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I fired the gun in fury before turning around. I just shot someone.. I just shot Da-
I turned around and he was gone. Not a trace.
"Dave.." I began to feel scared.. "Dave are you here? Dave.. Are you alive?" I searched around the sides of the boat. No sign.. Had I shot him off the boat?
I didn't feel that satisfaction now that he was gone.
I didn't feel that I had avenged Eva.. I wasn't even sure that she needed avenging..
I felt a strong current of loneliness dragging me away from life.
The Red Sea was called the Red Sea for a reason, because of the ancient Egyptian Pharaoh who killed all children in the city of Cairo by drowning them in this sea. Today the Red Sea became a deeper shade of red..

I walked downstairs, leaving the engine on auto pilot I lay down in bed. Gazing over at where David had slept, the quilts were still rough. I lay on my back. Terror filled inside of my stomach.. What have I done?

Just as Stampy fired the bullet I managed to duck and jump off the boat, out of sight. I quickly swam towards the ladder which was tucked up under the boat and grabbed hold of it.
I struggled to see under the water, and to choose the correct times to put my head up and breathe. I couldn't stay like this for too long- I needed food and water. I was dangerously close to the engine, under the boat.

When night fell I quietly pulled down the ladder. I dried myself using the towel which I had used as a pillow when I was unconscious. Before I tip toed downstairs.
I was terrified.
There wasn't a trace of a gun anywhere which suggested that he had taken it into the cabin with him.
I opened the drawer and grabbed a water bottle and a whole load of bread- I needed protein too: I looked around but all the meat was raw and I couldn't risk cooking anything.
I grabbed a sachet of ham from the fridge then went up into the indoor driving area- we hardly ever went in there, it was unlikely that he would in the next couple weeks- I wasn't sure when I'd have to reveal myself, he'd figure out eventually that it was me who was stealing the food during the night.

As I walked in the room I felt freezing. I only wore a pair of shorts and carried a towel around my shoulders: it was the first time on this trip that I had shivered.
I looked around for a place to hide, however the only place that seemed possible to hide in was the large cabinet.
I opened it up and looked at the bottom shelf where it was completely empty apart from a few blankets. I immediately took the blankets and wrapped them around me. Then as the boat tilted, the cabinet closed itself.
The one way to see through the wooden cabinet was the small gap between the hinges of the doors. But I didn't care to see. I just would wait and wait until I had no choice but to go out.

Days past. Stampy never went into the indoor driving area. Every night I would go and take more food and water until one day..

Stampy walked into the room where I was. My heart sank as I grabbed hold of the doors so that they wouldn't open.

The room was unusually warmer than the rest of the house. There were a few crumbs on the floor however I never recalled eating in here with David.
I searched around to find the footage that David asked me to look at before he died.. Please tell me that he was just asking me to look at the footage to bribe me to not pull the trigger.. Please..
I searched around everywhere for a disc. On the desk, under the desk.. In the cabinet..? I hadn't checked the cabinet.
I pulled on the handles but it wouldn't open, I cursed under my breath, trying again,
"Where's the bloody key..?" I muttered, but I couldn't find it anywhere.
Then, I saw a box full of discs, these were the week's footage. I flicked through till I found the disc with a date corresponding to the date Eva died.

I carefully placed the disc in a DVD player. Feeling uneasy. As if someone was watching me.

I fast forwarded to when I had just walked out to meet Eva. David was alone on the boat for a couple hours;

David sat downstairs, in the kitchen. He tapped his fingers on the counter before there was a knock on the door. He coughed and let a tall, tanned man, aged between forty and fifty.
"H-hello.." David began sharply.
"Do you know those people?" The man asked, pointing out the window to see Eva and I kissing.
"Y-yes.." He said, I saw him give a faint smile as he looked at us.
"That is against the law." The man said. David's face dropped as he stared at the man.
"And those who disregard the law have to be punished-"
"No.." David began. "No, what are you implying?"
The man opened the drawer of a cupboard where we kept our guns.
"Suppose one of the two were to die.."
"I would like you to get out now please." David said as he started pushing the man out towards the door, until the man pulled the gun against his neck.
"I will kill the girl or the boy. Who?"
"You can't make me decide! Don't kill either of them!" David yelled, sitting down on the sofa.
"This is the law." The man said sternly.
"Then kill me!! Kill me instead!" He cried.
"But it was not you who broke the law."
"I don't care! Kill me! Don't kill my friends! Please!"
"Listen!" The man yelled, pointing the gun right at David's head.
"I will kill either the girl or the boy, or you see that school over there?" I looked at the school, "I will kill every single person in it. Every little child. A whole life ahead of them."
David sat down and put his hands against his mouth: the hardest decision of his life.
The man took a bullet from the gun,
"What are you doing?" David asked him. In stress and despair.
"Preparing.. Now, have you decided?" The man asked, putting the gun down.
"Either the children.. Joe.. Or Eva.." He sighed, looking out the window again. A tear fell from his eye. "I'm never going to forgive myself for this."
"You won't shoot."
"But I'm ending someone's life either way! And someone is going to figure out either way that it was me!" His face was going white with fear.
"So who will it be? The poor young children, or the wealthy, happy couple."
Squid wiped his brow then cleared his throat. "Eva." He said.
"The girl? Not the man?" The man was shocked.
"Don't you dare lay a finger on anyone else!" He yelled. Before the man took the bullet and left.

As I looked at David crying on the counter I realised something: I was wrong.. I was wrong and it meant that I killed an innocent man.. A man forced into choosing between a whole school of children which reminded him of his child, Sarah. Or just one girl who reminded him of his girlfriend. He saved his child.. And he saved me.
I found myself feeling so lost, so alone.. No one would ever want to be associated with me: I shot my best friend! I shot him! I could turn back to England and make up a lie but who wants to live a lie?! Even the guide to Morocco told us to 'not get attached to anyone'. This is my fault. I got myself into this mess.
Tears fell from my face as I sat on the chair holding my eyes in my hands. Terrified to take a glance up at this world that I ruined: until I heard footsteps.
I looked up and David was staring at me. Hope. Hope filled inside of me, as my eyes blinked open. He's alive.. He is alive.. But I had no words.. No words to say to him.
So he spoke to me in a croaked voice. "I am sorry, I was wrong, and I know sorry won't bring back the dead. But look." I looked down at his fragile bony and bloodstained body. his ribs were highly visible and his cuts hadn't healed. My breathing increased with stress and relief.
"You should not be sorry, and you were definitely not wrong." I told him, with tears in my eyes. I couldn't speak anymore. This humiliation was too much for me. I buried my face in my arms as sweat meandered down my face.
I saw David look down at me. I looked up, feeling useless.
"Can I trust you?" He asked me. I wasn't sure. After what I did to him he shouldn't.. So he asked me a question again,
"Can you trust me?"
I hesitated whilst looking at his dishevelled body, I had done so much horrible things to him. I had treated him so badly. So badly. I nodded. I could trust him.
He took my hand. "Just friends." He sighed.
I nodded, "just friends."

THE BOAT TRIP: Stampy And SquidWhere stories live. Discover now