The Last Words

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I looked at Squid as tears fell from his face.
He had just found out about his daughter.. About his girlfriend.. They were both still alive. They had been alive for ten years when David didn't have a clue.
Lily had watched her child's father grow older, grow famous and turn their little inside joke into a job, She had raised their child and watched David turn into the man he is now for ten years. Ten years without saying a word.

Now he had to shoot one of us.
His ten year old daughter or me..

He had to shoot me. He couldn't shoot his daughter.

"I can't do this, I won't do this." He said, standing in front of the gun.
"If you don't shoot I shoot everybody, and Lily."

David shook his head and picked up the gun.
Sarah looked up at him with big eyes blue eyes, "dad?" She whispered. He looked over at her, I tried to feel the pain he was in, the shock and the horror.
"You can shoot me." She said. "You've known Stampy for years you've only met me today, it would be wrong to save me."

I couldn't let Squid shoot her, I had to convince him to shoot me. It would be so wrong, we could not let a child die because we wanted to save ourselves. Never mind David's daughter.
I had to make Squid want to shoot me, I had to make him hate me..
"You heard the girl, shoot her!" I said. Dying inside.
"What?" David asked, confused,
"Come on! We've known each other for over seven years! I made you famous! Don't you want more money?! I can't believe you're even hesitating, you have always been so stupid so fu-"
"Shut up." David moaned,
"So stupid.." I carried on.
"Shut the hell up!" David cried, pointing the gun at me. A tear streamed down his cheek.
"I can tell when you're acting, Stampy. You're trying to make it..  easier for me to kill you." He said, shaking the gun as he pointed it at me.
This was it..
This was the end..
Stampy is killed my Squid.
I never marry Sqaishey.
I never have kids of my own.
I'll never say goodbye to my channel or my friends.
Just this friend:
This amazing friend.
After all, I deserved this. I deserved to die.
Squid moved closer to me, and planted the gun against my head.
"Just friends." He said, Focusing on the trigger.
"Just friends." I replied, closing my eyes with fear.
Any moment now I'd be dead.. I'd be gone..
I'd forget all I ever did in this life. It would all vanish. A whole life..
I looked into David's eyes before I said my final words,
"Good bye Squid."


But he couldn't do it.
"I can't do this." He chocked, lowering the gun.
"You have to!" I yelled, still terrified for my life.
"I can't kill you! You're my best friend I love you!" David cried, before he put the gun up to his own head.
I was in too much shock to stop him.. He... He was going to kill himself..
"I'm sick of your stupid plans Amud! I'm sick of all of this!" David said, pressing the gun firmly against his head with his fingers on the trigger.
"Dave.. Dave please don't do this your kid-"
Then loud speakers made a squeaking noise.
"David? Sarah? Tom?" It was Lily again,
"Tom who's Tom?" David asked, I opened my eyes again.
"Y-your brother, he took Sarah.. Is he trapped with you too? What happened?"

"Tom.." David sighed, looking the glass, "this can't be true."
Amud stepped up to the glass.
"The benefits of being bald, being good at art and good at drama." He began,
"You can become anyone."

Amud took a damp cloth and began to wipe his face before turning around.
"No.. No Jesus no.." David breathed, taking a step back.
Amud turned back around.. Only it wasn't Amud.. It was Tom.
Fear exploded inside of me.. It had been Tom all along..

"Pass me the gun." Tom said,
"I'd like to state that under no circumstances shall my money go to Thomas Spencer, my witnesses are Lily Greenwood and Joseph Garrett. I state clearly my will, in which all the items I possess should go to my mother, and money should be given... Given to Alopecia UK."
This changed the facial expression on Tom's face, as he was the one who suffered from Alopecia.
"I thought nobody knew about Lily." David said,
"I knew. I watched you." Tom replied. Looking down at his brother.
"Did Dad tell you to do this?"
"No I told dad to do what he did." Tom said.
I covered my eyes with my hands. Fatigue buried me. I sensed a bad omen.

"You're my big brother." David said, heart broken. "You were supposed to look after me, I looked up to you." David said as he slid the gun under the glass.
"You haven't the courage to shoot someone." Tom said,
"Have you?" I asked him.
Tom glared at him,
"Yes." He said, "I do."
The gun fired.

I was terrified, did he shoot David?!
I took one step towards David before my torso cramped and I felt an immense pain in my ribs.
I looked down at my chest so see my white shirt bleed to red.
It wasn't David he shot.. It was me.
I looked up at David before I clutched my chest, "j-j-just friends.." I managed to stumble out before I blacked out and fell to the ground.

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