Mixed Feelings

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For the next couple nights I slept on the sofa to give David some space as he was still recovering from his injury.
When I woke up the sky was clear and the air was humid. I looked around to see where we were: just to the west of Portugal.
My phone rang, I was startled as I hadn't heard a noise in days. It was Courtney Holt. I cleared my throat before answering my phone.
"Hello." I said, my voice was husky and low pitched.
"Hey, are you okay?" My boss asked sympathetically,
"Y-yes Mrs Holt." I replied,
"And what about David?" She asked, I had to tell her the truth,
"To tell the truth: no. He slipped and hit his head very badly on the anchor a couple days ago." I told her,
She almost shrieked, "-and, and is he okay?"
I put a hand on my head, "his speech has mostly recovered and he is a lot more aware now, but he is still in a lot of pain."
"Where abouts are you? Can you get any help?"
"We can't, we are miles off the coast of Portugal."
"And how much water do you have?"
"Only one more tank, we are going to need to stop off somewhere some time soon to get more."
"Has anything much happened?" She asked me, "apart from this?"
"Oh god yeah, quite a bit." I thought about breaking up with Beth, about the midnight swim, about David and my fallout, about what happened in Spain.
"So- what has been happening in the real world?" I asked her,
"Well, the whole brexit thing is coming along- William and Kate are expecting another baby and your videos are going down great- many people were thinking of trying to meet up with you somewhere on your journey."
"So like- South Africa or something we could say hello for a bit."
"Yeah, something like that, but I'm sure you couldn't give dates yet."
"No, we won't be there for like another two months." I sighed, wiping the sweat from my brow: I had been looking after David for almost a week, feeding him, giving him water, stress had overwhelmed me: I missed my family and friends at home.
"...are you okay?" Mrs Holt asked me, a tear fell from my eye, I bit my lip shaking my head, then out of the blue: David walked up the steps, I put my head up and I couldn't stop smiling as my nose tensed and another tear fell down from my eye,
"Oh I'm fine Mrs Holt, I'm absolutely fine." I smiled.

Courtney Holt ended the call, I put down my phone and stood up and hugged David,
"I guess I did a silly." Squid laughed, I hugged him harder,
"Oh god, mate." More tears fell down my face.
"You go and have a lie down mate, I'll drive for a bit."
"No you're-"
"I'm okay, I'm fine, it's just like a headache now. Please. You need to relax."
"I won't le-"
"Then at least just sit here then, beside me." He sat down on the bench and I sat beside him. The sky was clearing, a blue sky emerged from the grey stratus clouds.

We sat in silence for a while, watch the waves drift by. I thought again about my family.. My cat, my dog.. Beth. But, but Beth didn't love me..
"Should I ring Beth?" I asked my friend,
"Well.. Y'know.. Break the ice a bit.. I'd like to keep my cat at least.."
"You technically haven't broken up with her."
"We were never technically a thing."
"What do you mean?"
"Ive never like.. Kissed her before.."
"But what about when we were leaving-"
"I mean I've never like.. Kissed her before."
"Wait- so you actually are just friends."
"Well what classifies as a girlfriend? I share a house with her, I share a bed, I share pets, a series, Christmas-"
"Do you love her?" He asked me, which was probably the hardest question anyone had ever asked me,
"Do you love her, Stamps?"
"I- I don't know.."
"Then you don't, that question should only have a yes and a no, like: I love Nicole, and if anything happened to her I would be devastated, I'm sure you really like her, but if you loved her you would know."
I bit my lip, "just friends..." I sighed,
"Just friends."
"Oh my god!" David yelled, standing up and pointing at something in the ocean, I turned around: Dolphins, Dolphins everywhere, about twenty, gliding up and under the boat, swiftly souring through the air before dipping back underwater.
"That's amazing!"
The sun started to seat as the Dolphins squeaked at us, one of them swam up to us and we stroked its soft wet skin, laughing,
"This is incredible: Wild Dolphins!" David walked over and grabbed the camera to film everything, the Dolphins swimming up to us, the silhouettes in the sunset. 
It was beautiful.

David and I ended the night making love to our bottles of beer and sailing in the quiet starlit sky. Once we had finished one bottle, we sipped on another, then downed another and another and another and-

"Stampy!" David sounded shocked as he put his two arms on my shoulders.
"Squiddy!" I replied, putting my hands on his waist,
"Dance with me." He whispered romantically, I tried my best not to snort.

So we danced around the small deck on the boat, gazing into each other's intoxicated eyes. Trying our best not to fall over.
"I love you Nicole." He whispered in my ear before kissing my neck.
"Wait- Mate?!" I pushed him away, he opened his eyes and glared at me,
"What were you kissing me for?!" He yelled,
"I wasn't kissing you you were kissing me!"
"Oh was I- must have mistaken you for someone else."
I chuckled .
"Let's play a game." He said, "have you got a pencil and a paper?"
"And a paper?" I mocked, "yes, yes I do." I grabbed some paper and a pen.
"Write the name of someone and stick it on my head and I have to guess who it is." I laughed as I came up with the name.

I wrote iBallisticSquid on Davids forehead, trying to see how he would judge himself.
"Am I a man?" He asked me,
"Yes, most of the time"
"Am I good looking?"
I snorted, "um.. To some people." I giggled,
"It has to be yes or no, Stampy!"
"Okay.. Yes you are quite good looking."
"Am I smart?"
"Mm... Quite smart."
"Am I fat?"
"Am I younger than thirty?"
"Y..yes just about."
"Do people like me?"
"Eh... Most people like you, but some people find you annoying.."
"Do I smell nice?"
"No." I joked, laughing,
"Do I play video games?"
"Am I good at them?"
"Ehh.. Not the best."

Squid then thought out loud, "a man, most of the time, quite good looking, a bit smart, not fat, just about younger than thirty, some people like me, others just find me annoying, Smelly, is bad at video games.." He then burst out laughing,

"I'm you aren't I!"

THE BOAT TRIP: Stampy And SquidWhere stories live. Discover now