Dead or Alive

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After David fell asleep I left him and was escorted to where the crew had their lunch.
It was a small oblong room with white walls and white flooring with one long table.
"Hi Joe." They said, I sat down beside them.
"How is he?" They asked,
"He's... Getting there. Just a bit shaken." I said,
"Glad he's alright, give him a couple days and I'm sure he'll be a little less panicked. By the way you were awesome yesterday."
"Me? Really?" I was flattered.
"Yeh, God I've been training in the Maritime for years and I know I couldn't do that. You should think about joining."
"Hmm, I dunno, I don't think I'd have the guts to leave my job anytime soon."
"Well, what do you work as?"
"Heh, it's complicated.."

I gasped awake after countless nightmares.
It was supposedly mid day. Every time I closed my eyes I just saw Amud's face.. His blood shot eyes.. He haunted me everywhere .. I couldn't get rid of him as hard as I tried.
"Hey Mr Spencer are you okay?"
I nodded in shock.
"You don't look okay what's up?"
"It's probably psychosomatic.. But I just see that Somalian.. The one who got away.. I can't sleep because every time I close my eyes he's just there.. Waiting for me.. He's coming back.."
"He won't come back Mr Spencer. You've got the navy by your side."
"But I won't alw-" Nicole entered the room. I leaned back and my doctor left.

"David.." Nicole began, walking up to me and holding my hands, I leaned back against the wall in uneasiness.
"Dave.. I don't wanna hurt you."
"You already have.." I lifted up my phone.. Nicoles Twitter was open, the picture of Tom and Nicole cheek to cheek.. Smiling.. I had stared at that picture for hours reminding myself how unworthy I was.
"Dave we aren't-"
"Come home."
"Why.. Why do you want us to come home so much? We got given this challenge to get on a boat then go home that way no turning back, no planes, no going home till we go round the world. That is the plan. And if you've got something against it.. Say." I looked at her in confusion and sadness.
"I can't.. That's the reason.. They told me that I shouldn't .. They just really want you home.. "
"And.. I suppose you can't say who 'they' are...?" I sighed.
She shook her head. I bit my lip, a pang of sadness hit me.
"How.. How is Tom?" I asked,
"I.. I don't know." She sighed,
"You don't know?" I was confused,
"We were asked to take that picture, I live with my parents- I haven't been at the office or even the house in months."
I looked down. "What kind of freaks would get you to take a picture like that."
"They aren't freaks-"
"Maybe to you they aren't!"
"Trust me to you they aren't either."
"Oh so I know them.." My friends.. My friends .. Wanting me to come home.
I put my head back onto the pillow, my back ached with stiffness and pain stung from the stitches on my face.
"Nicole.. " I whispered, my eyes drew heavy, I reached out to touch her hands, "if- if I wanted to come home I would have already. Of course I miss you and my family. But the woman who gave us this challenge is dead. Don't you think that.. That the least I could do for her is carry on?" I closed my eyes.. Fear surrounded me.. I couldn't breathe.. I gulped, feeling trapped,
"Dave.. Dave I need to tell you something.. It's about Courtney..." She said, then my hands turned limp and my chest started to burn,
"Dave? Dave are you okay? David can you hear me?!" Nicole cried for help.. She.. She let go of my hand.. I was alone.. Unable to see.. Unable to breathe.. No one to touch.. I could only feel pain in my chest and see Amud's face.. Mocking me forevermore .

I was walking down towards my cabin when my radio which was attached to my belt buzzed, "Mr Garrett are you close to the medical office?"
My eyes widened.. David.
"Im coming.." I replied. Running towards the stairs up to the small hospital onboard.
"David has.." I entered the room as the woman spoke, I then saw her in person beside David who lay still on the bed, one nurse stood beside him. The others bowed their heads.
I dropped my radio in shock then walked towards them.
"What- what happened..." I asked..
My voice cracked. My mouth dropped.
"Dave?" "Dave!!"
"I'm so sorry.."
My jaw shivered, my nose and eyes tensed.
"No.." My eyes widened as I looked down at David.. Cold..
"David!" I cried, putting my hands on his head, biting my teeth together to stop myself from gasping with despair.
Tears streamed down my face as I put my head on his, people started to drag me away, but just in that moment..
"Wait!" I called, everyone stopped.
"Can you feel that?" I asked, with my fingers on his neck, I felt a pulse.
The nurses looked at eachother then moved me out of the way..
I cherished that pulse.. That imitation of the heart beat..
Hope: he was still alive.

I leaned up against the wall outside where David was being operated on. Nicole leaned beside me. Tears drenched her face as she looked straight forwards.
"You alright?" I asked her.
She nodded,
"What happened? Did he say anything to you?"
"He.. He told me that he wanted to stay.. Because.. Because of Courtney but.. ." She said. I nodded.
"He has every right to make his own decisions. So do you. Don't let people tell you what to do."
She nodded, before she broke into tears. I put my arms around her and hugged her, trying not to cry myself.
"I thought he was gone Joe.. I thought he was gone."
I nodded, a tear dripped from my nose as I tried to calm myself.

I had been waiting outside for hours. Sitting on a chair with a sketch pad, Nicole had a sketch pad too.
To amuse ourselves we have each other a thing to draw and we competitively drew wolves, horses, people, anything you could have thought of. Until our sketchbooks were full and a nurse came to speak to us.
"How is he?" I asked.
"He has just pulled through." She said, Nicole and I sighed with relief.
"When can we see him?" I asked,
"You're probably best waiting till morning, we need to clean him up."
I nodded. "Thank you." I told them. They knew I meant it.

I walked back up to my cabin, closed the door and fell to my knees, sliding down the door with my hands over my eyes.
I swiped my hands down my face till I opened my eyes and saw a camera..
My stomach churned.. Who was in my cabin..
"Joseph.. I know this isn't the best time.. But I need you to stay calm."
That voice.. That voice..
My eyes widened as I dared to look to my left..
To look into the eyes of my boss, fully alive,
Courtney Holt.

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