The Big Question

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After about five hours unconscious, Joe woke up to me and the girls laughing at the table in the kitchen, talking about first dates, awful nights out and awkward teachers, of course, all these stories I had already told Joe before, but making Beth and Nicole laugh just made my day.
Nicole was talking about her first date and she had completely forgotten the name of the boy half way through so she was asking suggestive questions to try and find out his name when Joe walked in with his casted arm in a sling.
"Hello." He said awkwardly, waddling over to the cabinet.
"How are you mate?" I asked him,
"Alright, just getting my drugs." He said.
"Don't take all of 'em." I laughed.
"I've just been shot and had my arm bitten by a shark in the last month, I deserve some bloody calpol!" He laughed.
"Yeh alright." I laughed. Walking over to Joe and helping him open the cupboard. Meanwhile Beth and Nicole were whispering something in each other's ears.. gossip I assumed.. nerves started to build up inside of me.
"You can do this buddy." Joe whispered in my ear.
"You think this is the right time?"
"Course it is. Go and ask her." Joe said. I felt so nervous.. Beth and Nicole were still whispering, Nicole looked nervous. I turned around and slid the tiny box from the cupboard into my pocket.
I can do this.. I can ask her.. this is the wrong time.. this is such a bad time..
"Nicole could you help me up here?" I asked Nicole walking up the steps, Beth gave Nicole the thumbs up, confusing me. Did they know my plan?
I let Nicole sit down on the bench before me. I put my arm around her and kissed her cheek, watching the sunset.
"It's so beautiful." She admired. I looked from her crimson lips to her stunning eyes.
"You're so beautiful." I responded, probably a bit too quickly. She smiled, resting her head on my shoulder.
"Look-" we said, both at the same time.
"You go first." We said at the same time, laughing. "We're so synchronised."
"Dave, I know that you're in a pretty bad place at the moment, you're hiding it, but you are feeling horrible and bereaved. I want you to know that I get that. I get you. I understand you and your family. I understand that you will always have feelings for Sarah and for Lily.. but I can see your feelings for me."
"Nicole, alone, we're alright, but together.. yeh we rule the earth." I said, holding her hand. We stared into each other's dreamy eyes. We've got the right atmosphere.. I just have to ask her..
Everything was silent, no crickets, no engine roaring beneath us (or sharks for that matter) it felt as if I was just me and her and the huge red sunset.
"Nicole I've been meaning to ask you this- I know we're young and this might not be the right time.."

When David and Nicole went upstairs, Beth and I went back into the bedroom.
"Nicole's gonna really surprise David up there." Beth giggled.
"Oh not as much as David will surprise Nicole." I replied. Lying down on the bed.
"Believe me, Nicole will shock him." Beth assured,
"Alright.." I said, but I knew that David's plan was far more shocking than whatever Nicole's was.
I lay down on the bed as Beth snuggled up beside me.
"How are you feeling?" She asked me.
"Sore but.. it's manageable." I said, I'd been through worse.
Beth kissed my cheek and rested her head on my shoulder, listening to what Nicole and David were saying.

A tidal wave of nerves hit me, what if she declines? What will I tell Joe? This would be so awful..
"Go on.." Nicole encouraged, smiling.
"You've been with me for so long, you've been so good to me and you've stuck with me through everything. You've forgiven me, or I hope you have, for everything I've done, we've had our fallouts but that's okay.. because we get through." I was holding onto her hands, she was smiling, as if she knew what I was about to say..
"In a nutshell, Nicole, I love you," I leant down on one knee and pulled out a ring, "will you marry me?"

"WHAT?!" Beth shrieked as we looked through the skylights at Squid down on one knee (I do hope he doesn't fall over when the boat rocks)
"Told you it was shocking!" I laughed, putting my hand on her back.
"But- but-"
I just giggled.
"Wait till you see what Nicole is going to do.." Beth said.

I looked at Nicole's blue eyes, she was beautiful in every way.
"We are way too good for each other." She said, smiling, before she went down on one knee beside me.
"No way!!" I laughed,
"David Spencer, of course I'll marry you, but will you marry me?"
We just laughed, "yes." I said, trying to hold back the tears,
"As I said, we are so synchronised." I laughed.
I slid the ring on her left ring finger and she did the same for me.
We both stood up, smiling, holding hands before she jumped up onto me and I held her, kissing her soft red lips, I lay down on the ground while she kissed me, far to in love with her to stop, a huge wave crashed against the boat, soaking us, we just giggled and carried on.

"What. The. Fu-"
"Told you!" Beth giggled. "They both proposed at the same time!"
"Oh my god!" I knew David was going to propose.. but not Nicole..
"Damn those two were made for each other." I said, looking up at the engaged couple on the roof. I then looked away and lay back down in bed beside Beth,
"So.. when should I propose to you?" I asked her, smiling,
"I'm only 24." She said, "aren't I too young?"
"But we've been going out for like.. forever." I said.
"Wait until your arm gets better, you don't wanna fall over. She giggled,
"You coming to New York?" I asked her,
"No, sorry, Lydia Winters wants me to do some stuff at MineCon, you could do a Skype call."
I suddenly was drawn to that idea, a Skype call to MineCon stage.. that just sounded cool.
"Id like that." I said, resting my head in the pillow, the rest of our journey seemed fun.

THE BOAT TRIP: Stampy And SquidWhere stories live. Discover now