampy And SquidWhere stories live. Discover now