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The days bled into weeks. We watched To Kill a Mockingbird another three times, but we hardly spoke. Taking shifts of rowing and sleeping. Not having a clue where we were. We had no way of washing ourselves, the ocean was salty and freezing. Food was running scarce. We had limited ourselves to a quarter of a litre of water everyday. Leaving us hungry and dehydrated.
My hair was a mess, we basically hadn't moved in the last four weeks since our initial boat sank.

I was rowing the boat, sitting in the middle, following the stars. My arms ached from pushing the weight of the boat along the treacherous tides. Stampy's head moved up, he had been sick for the last week. Horribly sea sick in this weather.
But tonight there was a glitch.
A leak in this horrible storm.
It was a beautiful clear black night. The stars gleamed in the autumnal sky.
Streaks of green, blue and purple flooded the sky. A beautiful, blinding light danced in the sky.
"Joe wake up." I said,  poking him. I put the oars back in the boat, staring up at the magical sky.
"Joseph, look." I said, nudging him again. He woke up to see the Aurora lights, dancing in the sky.
The water was calmer, suddenly everything felt worth while, the endless travelling, the sea sickness, the fights, the deaths, nothing I'd ever seen was as amazing as this.
Just friends. Here. On a tiny raft in this huge ocean, watching the world show off, these beautiful Northern lights.
I looked at Joe, he was leaning back against the side of the boat, looking out at the stars with a blanket wrapped around him.
"Amazing isn't it?" I sighed, patting his shoulder: I was still worried about him. After his breakdown last week with the gun I had been constantly alert.
That was twice he'd tried to kill me. Twice he would have killed me if I hadn't dodged or taken the bullets out of the gun.
"Dave.." He began, I listened, watching the sky dance.
"I'm sorry I wasn't myself."
"I know." I intruded. Gulping.
"You're taking care of me but I know you're scared of me."
I began to feel anxious again.
"You tried to kill me." I stated, "-again."
"I'm sorry.." He admitted again, looking down,
"You're just like my brother." I muttered. "Stamps I want to forgive you but.."
He nodded, "I promise.. This will never happen again."
"Well it better not! And now I'm worried about you doing something to yourself! Can you promise you won't hurt yourself? Promise you won't just-" but I caught his gaze. It was the saddest gaze. As if he knew.. He knew what I meant.. That I thought he might kill himself..
"Promise me Joseph." I begged, glaring into his eyes.
He nodded, "I promise." He said, wrapping his arms around me and burying his head in my neck.
"Oh god stamps I just want to go home.." I sighed, looking out at the sky.
"I'd die for a cup of tea right now." He replied,
"Ooh, even a coffee, just something."
"I wanna lie in a big comfy bed.." He hallucinated,
"With a mattress!" I added,
"And a cat at the end of the bed."
"Ooh.. Several cats!" I said,
"-And a dog!"
"Several dogs! And I can bring them for walks in the cars!"
"The cars which are parked outside a house! A big house!"
"And the house has a big comfy sofa where I can order a pizza.."
"Or cook a nice steak in the kitchen.."
"Mm.. Steak.. Or a curry!"
"Oh yes! And then some chocolates afterwards.."
"And I can curl up in the sofa and watch a movie that's not To Kill a Mockingbird."
"And we can see... People.. Like.. Real-life people on land!"
"We can go to the shop! We can have a real shower!"
"And a toilet that doesn't need pumped! There's just a button and it flushes!"
"I could even have a bath!"
"I'd even happily go for a run!"
"I could run for ours! Roll around on the grass!"
"Climb a tree or something.."
"Yeah.. Home.." I sighed. I just missed home.. "But when we go home it'll all be changed.. With marriage and kids... YouTube will be taking the backseat I'm afraid."
"Yeah.. Same.. I mean I love it but.. I just wanna go home." Stampy admitted,
"How long have we been travelling for?" I asked him,
"About one and a half years- 18 months." He replied.
"Wow.. Seems like yesterday since we left."
"Yeah.. Back in Spain.." I sighed, giving a chuckle. "In HappyClub."
"Oh yeah, with that awful big hairy old man that was about to give you a big slobbery kiss." Joe laughed,
"Eew... Yeah.. I remember him.. His big straggly beard with bits of food in it." I said, "how could I forget, my face was contaminated by his big yellow hands! I swear I had acne for weeks after that!"
"You were proper traumatised!" Joe laughed, reminiscing.
"Ooh that was funny.. I wonder if they'll show the footage of that in the actual TV show." I wondered,
"Well.. considering all the rest of our tapes were in the Stamping Squid which is now at the ocean floor.. I'm not sure if this TV show will even continue." Said Stampy, I suppose he had a fair point.
"Damn we better be paid for this." I sighed, "I swear.. All this for nothing.."
"We'll be alright." Stampy began, "because we will be able to say we did it. We sailed around the world. We've travelled to five different continents, met and lost people, had our hearts shattered into a million pieces.. But we got through. As just friends."
I smiled at him, he was getting back together again.
"Well that was cheesy." I remarked.
"Yeah, you're right there's definitely something wrong with me." He laughed, lying back down on the floor.
I draped a blanket over him as he fell asleep. For once I felt like I trusted him again. For once I felt like we could possibly make it home.

THE BOAT TRIP: Stampy And SquidWhere stories live. Discover now