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I was escorted to the hospital where Stampy lay unconscious on the hospital bed.
I walked slowly towards him with my hands tied behind my back.
"David." I heard a voice, I turned around.
Nicole stood at the end of the corridor staring at me.
"Ni-" I began but she cut me off.
Her voice was stern and her face looked disappointed.
"Don't speak. Don't speak to me." She said, walking up to me.. How did she get here..
My mouth had dropped in the shock, but my hands were tied behind me.
She lent her face close to mine, I wanted to kiss her. I put my lips to her neck closing my eyes.
"Get off me." She growled. I lent away at once.
"Nicole I'm not a-"
"I don't care whether you shot Joe or not! You lied to me!" She yelled.
My eyes started to water.. She knew..
"You lied to me for all the years we've been together! You told me I was your first! You promised me!"
I couldn't respond to her. I couldn't defend myself.
She was right.
"Please.." I said. Lowering my head. I had no chance.
I was going to live here in Australia.. In a prison, alone, without a family or friend..
"I have three words for you, David." She began, tears subsiding.
"I hate you."

I was pulled away, feeling numb and broken inside.
I was slowly beginning to lose everything.
My hands were released so that Joe didnt suspect anything.
Two officers hid out of sight from Joe and they were recording for evidence.

When I was 'alone' I still felt uncomfortable. I was being watched I had never felt so intimidated in all my life.
I put my face up to Stampy's ear and whispered,
"Hey Joe get up." I couldn't touch him or nudge him to wake him up, I just had to speak.
"Stampy. Mate, wake up I need you." I said.
Slowly, I saw Joe's eyes roll beneath his eyelids as they slowly opened.
"Hi mate, take a bit for your eyes to adjust." I whispered. Sitting on the edge of the bed. Feeling nervous. Still trying to recover from Nicole.
"Where am I?" He asked, looking confused. I tried to be myself.
"Stamps, that's the most cliché thing to say after you're unconscious. Come on think of something more creative." I said, smiling. But inside I was burning.
"D-Dave.. Why am I here?" He moaned.
"Getting there, any more ideas?"
"Weren't we on the b-boat.. What happened.."
I put my hand on his cheek, then quickly pulled it away remembering I couldn't touch him.
"Stampy, you were shot. Tell me what you remember, and tell me who shot you." I said, trying to get to the point.
"Joseph, I need you to concentrate. Who shot you?" I repeated. Holding my breath, I felt my stomach tense so I looked away from him, turning my back.
"Amud.." Stampy whispered,
"Yes.. Yes and who was Amud.. Who was he all along?" I asked,
"Why are you doing this? Shouldn't you be.. I don't know.. Looking after me instead of interviewing me?"
The police officers took a step forward.
"Joe.. Please answer this question because I'm still.. Trying to go through this.. Who was Amud?" I gazed into his eyes, begging for an answer.
"Tom." He whispered, yes..
"His full name." I said, feeling hope inside of me.
"Thomas Spencer. " he spat in agony. I looked back at the police officers who had started to run back to the police station. Now we were really alone.

I looked back at Joe.
"Thank you." I said, sighing with relief.
"What's wrong..?" Joe asked, putting a hand on my shoulder.
"Oh god thank you." I cried, hugging Joe.
But for one moment I caught his gaze.
I looked into his eyes and felt myself being drawn towards him, I closed my eyes as our lips touched,  neither of us were sure exactly what we were doing.. Why we were doing it, but I couldn't resist. I put my arms around his neck and leaned closer to him.
"David?!" I heard someone's voice so I pulled away quickly,
It was Nicole.
"Nicole please not now." I moaned. "Not here."
Nicole walked into the room and looked at Joe,
"Thought he was dead."
"Thought I was too." I replied, Joe could sense the tension between us.
Nicole walked up to me and whispered in my ear.
"Meet me outside in ten minutes." She whispered, I nodded. Feeling uneasy around her.

When Nicole left I stood in the same place. Closing my eyes I tried to catch my breath and come to terms with what had happened.
How much does Nicole know.. Does she know about my daughter? About Lily.. Sarah.. About Tom? What am I going to do? Who do I choose? Do I even want to love anybody at the moment? What is Nicole going to say to me?
"David are you okay?" I heard Joe say.
"Sorry." I sighed, feeling myself slowly break down. I turned around to face Joe who lay on the hospital bed.
"Dave what happened?" He asked, but I couldn't find the words to describe what had happened in the last couple of days.
My hands were starting to shake and my eyes tensed.
I wiped my eyes and covered my nose and mouth with my hands before sliding them down my face.
This is not his burden to bear. He does not need to know about this.
"I'm fine. Seriously, I'm fine. Nothing happened."
"I am fine." I lied.
"What about Sarah and Lily."
"Never saw them. It was an act. It wasn't real." I lied.
"What, that's not true. That couldn't all be an act." He said in shock,
"All a magic trick. Lily is dead. Sarah doesn't know I exist. That's the way it was and the way it always will be." I sighed.
I left him there and walked outside to where Nicole sat on a bench.
I sat down beside her awkwardly. Finding it so difficult not to cry.
"I'm not quite sure, how to say how I feel." Nicole said. I tilted my head back.
"How long ago-"
"How did you find out about this?" I asked,  a tear streamed down from my eye.
"You're crying."
"Nicole: I was kidnapped by my brother who shot my best friend, I found out that my ex girlfriend is still alive, saw my daughter for the first time, was arrested and then dumped by you! Nicole I cannot stop shaking with terror and shock! I'm a mess! I'm sorry! Okay? I'm sorry I fell in love with someone before I met you. I'm sorry I never told you. I never did because I was terrified that this would happen! You said you had three words for me.. Well I have three more for you: I love you."
Nicole held my hands, as I continued to speak and tears fell from my eyes,
"And those three words.. They're not enough. I don't know what it is about you, your laugh, your smile, your interests. Nicole I've never met anyone like you before and I-" I couldn't speak anymore.
Nicole hugged me as I cried on her shoulder I felt so sick. I just wanted everything to stop.

THE BOAT TRIP: Stampy And SquidWhere stories live. Discover now