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I was pushed up against the wall with an arm bent backwards behind me.
I couldn't face this pain.. I could face any of this anymore..
Fear... That the NewStar ship was going to be blown up.. Or was it? Could I believe everything the Pirates said? How likely was it that an international anti-piracy maritime bought their ship from a bunch of Somalians? Wouldn't they have made it themselves?
"Where is Amud?!" Musé yelled at the young Somalian,
"I don't know! I was watching the American!"
"I think he left." I said, "he went up on deck.."
"Why you not say?! You are useless!"
"It's not my job to help you!" I shouted back as the gun swung closer to my head.
I heard a banging outside, which distracted the other two, they both ran up on deck, I took this chance to grab the radio.
"Crescendo." I began, "they said they put bombs in your ship then sold it for 8 million dollars, two years ago. Is this true?"
"Mr Spencer, we are trying to get you out of here."
"No I need to know if there is a risk of your ship blowing up or if they're trying to blackmail me!" I whispered in fear of someone hearing me.
"We have crew checking the records now."
"I think one of the Somalians has left the boat, have you got cameras?"
"We've got ears on your boat, one of our lifeboats have just attached a radio to the underside of your boats, we have cameras at gunpoint on our ship. You are not going back to Somalia."
"I don't-" I was cut off when the younger Somalian ran down the stairs, I hid the radio behind my back. Constantly just looking at him in hopelessness.
"You okay American?" He asked me, I nodded, looking down.
"You're too young for this. Piracy and murder." I told him, "what age are you? Sixteen? Seventeen?"
"This my job. I have no choice." He replied, "You are good man, I do not want to hurt you, but I have boss, boss give orders, you understand?"
"We all got bosses, kid." I sighed, remembering Courtney, "surely there's something you dream of doing, instead of.. Hijacking boats and killing people."
"American, all I ever dream about is Somalia. I don't know what city looks like, I never been another country, I never saw television."
"Kid.. You've gotta get off this boat. You have to live, you've got no chance to stay alive while you're on this boat!"
"I got boss."
"Screw your boss! You've got a life!"
The Somalian shook his head and pointed his gun at my head.
I sighed.. To Somalia I go..

The atmosphere was so tense: armed snipers aimed from the front of our boat to the Stamping Squid, we saw in the cameras David, covered in blood, an arm bent backwards behind him and a gun planted at his head.
I bit my lip, I wasn't going to sleep until this was done. Until we had two clear shots and David was safe.. But there was the issue.. The suspected bomb on this ship.
"Has anyone checked the files on this ship? Or does anyone know when or where this ship was bought or built?" I asked,
"It's name is NewStar.. That's a very American name." Someone said,
"Then again, the Somalians said they stole it then sold it."
"Surely this ship was more than 8 million dollars, come on this thing is huge."
We then heard a noise on the stamping squid, we turned the volume up full.
"American! Come!" The man we had figured to be Musé yelled,
On the cameras we saw David get pulled up on deck, he was thrown to the floor.
"Jesus, he's hurt, he's really hurt.." I said, covering my mouth.
"I give you two options!" Musé yelled.. Pointing at the box where the switch to the bomb was.. My stomach turned and my mouth dropped..

Tears drenched my painful eyes,
"You blow up ship, or you die." Musé yelled, holding a gun firmly in his hand.
"You can't do this: either way you won't get your money!" I cried, but Musé was going mad.. Any second now the navy were going to shoot him.. But the younger Somalian.. He was forced into this he didn't deserve to die..
"Put your hands up, kid." I whispered, but he refused, "your just a kid! Put your hands up!"
Suddenly Musé fired his gun in the air,
"Listen to me! Answer my question or I kill him too!"
"Musé you ca-"

The gun fired and shot the young Somalian dead..

My mouth opened wide and my bottom jaw shook with complete fear..
So many dreams undreamt.. So many sights unseen..
The silence was deafening.

Musé then muttered something before pressing a lever on the bomb switch.

And the countdown started.


Three minutes.. Three minutes to save their lives but.. But I was powerless... I could have thought of Nicole.. Of Tom, of my mum and dad, or of Joe.. But my heart and my mind focused on only one fact: that was that I was never going to see my daughter again, I was never going to see Sarah again, and that pain killed me..
If I could have nothing else in life.. Just this one thing: only save my child.


The tears streamed down my paternal face. I gritted my teeth and for the first time: I fought Musé.
I fought him for all the people on the NewStar ship that could die in two minutes, I fought him for the young, innocent Somalian who he just shot, but most of all I fought him for Sarah: for my beautiful young daughter who I would never see again.
I screamed with pain as I punched his face, he fired a gun right next to my head, my ear churned with pain and shell shock.
I was grabbed by the throat and pinned up against the wall of the boat.
this was it..


With tears streaming down my bloodstained face I said my final legacy..
"Joe?!" I yelled, "make sure my daughter knows who I was! Let Sarah know that I love her! Please do this for me! Please tell her that I give her everything, everything.."

With tears in my eyes I watched David through the cameras,
"Do we have a clear shot?" I asked, "DO WE HAVE A CLEAR SHOT?!"
"It's not clear-"
Musé pointed the gun at David,
"Sir he's gonna shoot him!"
My eyes widened.. My stomach turned in fright,
"Execute!" I shouted at the exact moment.
The sniper fired..

Everyone unsure.
Deafening silence..
Please say we got him.. Please please say David is okay..

THE BOAT TRIP: Stampy And SquidWhere stories live. Discover now