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"Why didn't you wake me up?" I asked in shock,
Stampy just looked in fear,
"Why didn't you wake me up?!" I repeated, "no one should be asleep for that long! I should have called Nicole! I needed to call her!"
"David, just calm down."
"No! I've been drugged for three weeks! You think that's okay?! To go to two continents without me?! I'm never gonna go to South America again! Or the Caribbean! You've just went on when I was unconscious! Just because I'm ill doesn't mean I'm not a part of it! It was you who put the knife on the table in the first place! This is your fault!" I shouted, fury raging inside of me.
"I should have been more prepared for this.. " Joe sighed,
"Why?! What were you prepared for?! Me to go 'Oh that's fine! Well done! I'm in Florida!' How long were you going to keep me like this?! When were you going to wake me up?! When we got to New York?!"
"No- I was going to waken you but.. I just didn't want to."
"Where did the stitches in my leg come from?" I asked him,
"A life boat came and stitched you up a couple weeks ago."
I groaned with anger and put my head down.
"Don't you want to see Florida?" He asked me,
"Well obviously you don't want me to, so I'm just gonna go back to sleep and wake up in New York." I sulked.
"David don't be like this- come on without me you'd be dead."
"Without you I'd be at home with one child happy in Australia and the other on its way. I'd be happy!"
"You know you just aren't worth it sometimes." Joe sighed, walking away, leaving the door open.
I scuffled around the room to find my phone, when I found it in the cupboard I saw that it had 30 missed calls from Nicole.. 30
I rang her immediately, unsure what to tell her.
"David? David oh my god are you okay?!" She responded,
"I'm fine. I'm fine, how are you Nicole- How is.. everything." I asked, hearing her voice just soothed me.
"I'm.. i am fine. What happened Dee? Why didn't you pick up my calls?" She asked, my jaw shook,
"I- I um.. I- was unconscious."
"I was stabbed in the leg then sedated for three weeks! I'm sorry! I'm as annoyed as you." I admitted, feeling awful.
"W-who sedated you? Are you okay?" She asked,
"I'm fine now- I'm fine..." I tried not to tell her about Joe. 
"Who was it that put you to sleep?" She asked me again, I looked down,
"Some.. stupid stupid idiot that thought it would help!" I responded indifferently.

We were moving along the east coast of Florida. I could see Cape Canaveral and the NASA launch pad in the distance. I would have parked and took a look at the rockets there but with David having a huff and me.. probably having a huff too I just drove on.
Apart from being pretty pissed off with my ungrateful 'friend' I was still very pissed off with my boss: Mr C Frawder had proceeded to writing both David and my biographies- according to this, my mother's name was Nancy but she died when I was 21, that's why I started making videos. And David joined the army at the age of sixteen but was injured and was sent home in a wheelchair when he was twenty.
Overall- I think I was more pissed off with my boss.
As the day moved on I stopped off at the coast and fuelled up. It was weird hearing all the new accents, we had been to so many countries, so many continents and it was just then that I felt so lucky.. to be able to travel the world for free, even if it almost killed me, I was pretty sure that this year had been one of the best years of my life.
But now..
I was filling up the boat, this was a long progress, it look about ten to fifteen minutes. I was just half way finished when David went out on deck.
I didn't want to start a conversation with him. So he started one.
"I called Nicole." He said, I stayed silent, "she's annoyed."
"Am I supposed to feel like a five-year-old being told off by a teacher? Shall I sit on the naughty step?" I spat, putting the lid back on the fuel tank, and walking back on board.
"You should have some respect." He said, grabbing my collar.
"Are you threatening me?" I interrogated.
"You put me to sleep for three weeks!" He shouted, pinning me up against the wall with his arm against my neck.
I kicked his thigh where his wound was and he shrivelled back in pain,
"And how is putting me to sleep going to solve that?! You were sick- you would be in bed anyway- I would have to keep checking on you, we need to be in New York in a week! I can't keep looking after you like a baby!" I shouted,
"Just like you couldn't look after your own baby!" He responded, this really hit me.
"Courtney's miscarriage was not my fault!" I yelled, "it was you who left your daughter to die on a plane!" Immediately after I said that I knew that I shouldn't have.
"Too far." He said shaking his head and walked down stairs.
I felt like that was an unworthy win, and hoped that soon we would be able to forgive me for everything.

THE BOAT TRIP: Stampy And SquidWhere stories live. Discover now