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The plane landed in Madagascar at 1pm, I bought a motor bike and cycled all the way to the beach, while in a constant call with Joe.
"Joe where the hell is the boat?"
"Dave I don't know, I can only give co ordinates!" Joe responded.
"I've been cycling on the ring road for almost an hour now mate!" I laughed, "I'm sweating buckets! I'm gonna melt!" I yelled while driving down the dusty road.
Palm trees surrounded what had just turned into an off piece dirt track, but I had to break suddenly because a family of cute fluffy meerkats were standing in the middle of the path.
"Oh my god Joe, there's at least twelve meerkats all surrounding me!" I chuckled as they slowly crawled over to me and nibbled at my feet, "so cute!" I petted their soft heads before revving the engine and carried on driving.
"I'm surprised that sea isn't fu*king boiling over in this heat!" I told Joe, laughing, "I came from a rainy autumn in England to this!"
After about another half hour of travelling I saw, in the distance, the outline of a boat, I skidded down the hill, dodging the jungle trees until I reached the sandy beach, the boat was indeed the StampingSquid.
I noticed Stampy fast asleep, shirtless on the deck, I couldn't help but smile. We were indeed in paradise: as he described it.
I walked along the dock with my bike beside me, before placing it inside the boat as quietly as I could.
I walked back up on deck and splashed Joe's face with water.
Joe immediately sat up, spitting out the water before looking straight at me, our smiles were never so big.
"Hey!" He said, standing up and hugging me as I laughed. Closing my eyes, I was so happy to see him.
"How are ya mate?!" I asked patting his back and sitting down beside him.
"I'm great how the hell are you?!" He asked me,
"Oh y'know, same old same old.." I said sarcastically,
"Yeh right you've just been through hell!"
"Yeh, England's a shithole." I laughed,
"Oi I'm from there you sweaty bastard!" Joe laughed, nudging me with his elbow. This was the happiest I had been in a long time.
"So I guess we've given up on the whole 'not swearing' thing." I laughed, leaning back on the seat, admiring the amazing view.
"Pfft, you think we would ever be able to keep that up?" Stampy laughed, "anyway what would you like to drink, sir?"
"Eh.. I should probably just have water."
"Yeh.. But you've been through a lot.."
"In that case, I'll have a glass of champagne please, sir."
I followed Stampy downstairs into the all too familiar lounge and kitchen area. He had moved some things around. He had put down the table on the left side of the room and put one up on the right. He moved the camera to another side of the room and pinned a map of the world up on the wall.
"Wow, so you've switched it up a bit." I admired, looking around.
"Yeh well, i didn't want you to feel haunted in here." Joe said, I took a deep breath, looking at the corner of the room where I sat for a full day with a gun constantly pointed at my head.
I could still see myself there, and I always would.
I jumped when Stampy put his hand on my shoulder.
"Sorry." I apologised, "just.."
"I know, I know. But it's over now, you're safe, your family is safe and the boat is safe, and I will do everything in my power to keep it that way." He said. Before he held up a glass of champagne. I smiled and took the glass, walking back up onto the deck.
"So.. Mister Spencer, where next?" Joseph asked me.
I smiled, opening up the map of the world.


The Boat Trip had begun again.


"So what did you tell me you used to work as before you tubed?" I asked,
"Sorry... What?"
"Before you tubed, like.. Became a you tuber." I clarified, sipping the wine.
"Have you had a little too much to drink?"
"What? No..." I responded,
"No! Not you! that's what I asked people, I worked at a bar, I got people drunk then kicked them out."
"Well that's a mean thing to do why would you do that?!"
"Sorry what are we talking about again?" Joe asked, I laughed, forgetting myself.
We leaned against the side of the boat until Joe lost his balance and fell off the side.
"Joe!" I yelled, his head popped up in the water as he held onto the bottom of the boat, my eyes widened,
"Joseph get away from the rudder!" Having the ominous vision of what would happen if Joe hit the rudder.
"Dave the engine is off! It's not spinning mate!"
"Oh yeh.. Just stay away from it."
Joe rolled his eyes and swam back to the ladder.
I heard a phone vibrating, it was my phone, which had now turned into basically our landline or 'the phone' as there was only one.
I looked down to the phone to see who it was: to my surprise it was Tom.
"Joseph!" I called, while he walked back onboard.
"Yeh, what's up?"
"Should I answer it?" I asked,
"Who is it?" He asked wiping himself with a towel.
"Tom- brother." I said,
"Yeh, go ahead." He said, taking off his shirt and replacing it with another dry one.
I picked up the phone and took another sip of wine.
"Tom?" I said, swallowing.
"Hey Dee are you alright?"
"Yeh, yeh I'm fine are you alright?"
"Yeh but dad-"
"What about dad..... Oh..."
"I thought you weren't allowed to drink after your op."
I laughed a bit, "shhh! I'm not drinking!"
"Yes you are! Bro you're smashed!"
"It's been a long day, I'm in Madagascar!"
"Yeh I know, you're all over Twitter."
"We are?"
"You guys were already famous, but you're viral, you both gained over two hundred thousand followers, especially you, bro. You guys are going down in history."
I was in shock. I just held the phone to my mouth.
"W-Whaa?" I squeaked,
"Yeh you've got famous people following you, like really famous people."
"D-D..d..." I studdered, I couldn't stop smiling.
"Go have fun, bro." He laughed.
"It's been a good one."

I put the phone down.
Maybe it was just the alcohol, but I felt an amazing feeling of excitement inside of me.
I told Joe the news, we clashed our glasses to it, before we fell asleep.

THE BOAT TRIP: Stampy And SquidWhere stories live. Discover now