Water Sports

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As the days bled into weeks, Squid and I spoke about most of our problems as we travelled over the Indian Ocean.
But one thing that Squid had hardly ever mentioned was
"Lily." I said, "tell me about Lily."
"Lily? As in-"
"As in your child's mother." I said. I still couldn't get used to him having a child.
"Well.. I met her at school, she was basically the only person in the world who tolerated me, we made some inside jokes.. She called me her 'Ballistic Squid' yeh.. That's really where I got the name from. " I could tell that he was awkward speaking about this,
"So, it wasn't because the ballistics were your favourite weapon on call of duty?"
"Nah, that's just a coincidence and an excuse. Although people called me Squidward, because I was apparently grumpy and boring and no one liked me. "
"You were bullied.?"
"Yep." He sighed. "But, not anymore thankfully."
"So no one else knew about Lily."
"Well she was in our year, people knew she existed, I only shared chemistry and physics with her." He looked down, "she was really the only one who was kind to me, so when I was seventeen I went to her house because it was the day before our A level chemistry and we hadn't really revised and then..." I was left to my deductions of what happened.
"What did she look like?"
"Well she was naturally a dirty blonde, she dyed it blonde then brunette. She had blue eyes."
"God both parents with piercing blue eyes and blonde hair, Sarah's gonna be a hit with the guys."
"She always answered the phone with 'Hi hello' which I teased her about, she said I drove her ballistic. And yeh, she always said you ballistic squid and I'd say, I ballistic squid."
It broke my heart hearing that, hearing the true meaning behind his name, hearing that all his channel began from Lily.
He exhaled as he looked out at the piercing red sunset. The water was pink and warm reflecting the huge yellow sun which set upon it.
It was the most beautiful sunset I had ever seen.

Half way across the Indian Ocean, Stampy reminded me about The Girl.. The secret. Somehow I didn't regret telling him that.
The current was strong where we were, meaning that it wouldn't take a huge amount of time to get to Australia, we had already passed Mauritius and were about 2/3s of the way to Australia.
The phone rang, I lifted it up, it was Courtney Holt.. The boss.
"Hi.. Hello." I said, imitating what Lily used to say to me.
"David are you okay?"
This shook me. I hesitated.. This was proof that she was actually alive..
"Y-... Yes." I studdered. Watching Stampy continue to look down.
"Sorry I should probably exp-"
"Please I don't wanna know just.. "
Courtney cleared her throat before saying that "we are hoping to have a meet up in Adelaide with you- loads of fans would love to see you."
"Like.. Like a meet and greet or something?"
"Yeh, just for you to sail by and wave. I'd also like to see you in person for a bit."
Stampy and I looked at eachother and nodded, "sounds fun, we'll be there in about ten days."
"Oh- also, there's a conference in New York- I know this is a long way away but I was wondering if you could go when you get there." She asked,
"Sure, Mrs Holt." I said,
"Call me Courtney." She replied.
For some reason that made me feel a lot closer to her, I liked that.

After we finished the call I put the phone down and rested my head on Stampy's shoulder, exhausted.
"Are you alright, mate?" He asked me, I closed my eyes with tiredness.
"Keep your eyes open, watch this." He said, nudging my temples I squinted to see a flash of green as the sun set on the sea.
It was always so magical, and never got old. The green flash: one thing about sea I never really understood, but accepted.

After seeing the flash my eyes slowly drifted off, there were so many things to think about ..


When dawn broke we were still in the middle of nowhere, the sea surrounded us. We must have fallen asleep on deck,
"S- Stamps?" I stumbled, before sitting up as Joe and I organised ourselves.
I went back downstairs and combed my hair through, getting changed and brushing my teeth.
I looked out the window, we were in the tropics, far below the equator, so this is the heat which Sarah is used to..

"Mate?!" Stampy called,
"Yeh?" I replied,
"Come up here, I've got you a present."  He called,
"..Kay..?" I responded, hanging my sunglasses on my shirt and walking up on deck.

Stampy was sitting there blowing up some kind of rubber float,
"Well, we've got the whole Indian Ocean to ourselves.. Don't you want to make the most of it?"  
I burst out laughing as he handed me a blow up rubber ring, he had attached a rope to it.
"Go on, in you pop!" He laughed.
"Stamps I spent a good half hour getting ready-"
"Well at least you're well prepared, come on!"
"But I'm deaf in one ear and I've got a broken arm!"
"Well then you definitely shouldn't drive the boat! Come on mate!"
I sighed and rolled my eyes, putting my sunglasses on I took off my socks, shoes and my shirt. I put the rubber ring in the water and attached the rope to the ladder.
I then sat in the ring holding onto the handles as the boat moved away.
Stampy moved the camera on the boat to capture me. I sighed, laughing.
"Don't go too fast!" I yelled at Stampy,
"What?! What was that?! Go fast?! Okay!"
My eyes widened as he sped up, The whole Indian Ocean to ourselves..
Stampy started doing doughnuts on the boat at a high speed, I was screaming my head off behind as I was spun around and around then back onto the wake of the boat where it bounced and bounced and I fell off into the warm salty sea.
I swam over to the boat where I climbed up the ladder. I looked at Joe, out of breath from laughing and screaming, and pointed at the measly rubber ring,
"Your turn."

THE BOAT TRIP: Stampy And SquidWhere stories live. Discover now