Always There

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As I slept my dreams seemed to be me and David on one of those boat rides in theme parks where you go up and down, up and down..
It wasn't until my face was splashed with water that I scrambled awake.
David and I had fallen asleep in the corridor of the boat, which was being rocked by.. At least fifty fans.
"H-hey who threw that water?" I asked, to out of focus to be angry.
David and I wobbled over into the cabin, but the curtains were open and people were looking in.
"For gods sake I'm going out there!" David yelled,
"Nope.. Bad idea." I muttered. My head was so sore, I couldn't deal with the people chanting our names.
"Do we have any rooms on this boat which don't have windows?" I asked,
"God I don't think so."
We heard footsteps above us.
"Mate they're on the boat!" I groaned.
"I'm going back to bed." David said, walking into our cabin, ignoring the people outside and sitting on the bed.
"Well.. Happy birthday my friend." He said, "there's a motor bike in the cupboard you can have."
I just laughed, "where did Courtney go?" I asked,
"Oh tell me you weren't dreaming of her!" He laughed, I was so confused..
"Last night..?"
"I don't remember a thing about last night." I admitted, Squid burst out laughing, patting my back as he laughed.
"God.. What happened.." I sighed, trying to remember as much as possible,
"Nothing, Stamps. Nothing." He replied, people had surrounded our boat, we couldn't get changed, there was no privacy and both of us were growing angry.
"Right I'm going up there before before I hit something." David said, grinding his teeth and walking into the kitchen. I rolled my eyes, scruffed my hair and unlocked the door onto the deck where people were surrounding us before an earsplitting chant of "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Shocked me, as they sang I looked back at David who pointed and laughed at me.
A cake was placed in front of me as the crowd screamed and cheered -I didn't want this- I didn't want a whole crowd watching my every step, hearing me, seeing me. But I had to anyway.
"Cake for breakfast! Sounds familiar!" I laughed, "mate can you pass us a knife?"
Squid walked up with a knife at his side before handing it to me carefully as I cut the cake and took a bite, then giving the slice to Squid.
It was without a doubt the most disgusting cake I had ever tasted.
It tasted really floury, it had a dense texture and I was pretty sure that the eggs in it had not been fully stirred in.
"N..nice." I lied, to give it to whoever made the cake, it looked beautiful but boy oh boy was it horrible!

After about an hour, people had left gifts to me in exchange for a photo or two and almost everyone had left.
I was sitting on the deck. Another boat had parked beside us, it had blacked out windows and it was about twice the size of ours.
The sky was clouding over, and we were both feeling down and exhausted.
I noticed David looking at one of the houses, staring out, looking sad, looking unsure.
"Mate.. What's wrong..?" I asked him,
"Have you ever.. ever seen a face you think you know.. But you know for certain it couldn't be who you think it is."
I nodded, looking down. I hugged him, holding him tightly, closing my eyes.
I looked up again, opening my eyes I looked at the boat beside us.. I looked up on their deck..
The Somalian pirate that escaped.
Amud stared at us with his bloodshot eyes, David couldn't see him, I didn't want him to know..
"I understand.." I replied to David, terrified, "oh God I understand you."
I needed to make sure this was Amud, I needed to see if we could escape.. I needed Amud to look away- but how could we make him look away? How could we make him uncomfortable enough to look away?
I stared into David's bright blue eyes, I would not let us split up this time. I would not let anything hurt him, I promised him this.
"Dave, I need you to trust me and act normal." I said, he raised an eyebrow in confusion before I kissed him,
"Stamps what- what are you doing?" He asked,
"Trying to get people to look away."
"Get who to look a-"
I kissed him again, terrified, I kept looking up to Amud, but he remained there. Smiling.
My plan had failed.
Nothing would stop him.
This was it..
"Stamps what are you looking at?" He started to turn around before I grabbed his shoulders,
"You turn around you never turn back." I warned him, my eyes watering.
His eyes were wide and big.
He stared in my eyes.
He knew.
He knew what was behind him and he knew what was going to happen.
"Stam-" David began, before his eyes widened and slowly closed as his body went limp and he fell onto me.
"Dave? Dave can you-" I noticed a small arrow stuck into a vein in his neck, before I felt my own neck and feeling an arrow stuck in it.
I took one last look up at Amud who was smirking with a pistol in his hands on the dock, before I collapsed to the floor.

THE BOAT TRIP: Stampy And SquidWhere stories live. Discover now