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"So we're celebrities now?"
"Yes Stampy I think we are." David responded, taking another sip of his wine before he set it down and out his hands up, "right no more or I'm gonna be sick." He ordered himself.
"I agree with you, Chicken Nugget," I replied, putting down my glass of champagne, "this is my mid-year's resolution. No more drink. Forever!"
"Isn't it like.. Chinese New Year or somethin'."
"I'm not sure.. Surely there'd be lanterns, I'm pretty sure that already happened in January."
"Ah.. Sorry I've been really out of sink with reality lately. I haven't checked Twitter I haven't even looked at the news." David admitted as we walked around the busy hall.
"Okay what exactly are we doing here?" I asked, "like we've done the interviews."
"Yes but you've forgotten what a conference actually is, Stampy."
"Mate I haven't got a clue what a conference is." I admitted,
"It's where a group of people come to confer about a topic... In which case.. The conference hasn't begun yet." He told me.
"What?! But it's really late! It's..." I checked my watch, "seven o'clock?! Surely we've been here long enough! When did we get here?"
"I dunno.. It was dark." Squid added,
"Excuse me boys.. " a lady interrupted, "mind if I ask your names?"
"Yes of course Madame, I'm Mister David Sensor and this is my friend Mister Joseph Carrot. Pleased to meet you." David introduced, kissing the lady's cheeks.
The woman with the blonde perm giggled,
"If you could follow me into the conference room?" I lady said, giving a very 60s vibe which I quite liked. I linked my arm with hers and David followed us into a busy room with a rainbow of colourful people and posters.
David and I took two seats beside each other at the back of the hall, I was beginning to feel quite tired.
"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to New York. A special welcome to our special guests, Mr Joseph Garrett and Mr David Spencer."
David and my eyes winked opened as we smiled at the crowd, "evening everyone." I said, squinting with fatigue.
"So today we are here to discuss the matter of children's independence on and offline....."
I drifted off to sleep with my head rested on David's shoulder who was also fast asleep.
"Mr Spencer how do you feel about Miss Lensator's comment?" The confederate asked, both of us winked our eyes open. We had no idea what Miss Lensator had said but we couldn't let that on. David stumbled.
"I.. I completely disagree with her." He said, awkwardly smiling.
"What?! Even as a kids youtuber you think that parental controls should be eliminated, kids should be allowed to browse the Internet from no-age with no restricted access? Please explain."
"Shit, good luck mate." I whispered in his ear, covering my mouth as I laughed. He bit his lip to think for a moment before words just spelled out of his drunken lips.
David cleared his throat before saying quite the speech.
"I would like you to not ask questions on the personal sides of this story, but my daughter lived with her mother in Australia. I had been made to believe that her mother had died and that she had been adopted in Adelaide. A couple... A couple months ago I met up with her mother and she told me about how she hadn't put parental controls up on my daughter's phone. Without parental controls my daughter was able to educate herself online and.. Most of all.. Find me. She happened to stumble across my YouTube channel. She got to find me. I'm not saying parental controls is wrong, I'm saying that children really don't want to see all the horrible things you think they might. If a child learns a swear word, they have extended their vocabulary, and let's face it, they were going to learn the words one day. I'm saying that if you don't trust your child on a phone without parental controls, then you really shouldn't trust them with a phone at all."
David looked at me, "was that okay?" He asked,
"Quite inspiring.. A little controversial and a lot of open-ended questions for people to ask." I told him. "Also.. you'd be able to find your channel with parental controls."

"Mr Spencer, mind if I ask where your daughter is now? If she'd be available for an interview.. What age is she?"
David's jaw started to shiver, I gripped his hand.
"N-no she wouldn't be available." He responded, his emotions downing.
The man continued to express his opinions and the conference went on and on and on...


I woke up in a dark room. I felt myself resting against David.
"Psst. Dave wake up!" I whispered, nudging him with my elbow.
"Stamps? Where are we?" He asked, our eyes tried to adjust to the darkness.
"I think we're still in the conference room.. What time is it?"
David took out his phone, "it's 3am. They must have left us in here." 
"Well shit we're stuck." I said, "try and find a light switch." I said, walking around with my arms stretched out in front of me, feeling along for a light switch.
"I assume it's beside the door." David said, shining his torch on his phone at the door.
"Bingo!" I said, spotting the switch and turning it on.

The room was completely empty of people apart from David and I. The chairs were still in the same place. "Why'd they leave us here?" I wondered, leaning on the door.
"Great. The door is locked." I said, trying to push down on the handle.
"You're joking." David replied, running over to me and trying the door for himself.
"How are we gonna get out?!" I asked, hopelessly pushing at the door. David searched around the room for any other door or passageway or a fire exit out, but there was nothing.. "Surely they noticed us in here before they locked up?" I said, before I started yelling "help! Let us out!"
"Help!" "Help!"
"Hey stamps you ever heard that song by the Beatles called 'Help!'?"
"Nope, but I'd like you to start singing it."
"Help! I need somebody! Help! Not just anybody..."

THE BOAT TRIP: Stampy And SquidWhere stories live. Discover now