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Everyone waved as we left, I was driving the boat first, we'd take it in turns, until we could put it in auto pilot.
"Next time we come back here we'll be completely changed." Stampy said.
"How do you mean?"
"We will have travelled round the world, you don't think this is going to be easy do you?"
"Well I hope we make it back here one day." I said, looking at the dashboard; we were going forty knots, we were heading south-west: everything was good.

"So what's she called?" I asked,
"Yeah, the boat, she must have a name right? It's good luck."
"They're usually written on the side of the boat aren't they?"
"Yep- go see if you can see a name." I told him. He leaned over the edge,
"There's something written but I just can't read it from here, let me go down below deck."
"Here, do you want a life jacket?"
"No I'll be fine."
"Be careful mate." I said, carefully watching to see if he was okay.

I stared out at the sunlit sky, until I heard the sound of laughter,
"What's the name?!" I called, he walked back up to me.
"She's called The Stamping Squid."
I laughed, we both sat out on deck, a bright warm sky, glasses filled with champagne.
An amazing day.

"So stamps." I began, "are we constantly being recorded?"
"God the battery life on these cameras must be insane." I admired.
"I'm assuming they're constantly being charged."
"Well Maker Studios better hope so- I'm not turning back now."

I looked at Stampy, he looked at me,
"Here's to the Stamping Squid!" I said, we tipped glasses,
"-and may it sail forever smoothly!"
At that the boat hit a large wave which splashed all over us.
"Forever smoothly!" I imitated, laughing.

We had been sailing for about 2 hours before we saw France in the distance, I was driving and Stampy was navigating.
"Okay, so we want to bypass France and turn West for about 80 miles."
"80 miles.." I sighed,
"This really is going to be a long journey isn't it." I said,
"Yeh.. Will I get some food?"

I walked downstairs into the kitchen area, which was completely packed full of food and drink.
I reached out for a bowl and poured a packet of crisps into it. I then brought out one of my blankets.
"Hi mate." Squid said, "ooh Doritos!" He threw a crisp into his mouth then sipped the champagne.
"You must be tired, let me take over." It was beginning to get dark and Squid had been up for over 18 hours.
I sat in the driver's seat as Squid moved to the unusually comfy bench beside me.
I handed him a blanket.
"Oh my god this is like a cat." He wrapped the blanket around him, "it's actually so fluffy."

I saw the sun set in front of us. A bright blazing orange sky.
"Hey mate, let's see this." Squid whispered. And all at once; a flash of green light surrounded the world.
"Wow.." I sighed.
It was so incredible.

After a couple moments Squid was fast sleep.
As I looked at him as he lay on his back with his eyes closed with the deep purple sky behind him.
I smiled.
I turned the boat onto auto pilot and lifted him into our cabin. I gave him one pillow, I knew he only slept with one pillow, and I knew he liked to have a window open, and he didn't like waking up alone.
I set an alarm every three hours.
I sat down at the other side on the bed to Squid. I looked out the window.
Just the ocean.
As far as the eye could see.
It's a long way till the end.

I rolled into the bed. Being careful not to stray onto Squid's side of the bed.
I opened the skylight slightly and closed my eyes.

When the alarm rang at 3am I turned it off immediately. I was quite disorientated.
I reached out a torch and made my way up on deck, but I was forced to turn it off when I went outside.

Three in the morning.
Only one other person in a 20 mile radius.
All alone.
The brightest night.
A sky of a billion stars.
I breathed in the fresh continental air, looking out at the tiny specks of light, trillions of light years away.


This stunning world.

I suddenly heard a 'Wow.'
Squid walked out on deck.
I turned the engine off as we took it in.

"You never really appreciate the universe till the universe appreciates you." He said.

"What's the water like?" He asked, dipping his hand in the water. "Ooh it's actually quite warm."
"How warm?" I asked,
"Luke warm." He said.
I smiled. "Can you help me put the anchor down?"
"It's 3am."
"It's my life."
He smiled. "Alright you go up front."
We both lowered the anchor, "okay it's hit the bottom- how deep is it?"
"It's about twelve meters deep."

I looked up again at the stunning sky.
"What a life." I said. I looked over at squid.
All at once he took off his shirt "Woo!" He dived into the sea. I burst out laughing as his head bobbed out of the enormous ocean. I shook my head then took my t-shirt off and jumped in.
When I rose up Squid took my hand and we leaned against the boat.

Just us.


And the rest of eternity.

"Do you believe?" He asked me.
"In what?"
"Life after death?"
"I.. I don't know." I admitted, looking up at the sky, "but I believe in something."
"Everyone believes in something, what do you believe in?"
I looked at him,


"I know, I just know, that you will do this, even if I'm broken, and if I tear you down, you will get to the end."
He smiled,
"You'll never tear me down."

"-come on its 3am and we're swimming in the middle of the ocean in a spot where nowhere has ever swam before, I think we better go back to bed."

THE BOAT TRIP: Stampy And SquidWhere stories live. Discover now