Icy Waters

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Days had past since Beth proposed to me, we were hundreds of miles out to sea. I had noticed that the engine was acting pretty strangely. I assumed that it was to do with the huge waves and bad weather.
Rain clapped against the roof of our little boat. It was impossible to sleep in this weather. The boat kept charging up and down through the huge waves that scaled the size of the boat.
We weren't used to this weather: The strong currents, the humongous wave arches, we were used to the light waves and beautiful sunny weather. But our bronze suntan was fading away, it was a sign that we were going home.

David was driving inside, we hadn't been up in the deck in days. It was cold and wet, it felt like.. Home I guess. Typical, wet, English weather. Only we were nowhere near England. We still had thousands of miles to go before we'd even reach Ireland. And it would take a day to get from there to England.

I couldn't stand this weather, I longed for small waves and warm weather, but I knew we'd never have weather like that ever again.
I walked upstairs to where David was driving inside. There were so many memories in that room, although we hardly ever used it. That's where we drove in the rainy days and kept all our old camera footage, it's also where David camped for a week when I went crazy back in Africa... If I had known then what I know now..
"Hey dude." David greeted, he seemed concerned about something, his left eyebrow was twitching in anxiety.
"Hey what's up?"
"Apart from this disgusting weather: the engine. It's been tripping and stalling a bit."
"Yeah I noticed that when I was driving, is there something wrong?" I asked,
"Wanna go for a snorkel and check the rudder?" He offered.
"Okay.. I guess." I laughed, turning off the engine and lowering the anchor.
The boat still twisted and turned in the windy sea,
"Oh my god I think I'm gonna be sick." David said, his face turned white with nausea and he rushed off into the bathroom.
"Don't flush the toilet until I'm back up!" I said, wobbling back down the the cabin where I got changed into a wet suit.
I walked into the kitchen, a plate had fallen out of the cupboard and smashed on the ground. Trying to brush up the tiny clay pieces was a nightmare as the boat constantly jolted up and down, left and right, I was beginning to feel sea sick as well.
I walked up on deck and grabbed a snorkel mask, David walked up behind me,
"Be careful mate." He said, patting my shoulder.
I stepped into the unstable water. When I was fully submerged I tried to stop shivering from the cold. I looked under the cold dark green water, I couldn't see anything, no sign of life, no schools of fish, nothing. It was freezing and the weather was horrible.
I swam deep under the water and tried to equalise and control my buoyancy. I swam under the boat, looking at the rudder. Nothing seemed wrong, I swam up, holding my breath, I took a closer look at the rudder. Browned with rust and age, it hadn't been out of the water since it was waterborne and built, probably fifteen years ago.
But the engine looked fine, none of the fins of the rudder had broken or fallen off, I couldn't see any fault.
I needed to breathe, but I was in the middle of the boat and the tide was pushing me backwards. I was finding it hard to swim because I was so cold.
"Stamps?! Stamps!" I heard David's muffled voice cry above the waves.
I tried to push myself above the icy water, eventually I did. But my fingers were turning purple, what I would do to be back in the Indian Ocean again...
"Stamps come back up!" David called, lowering the ladder and stretching out a hand.
I tried to swim towards him but I couldn't move. He threw out a rope which I tried to grab hold of as he pulled myself towards him.
"Are you alright?" He asked me, taking off my wetsuit and wrapping a dry towel around me. It wasn't too warm, but it was all he could do.
"You're turning purple, you're hypothermic, come on back inside." He said, opening the doors to the cabin, I sat down on the bed. It wasn't warm. Nothing was warm. I felt so cold and faint.
"Nothin' wrong with the rudder.." I murmured to him,
"It's alright," he said, wrapping blankets around me. He started rubbing his hands on my arms to create friction and therefore create heat, every time his hand touched my face I felt myself ooze with relief. I just needed warmth. Right now I didn't know how anyone in the world could feel too warm.
David ran and put a pot of water on the gas. He turned on a laptop and gave it a complicated coding which made it heat up. I put my hands on it in hope that I'd soon be warm.
There was no hot water in the shower, as our water was solarpowered by the sun, which, well.. What sun?
David continued to try keeping me warm but in the end I passed out,

I had no idea what to do after Joe passed out.. I had no idea when he would be warm.
I continued piling on duvets and blankets onto his bed, with bowls of steaming water, heating up the room I hoped that the room would be insulated enough for Joe. There was no one to call, no signal and no way back. Tiny icebergs formed on the surface of the water, I reminded myself that this was around the place where the Titanic sank, I was going to have to stay alert all night .

THE BOAT TRIP: Stampy And SquidWhere stories live. Discover now