Broken Rule, Broken Heart

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I sat in bed, my stomach hurt with anxiety.
"Can't you sleep?" Stampy asked me, rolling over and looking at me.
I shook my head, biting my lip.
"Mate you've been on edge all day what's going on?" He asked, sitting up next to me. "It'll make you feel a lot better if you tell me."
"I- I can't stamps.. I can't. That's the worst part!"
"It's something about being here, isn't it? We can leave tomorrow."
"But Eve-"
"No mate, you're the one who needs me. We fill up with fuel, say goodbye then go."
I looked down, my eyes sank with tiredness.
I lay down under the sheets, flat on my back.

"Do you love Nicole?" He asked me, I figured that he was still trying to figure it all out: I should probably just tell him. But he would judge me in a horrible way for the rest of my life.
"Yes." I replied to him.
"Then you do love her. That should be a yes or no answer. That's what you told me."
I stayed silent until he spoke again.
"Do you love Lily?" He said. My heart shook hearing the name. My mouth dropped slightly as I recognised her face in my mind.. I closed my eyes and tears fell out.. I fell asleep.


When I woke up I was alone: That's how I generally felt in life. Alone.
I suppose he was off to say his goodbyes to Eva. I looked out the window, Joe and Eva were lying on the beach, speaking.

I sat beside Eva on the beach, she leaned her head on my shoulder,
"Y'know I'm gonna miss you." She said, "you're the most exciting thing that's ever happened to me."
"Me?" I was flattered, I rested my arm around her shoulder as we watched the endless sea splash over the horizon.
"Looks lovely doesn't it.." Eve sighed,
"What does lovely look like?" I asked her, looking into her eyes,
"Why, it looks like love." She said, looking at me,
"And.. What does love look like?" I smiled, so did she before she grabbed my collar and kissed me on the lips.
My eyes were opened wide with shock, we started laughing before I kissed her again and closed my eyes, feeling her waist.
I lay down on the sand and she lay down on top of me as we giggled, she put her hands on my cheeks and kissed me again and again. And it never felt awkward. I just felt loved. I knew I had never loved anyone quite like her in my life, and I never would again.

When we broke apart the kiss I looked at her: a girl who had spent her whole life caring for children, without her they would have had a horrible life, tortured, abandoned.. But she helps them, teaches them, makes them feel wanted in life.

"I gotta go and help out with the kids now- can I see you in an hour?" She asked me,
"Course, I'll meet you here." I told her, kissing her on the cheek.
"I love you." She told me. I couldn't help smiling.
"Love you too." I whispered back to her. I watched her walk away in the sunlight. I walked back to the boat to see if David was awake.

I walked inside the see Squid making breakfast,
"What's with you looking all happy chappy?" He asked me, smiling.
"Well.." I said, unsure how to word what happened to me,
"Well? What's with you, you big tomato!" I was aware of my blushed face.
"May have just hooked up with Eva.."
"Wha hey! Sit down man!" I sat down beside him on the sofa, he put an arm around me and grabbed me a beer.
"So, when are you gonna see her again?" He asked me,
"In an hour.."
"What you gonna do then? He winked at me.
"Oh shut up mate!" I laughed, wiping the sweat from my brow.
"Oooooo! Get in there!"
"Well done mate, you've got yourself a keeper!"
I smiled at him. I was proud of myself, and proud of Dave for pulling through, pulling out of the emotional wreck he was last night.

When the hour passed I said goodbye to Dave and walked down to the beach, David was sitting outside on the deck sleeping.
The beach was warm and the sky was darkening.
"Hey!" Eva made me jump, before I could say 'hey' back she kissed me on the lips. I saw Squid on the boat with his mouth wide open and his eyes enlarged.
When Eva noticed him staring she pulled out of the kiss and pointed at me,
"HES A TERRIBLE KISSER YOU KNOW!" She shouted to him. David and I laughed for the same reason... He did know.
She kissed me again and this time we held it.. The last kiss..
"Looks like I better go." I sighed,
"Thank you for being in my life." She told me,
"I'll never forget you Eva. I'll come and find you again."
"Go travel round the world for me." She said.
I turned around and started walking towards the boat when I heard a sudden gun fire and a scream.
"Eva? Eva!" I turned around and saw her bloody body on the ground. "Oh my god!"
David's eyes widened, he pulled out his gun and ran beside me,
"What the hell happened- oh my god.." Our mouths dropped.
I was too in shock to process what was happening.
"She- she's b- been shot I- I-"
"Joe we have to run! The terrorist that shot her must still be around and close! We have to move!" David's eyes were full of panic and anxiety. I couldn't think, I couldn't leave her.
"I- I can't she's-" my stomach quenched in heart break, the love of my life lay cold on the ground

"Joe take my hand." David ordered, but I continued to stand still.

Another bullet fired very close to us,
"For gods sake! Take my bloody hand before you die!" He yelled, with that I grasped his hand tightly as we pelted back to the boat.

David turned on the engine as I continued to stare over Eva's body in the distance. Just before I broke down I was caught by David's arms. He pulled me into the deepest hug. I was so alone, so upset.. She was dead..
"Oh god Squid..." I whimpered. Tears streaming from my eyes as he held me tightly. My breathing couldn't be settled, my stomach bounced up and down with anxiety and shock. "Oh god I loved her.." My nose and eyes tensed and more tears came seeping from my bloodshot eyes.

I held Stampy so tightly. The tears from his eyes fell onto my arm..
I felt my eyes watering, a friend had died. A true inspiring woman of whom my best friend fell in love with, died..
"I loved her.." He whispered to me. Tears fell from my eyes, not because I was very attached to Eva.. But because i knew how Stampy felt..
I hugged him tightly as we watched Morocco disappear into the distance. He needed me. He needed someone to comfort him.

We sat in bed that night. Wide awake. All the issues of the world span around in our heads. All our own personal issues.
I felt him tensing, that horrific feeling in the chest when you just want to scream.
I took his hand in the darkened room, he looked at me,
"Just friends." I told him,
"Just friends.." He sighed before I pulled him into a hug that lasted all night until our dreary, bloodshot eyes closed.

THE BOAT TRIP: Stampy And SquidWhere stories live. Discover now