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I lay in bed alone. It felt weird. Although I had spent over half my life alone in bed still something about this felt so wrong.
David looked so strange when I left him in the lounge.
I stuck with my conscience and got out of bed, wiping the sweat from my brow. I walked into the lounge to see a bloody towel and nothing else.. was David hurt...
David wasn't there.
My eyes widened as I ran upstairs onto the deck.. he wasn't there either.
"David?!" I called, "Dave?!"
I turned on my torch on my phone and searched around beginning to panic, It was only when my torch shone on the sea that I saw the silhouette of a body in the ocean.
My heart leaped with fear,
"d-Dave." I trembled, was I too late?
"David?!" I yelled, before I shook my head and dived into the water. I was an awful swimmer, I couldn't carry him on my own.
I had to swim further underwater to try and reach David, but it was so hard to see, I finally grabbed his cold hand.
I pushed him up to the surface, I myself was short of breath.
"David!" I breathed, "David I can't do this alone! David wake up!" I punched him in the back trying to get him to cough up the water.
"Come on mate!" I yelled, urging him to wake up, but nothing seemed to be working.
"Nicole is going to have a baby! Imagine that baby, yeh?! Imagine Sarah! That child never knew her father until she died! You cannot let this happen to Nicole's child! Don't let this happen!" I yelled, tears streaming down my face.
Help.. help! Help! I need help!
I held David in my arms, I swam toward the boat but the waves crashed in front of me.
"I've got you." I said, "I've got you buddy. I've got you."
I grabbed the boat ladder and heaved David up onto the side of the boat before I climbed up the ladder myself.
I took a moment to catch my breath before tending to him. His eyes were closed and his lips were blue.
I took off his shirt and wrapped him in a towel before checking his pulse..
Blood was leaking from a wound in his upper thigh.
I ran my wet, shaking hands along his cheeks, rubbing his face as I cried.
"David!" I screamed, I stood up, we were close to land. I reached my torch and emitted the S.O.S symbol with the lights.
I tried performing CPR but nothing was working.
"Come on mate! Please get up!!" I begged, putting pressure on the knife wound.
"Come on! You've been stabbed before! Stop being lazy and get up!" I cried, trying all I could.
Oh god.. oh god I think this is it.. no it can't be.. he can't die! I can't let him die!
"Nicole is gonna cry." I told him, slapping his face to try and bring him back into consciousness.
"Nicole is gonna cry so badly and she might not even want to keep the baby! She'll put it up for adoption and the same thing will happen all over again! Wake up David! Wake-"
I stopped shouting when I noticed David's mouth open as he chocked on the air.
"Yes.. yes!" I sighed with relief, wrapping a towel around him as he coughed and gagged. Although his eyes were still closed I had never felt so relieved.
I lifted David into the bedroom and wrapped him under the duvets, his wet dirty-blonde hair contrasted with the red pillowcases, a saturated towel was placed around his bandaged thigh.
Just as I wrapped him up, David's big bright blue eyes opened.
"Y-y-y-you s-saved me." He mumbled.
"Yep. I could let have a squid have an ironic death like that." I said, smiling.
"Thanks." He murmured, closing his eyes with fatigue and confusion.
"You're welcome." I replied, before walking out of the room and back on the deck. I let him be.
I made myself some coffee while driving towards Panama- another continent: South America.
I eventually got to the canal and payed the $300 to pass into the Caribbean Sea. I wish the last canal was that easy, without that crazy Egyptian lady who stabbed David.


I woke up after god-knows-how-long, immediately when I stood up on the ground I missed my bed. My leg pained, I looked down at it..  there were.. stitches in it- what happened? Where was I?
"Joe?!" I called, sitting back down on the bed again, then lying down, hoping that he'd come and see me.
To my delight, he fortunately did, he slowly opened the door slightly before walking in and sitting on the bed beside me, he looked anxious.
"How are you?" He asked me, putting his shaking hand behind his back.
"Awful- now I know you've got something bad to tell me, just say it already." I said.
"There is nothing bad to say.. there has just been.. progress." He admitted, his fingers scratching each other and his teeth biting his lip.
"Where are we?" I asked him, trying to look out the window.
"David.. I.. may have sedated you again." He said,
"That's alright, that's actually quite good- I wouldn't want to be awake feeling like this for much longer. I'm happy you drugged me to be honest." I replied, almost laughing,
"No David- you don't see.. you were asleep for three weeks."
He began,

"We're in Florida."

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