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After David had fallen asleep I wasn't quite sure what to do with him. Bringing him to hospital would mean heaving him onto the back of a motorbike.. unless..
"Hi Beth sorry to disturb you." I began on the phone,
"You're fine- what's up?" She said,
"Did you happen to hire a car?"

Sqaishey pulled up at the port about half an hour later, I walked down to meet her and helped her up onto the boat.
"Sorry about the.. mess."
"What happened?!" She shrieked, seeing the hanging noose and David limp on the ground.
"It's not what it looks like. I promise."
"Is he okay?" She asked, kneeling down beside him and checking his pulse.
"He's fine just.. sleeping." I said.
"And what about you? Are you okay?" She asked, still in shock after seeing David.
"Course I am." I said, putting my hands in her hair and kissing her on the lips.

Oh Shit.

The sleeping drug!

Sqaishey proceeded to falling limp in my arms. What have I done?!
I whacked the palm of my hand against my forehead.
I had forgotten about the sleeping drug that was on my lips.

So.. now I had two drugged people. Great.

Another person drove up at the port. Who was this?
"Where's Dee?" A lady shouted, it was Nicole. She ran up to me.
"Nicole I'm not sure if-"
Nicole ran into the boat and shrieked before kneeling down beside David, she pushed her lips against his.
"Nicole wait-"
But eventually, of course, she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Great. Absolutely great.

"Guys.." I said awkwardly.
"Anyone wanna get up now.. this looks pretty bad.." I bit my lip and looked around at the three sleeping people.
"Right then.. time for plan B."

I went down stairs and brought up some blankets for the three sedated people on deck.
I jumped off the boat and untied the rope from the hook on the harbour.
Then I realised that I had just let go of the rope and the boat was slowly drifting away.
"Shhhhit guys you might want to get up now!!" I yelled before diving into the water and swimming over to the ladder on the boat.
When I eventually climbed on board I had about six things to do at the same time: roll up the ropes, put the engine on, pull down the anchor, rinse my mouth out of the drug, dry off and steer the boat away from the rocks.
I pulled the sodding wet ropes on board  so that they wouldn't get caught in the rudder. I then turned the engine on and steered us far away into the tropics.
I was driving for about an hour before we could barely see land. That's when I turned off the engine and pulled down the anchor.
I looked at David, Nicole and Beth, fast asleep.

And here is what happens when stampylongnose gets left in charge.

It was about 4am. I was exhausted, so I just sat down beside them, wrapped a blanket around them, licked my lips to get the last bit of the sleeping drug and passed out.

My eyes blinked open.. I guess today wasn't my day to die..
I looked around to see Joe fast asleep beside me.. and Beth.. and was that Nicole?
Joes eyes blinked open, he turned around and looked at me.
"I messed up big time." He whispered, I laughed. How many people had he drugged?!
"What have you done?!" I laughed as Joe wheezed.
"It got a bit out of hand." He laughed, putting his arm around Beth.
"Where'd Beth and Nicole come from?"
"I wanted to borrow Beth's car, but then I forgot about the drug thing.. and then I've no idea where Nicole came from." Joe laughed.
I stood up, looking around and staring at the co-ordinates.
"What are we doing up in the tropics?" I asked, wiping the sweat from my brow.
I looked up to see the noose I was going to hang myself with. I pulled it down and put it in the chest where we kept most of the ropes.
"Wanna have a clean up downstairs before the ladies wake up?" Joe asked, I nodded and we both went downstairs.
I cleaned up the bedroom and the bathroom. Joe tidied up the living room and the lounge.
When everything was semi-reasonable, we went back upstairs. I sat down with sunglasses on admiring the view. Joe sat down beside me, resting his arm on the side of the boat.
"You gonna go to Sarah's funeral?" He asked me.
"I don't know." I responded, "I feel like I've reached the last straw."
"You gonna go home?" He asked me.
I turned around and smiled.
"No." I promised.
He gave me a friendly nudge. I looked over at Nicole and Beth fast asleep. Would they ever go through what we just went through? Loosing a child?
"Have you spoken to Courtney?" I asked Joe. He shook his head.
"Can't bear too." He said, squinting and looking at the sun.
I nodded. I felt the same way. That numbness, the overwhelming and incurable sadness, feeling of abandonment.
"Are you okay?" He asked me,
"Yeah, I'm always okay." I replied. Blankly smiling, looking out at the sea.
"Is okay some kind of code for.. really not okay?" Joe asked.
I remained silent as Joe continued, "because I'm okay too."

I looked down. There really was no words to say.

"What the hell happened?!" I turned around to see Nicole sitting up looking upright confused.
"Nice to see you too." I told the dazzled woman.
Walking over to her, I took her hand and helped her up.
"Where are we?" She asked, looking around at the ocean,
"exactly half the world away from home." I said. Putting a hand on her back.
"So I've been kidnapped." She flirted.
"Technically Stamps kidnapped us. Couldn't keep his hands off everyone." I laughed.
"Stampy doesn't just have a long nose!" Joe laughed, sitting down beside his sleeping girlfriend.

I linked my arm with Nicole's and helped her up onto the roof of the boat.
We sat down at the front, I put my arm around her neck.
"What has been going on with you?" Nicole asked me.. she didn't know.. she didn't know about Sarah..
"N-nothing." I lied. Looking out at the sea.
"How is Lily?" She asked me,
"I- I don't know."
I closed my eyes and tears leaked out.
"Dave?" She put a hand on my cheek. "Are you okay?"
"I'm always okay.." I sighed, looking back at Joe. I was going to be 'okay' for a while.

THE BOAT TRIP: Stampy And SquidWhere stories live. Discover now