Just Friends

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"Oh god.." I moaned, waking up from the bright white lights.
I was lying on the floor beside a bed in a strange room. David was lying beside me.
"Dave..." I moaned, crawling up to him.
"Huh..?" He murmured, rolling over to face me.
"Where are we?" I muttered,
"I've no clue.." David replied, "I had the weirdest dream last night.."
"Same..." I sighed. "Tsunamis and fires and stuff.."
Davids phone started ringing, he smiled, "I've got a good feeling about this." He said, walking up to the mirror and fixing his hair before he answered the FaceTime call.

It was Nicole. She was lying in a hospital bed, her hair fell gently over her shoulders and her eyes shone beautifully bright.
"Are you about to have a baby?" I asked her,
"No I just had a baby! Didn't you get my text?" She asked, something struck.
"Wait- what?! Am I a daddy?!" I asked, my mouth dropping in shock.
"Yeah! Little Ollie is here!" She squeaked. My mouth was still wide open and my eyes started to water. She walked over to a small glass box and flipped the camera.
And there I saw him.
My perfect baby boy.
And this time I'd always be here for him.
I'd get it right this time.
A strong desire to protect him from.. Everything, drew me closer to the phone.
"Have we lost connection or are you just having a moment?" Nicole asked as I looked into my child's bright blue eyes. A tear stroked down my face.
"I'm still here.. Don't you dare turn the camera away." I said.
"He's beautiful isn't he?"
"He's the most perfect thing I've ever seen." I whispered. I couldn't stop looking at him.
"Where are you... What happened David?" Nicole asked,
"Don't worry about me.. Just.. Worry about him." I said,
"But where are you?! When can I see you?! When can we see you?" She asked,
"Tomorrow babe." I told her, "I'm in Cork."
"Cork?! David you're almost finished!" She exclaimed, I giggled with her,
"I'm almost done!" I chuckled, feeling so happy. Joe walked in the room,
"Joe look! Look at my baby boy!" I called, Joe walked over in his dressing gown,
"Oh my god!" He exclaimed, patting my shoulder, "oh Nicole that is a good looking baby!"
"Takes after his daddy's good looks." I added,
"Actually the midwives said that he looked just like his mother so HA!" Nicole joked,
"Congratulations you two, Ollie's got a good name to live up to." Joe said, patting my back and walking back into the bathroom with a toothbrush in his mouth.

"Look at you! Brushing your teeth!" Squid admired, "where'd you get the toothbrush and stuff?"
"The hotel came with a little spongebag." I replied, passing one over to squid.
"A little spongebagsquarepants for Squidward?" He said as he retrieved it. "Ooh! Shampoo! I'm having a shower!"
He walked into the bath and pulled the shower curtains over him, "this is a huge shower!" He admired as I finished brushing my teeth and washing my face. Unfortunately this hotel didn't come with any clean fresh clothes. So I just sprayed the supplied deodorant over our clothing to freshen them up again.
When David came out he dried his hair with the hairdryer, and for the first time in a while he genuinely did look good.
"What time is it?" He asked as he buttoned up his shirt.
I threw him his phone and he caught it in one hand.
"Eleven o'clock.. God that was a good sleep!" He admired. Flattening himself down. "So.. Home tomorrow?"
"Let's arrange to meet everyone at Southampton beach at 6pm tomorrow." David said. I nodded, "sounds good to me!" I said as he tweeted out. I then logged in to my account and I retweeted it.
"Congrats about your son man!" I said, wrapping my arm around his neck, David put up his phone and took a selfie of us.
I finally felt so happy, after months of arguments, heart breaks and danger. We were basically safe.
I couldn't wait for 6pm tomorrow.
I knew everything would be just fine..

David and I walked over to the lift and pressed the button for the ground floor, a red light came on.
"Don't know why but I thought that was a fire." David said.
"You know what I thought exactly the same thing..." I replied, confused. "How did we even get to this hotel in the first place?"
"I feel like we got high or something." David said as the doors opened and we walked out.
"Are you two okay?" A lady asked, for some reason her face reminded me of a snake. She wasn't a snake. She was a perfectly fine looking lady.. Why a snake Joe?
"Yes we were just leaving.. Here's the key." I handed it to her.
"You two were in pretty bad shape last night. You alright?"
"Y..yeah I think so?" I guessed, feeling confused.
"So this is Cork.. Which means Southampton is... That way." I said pointing.
"No Stampy that'd be the way we came from and it would bring us back to America.. " he held my hand as I pointed and moved it to the other way.
"That would be Southampton." Squid assured.
"Alright- you're the captain." I said. He put his hand on his heart and said "awwe."
We then walked down to the quay where our beast of a dingy was tied up, and when I say beast I mean a really ugly looking messed up beast.
"Time to go home Stampylongnose." David said, walking onboard and sitting down on his side,
"Lead the way, BallisticSquid." I told him,
"IBallisticsquid." He said. Looking out to the sea before I untied the ropes and he turned on the motor.
"So.. This is it... The final stretch. The last couple hundred miles to home." I said, feeling an unbelievable sensation. This could easily be one of the happiest days of my life. David had a new baby, he had a new family. And so did I.
And as we bounced along the endless waves back towards England: I knew, I knew that we weren't just friends anymore.


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