Wrong Way

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As Joe and I bounced across the waves using the engine, I noticed something in the distance.
"Joseph- what's that?" I asked, nudging his shoulder to wake him.
"What's that.. in the distance.. is that...?
"Land?! No way! That can't be land!" Joe squeaked,
It was a warm day. The sun was shining and the waves weren't too big. Light poured down from the silver cumulus clouds, reflecting on the deep blue ocean. And far away in the distance, a blue headland appeared.
Where were we?
"That could be anywhere David." Joe said,
"I hope to God it's Ireland!" I said,
"I would laugh so so hard if it was Canada." Stampy laughed,
"I wouldn't! I wanna go home!" I said,
"Do you really hate being with me that much?"
"Yes! I want to break your tiny neck." I joked, shaking his shoulders.
"But seriously if that's not Ireland where else could it be?"
"It could be Spain- France or.. Morocco?"
"Nope, I repel Morocco." I said.
"Bit to warm to be Norway.. Could be the Azores? But I think it's too cool for them."
"We could have skipped Ireland and gotten to England?" I said, hopefully.
"Now what are the chances in that? We'd be able to see it at least."
"Well didn't you hear about that old sailor who came from India looking for Australia, he missed Australia completely and ended up in New Zealand."
"Well that's just impressively unlucky." I laughed, squinting at the land in the distance. "I don't recognise this place." Joe announced.
"Have you ever been to Ireland?" I asked him,
"Like once. So I wouldn't recognise it anyway." He laughed.
"Well Joseph: since we are going on land we may as well make ourselves semi-presentable." I told him. Taking off my shirt and replacing it with a blue t-shirt.
"Stamps- how's my beard looking?" I asked him as he started to glide a razor down his cheek.
"A bit Dumbledore." He admitted, passing me the razor and holding up the selfie camera on my phone as a mirror.
Once we had fixed ourselves up I looked at the camera which we had placed at he front of the boat.
"Joseph I think I've spotted a problem." I said, pointing at the camera.
"What's wrong mate?" He asked me, standing up beside me as I squinted at the camera.
"It's not switched on is it mate..." I said. Staring at the camera. "It hasn't been recording has it..."
I should have been angry, but as Joe walked up to the camera to check it all I could do was laugh.
"God sakes.. Yep it's dead." Joe said, putting the camera down and laughing with me.
"All this for nothing! Oh Courtney is going to be so mad!!" I laughed, almost crying.
"Shall we go back and record it again??" Joe asked, laughing sarcastically.
"We can do it on a green screen!" I joked, tears falling from my eyes. I couldn't believe the camera was off all this time.
"Yeah! C.G.I StampingSquid!" Stampy cried.
"I can do the sound effects! Woooshhh! I'm a wave!"
After laughing our little heads off for about fifteen minutes we got closer and closer to the shore.
"Stamps can you see a dock anywhere so we can go into mooring?" I asked him, looking around.
"Well there seems to be a little village over there, and.. I think there's a harbour."
"Alright let's row over there." I said, turning off the engine. Joe and I each took an oar and began rowing over to the village.
It didn't look American to my delight, it was quite small. The houses were mainly white, there seemed to be a pub with a few picnic tables outside it. An icecream shop where small children sat outside on the beach looking at shells and seaglass.
"This just reminds me of when I was young, an un-evolved world." Joe said,
"I didn't live near the coast.. I'm not a beachy person." I said,
"You're not a what?"
"I'm not a.. Beachy person." I repeated, laughing,
"Well I think sometimes you can be a bit of a beachy person." Joe laughed,
"Oh it depends if I'm in a beachy mood." I responded.
"You're such a beach." Joe commented.
We looked around at the town. It had been ages since we had stood on land. A sense of pride fulfilled me.
"Stamps I can't believe we made it out the other side." I said, smiling,
"We don't know that yet. We could be anywhere." Joe said, "I'm just saying don't get your hopes up."
I nodded, we sailed into the quay.
"I'll tie her up." I said,
"No I'll tie her up!" Joe argued,
"You just wanna get on land first." I figured,
"Yeah." He laughed, stepping onto the harbour. "Oh ma gawd! Land! Still ground!"
"Didn't you say you'd tie her up? Don't just dilly-dally we need to find out where we are." I bossed, Joe tied the boat up as I jumped on land.
I caught Joe's eye, "we're on land. We made it. I thought we were gonna die!" I said, he just smiled wrapping his arms over my shoulders i hugged him hard.
"God we did it!" I said in joy. It was when I opened my eyes while hugging him I saw a sign post.
"Stamps!!" I yelled, "where is Baltimore?"
"Baltimore? It's in America Squid, why?"
Oh no.. Oh no oh no oh no...

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