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"So this is home for the next couple of weeks." Beth said, unlocking her hotel room
I looked around, "looks cosy, how long have you been here for?"
"Oh, I arrived yesterday." Beth said.
"Yesterday.." I sighed, thinking of David's daughter.. Yesterday was her last day.. Nobody expected it at all..
"You okay?"
"Yeh.. Just.. Can't believe she's gone." I sighed.
"Do you want a cuppa?" Beth asked,
"PG tips?"
"You're on!" Beth said, smiling. Taking out a cup and boiling the kettle.
I sat down on a sofa at the end of Beth's bed. Beth wrapped her legs either side of my waist. I held onto her hips. She wore a short low-cut black dress with a scarf wrapped around her.
Beth put her hands on my cheeks, she closed her eyes and moved in to kiss me before the kettle finished boiling. I put a finger over her lips before saying,
"Tea first!"
Beth rolled her eyes, rolling down her dress and letting go of me, walking up to the kettle.
I stood behind her as she poured the water into the mug, putting my hands on her hips and resting my chin on her shoulder.
"You look beautiful today." I told her, she smiled, "how long did it take you to get ready?"
"Why do you ask?" She questioned, turning around and handing me a cup of tea.
I took a sip before placing the cup back on the counter,
"Just.. How annoyed would you be if I smudged your lipstick?" I grinned,
"It's liquid lipstick, it shouldn't budge." She replied, putting her arms around my neck.
I lifted her up as she jumped onto me,
"Honey I have no idea what the difference is." I said. Holding her up and kissing her, I lay down on the bed, she knelt on top of me,
"You've been practicing." She noticed,
"I have." I replied as Beth undid the buttons of my shirt.
"How many people have you kissed since you left England?" She asked me, kissing my neck.
"Four?" Beth gasped, pulling down my jeans.
"Yeh, You, Eva, Courtney and David." I admitted,
"So you and David did hook up?"
"Yeh, it's a long story." I said, thinking about the disco in Spain.
"I've got all night." She said, lying flat on the bed.
I began to slide my hands up her dress before she put her hands over my eyes,
"Tea first." She giggled.

It was getting dark, I sat in Lily's hotel room.
I still felt so empty. I couldn't find the right emotions, the right words to describe how I felt.
"I should probably get back to the boat soon." I said. Standing up,
"No please.. Please don't leave me." Lily said, grabbing my hand. "My daughter is dead, the best thing that ever happened to me is dead, please don't let me sleep alone."
"Lily, all being said, you are getting married, I can't sleep with an engaged woman."
"Are you seriously incapable of sleeping with someone without getting them pregnant?" Lily laughed.
I rolled my eyes, climbing under the covers of the bed and staring into Lily's eyes.
"I'm so happy I did chemistry for A-Level." I said, smiling as a tear fell from my eye. "Did you ever get your results?" I asked,
"Yeh, I got a B." Lily said, smiling,
"So did I." I laughed, "obviously our revision at your house helped."
"Our lives are never going to be the same now." Lily told me. Looking up at the ceiling.
"Lily. We had the best of times together. The best." I said. My eyes watering. "But our time is up.. "
Lily turned around and looked at me. "Not you too." She whispered.
I put a hand on her cheek. "I only knew her for three weeks, you took care of her for ten years." I said.
"So this is the end.." Lily looked down.
I closed my eyes and kissed Lily on the lips. I felt myself crying as I softly bit her bottom lip, knowing this was the end.
After I pulled away Lily kept her eyes closed.
"Thank you." I whispered in her ear, before putting my shoes and jacket back on. I took one last look at Lily Greenwood, the girl that changed my life.
Then I walked out the door.

Beth lay on top of me, running her fingers along my chest. She looked at the bullet wound.
"Tom wanted one of us to die." I said, "Sarah, David or me.. I thought that when I survived this we were all lucky, we all survived but.. Then the plane had to crash and ruin everything."
Beth pulled the covers over us, she touched the scar making me gasp in pain.
"It still hurts?" She asked as I wrapped my legs around hers.
"Well, a bullet pierced through my skin at 200mph three weeks ago, it kinda does hurt." I laughed, wrapping Sqaishey in my arms. I leant back against the wall as Beth kissed me on the lips, looking at all our clothes on the floor.
"Wait." I said as she kissed me, I shuffled along grabbing my phone. Beth slid down between my legs as I scrolled through my contacts to David's number.
"No, not now." I told Beth, standing up, putting on my trousers again. "Two seconds." I said, walking into the bathroom and calling David.

I was back on the StampingSquid, alone.
It was about ten o'clock.
I lay on the top of the boat watching the stars, my eyes couldn't focus because of the tears.
My phone rang, I put my head down. I didn't want to answer it. I just wanted to lie here and die. But.. It was Joe.
"Hi.." I moaned,
"Hi mate are you okay?" He asked. I just laughed, my daughter died today.
"Yes. I'm fine." I said, sarcastically. "Have you got somewhere to stay?"
"Yeh I'm with Beth, have you?"
"Y..yeh yeh I've got a place." I lied,
"Are you alone?" He asked,
" I'm fine. Really." I lied. Tears streaming down my cheeks. "You go have f-fun with Sqaishey. Don't worry about me." I said before hanging up.
I set my phone down and looked up at the starry sky.
Why Sarah? Why..

THE BOAT TRIP: Stampy And SquidWhere stories live. Discover now