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The mans voice stuck and troubled me like a drug.
"Where are your cameras?" I growled to the man who had somehow been stalking us for what must have been months now.
"I've only got two on the boat." He replied in a eastern-African accent.
"Sure you do." I snarled sarcastically.
"You're the one who shot her." I said, "you're the one that shot Eva."
Stampy looked at me with utter shock.
"You killed her and now you're coming to kill us.. Why?" I asked,
"No, sir. I don't want to kill you. I just want to see you."
"You've got cameras, you can see us-"
"No. In person." He snapped. I looked in fear at Stampy before I put one hand on his waist and walked him down into our cabin.

"What are we expected to do? We can't avoid going up on deck." I whispered,
"I assume he's got the cameras only on deck and in the kitchen."
"Yeh, they're the only two places he went when he took the bullet." I sighed, sitting down on the bed.
"Do you think he's going to find us?" Joe asked,
"It's a big ocean.. But.. Anything is possible. And that seems to be his goal." I deduced,
"Shhit.." Stampy muttered, "didnt you notice him putting down cameras?"
"No, not at all- can we check the footage to try and see where he put them-"
I was cut off by the sound of a loud engine- not ours- Stampy and I looked at eachother in confusion before I ran upstairs into the indoor driving area.
I looked and saw a smaller wooden boat raging towards us,
"God that's some bad driving." I mocked, watching Stampy pull out the binoculars.
"There's a couple people... Oh my god." Stampy pulled the binoculars down.
"What is.. Wh.." I focused the binoculars to a man on the boat's face... It was the man who shot Eva.. It was the man who took the eighth bullet.. The man who had control of the cameras on our boat and could hear us..
"Holy shh.. Stamps we need a 180 degree turn. Now!" I yelled,
"Right I'm speeding up to fifty knots."
"We need faster, they've got 250 horse power! We need seventy knots-"
"Dave that's gonna destroy the engine!"
"He's gonna destroy us! He is going to kill us! Do you understand?!"
"We need to call the International Maritime, they need to know about this." The international maritime are the company that manage the sea and piracy.
"Yeh, you go call them, I'll try to lose this guy."
I raced along the bumpy ocean, books and paper were falling from the shelves as I fled across the Indian Ocean, at what appeared to still be slower than that of what the other boat was travelling at.
"Hello, this is a distress call from the Stamping Squid, co ordinates 51,16 approximately- we are being threatened by a passing motor yacht, travelling at approximately 90 knots."
"And how has this ship threatened you?"
"A man, he hacked into our cameras and sound and has recently told us that he wants to see us in a threatening tone."
"Right, we are going to keep an eye on you, report to us if anything else goes wrong. You understand?"
"Yes, thank you." Joe hung up. The crew on the smaller boat were getting scarily close to us,
"Joe.." I mumbled.
"Yeah..?" He shivered. Watching the crew coming closer and closer to us until they were but metres from our boat.
"Put your radio in your ear." I said, dropping my radio into Joe's hand while shaking with fear.
"Whatever happens now, we have to stay calm." I told him, however I wasn't even calm myself.
"We're in this together," Stampy said, putting both hands on my shoulders and facing me. We were both terrified. He leaned his forehead against mine and we closed our eyes to try and maintain our fear until we heard a large bang.
"What was that?!" Joe yelled, running back to the window.
"They're on the boat.."

I grabbed a gun from the drawer and held it faced down as we eased our way outside.
Three skinny yet tall tanned men stood on deck in torn clothing with rifles pointed at us while yelling in a foreign language.
"Woah!" I said, placing the gun in my pocket and putting my hands up.
"Hello.. Joseph? Is it?" The man I recognised said.
Joe nodded as the man who killed Eva walked over to him.
"Don't worry Joseph we not going to kill you. We here for business." He said in a Somali accent.
I took a step forward to protect my friend.
"We want money." The man said, the two people behind him had their rifles pointed at me.
I realised that there was no use arguing,
"Yes.. We have... We have about three thousand pounds in the safe, don't we Joe?" I said with my hands at the back of my head.
"We need more: we need millions."
"I'm sorry sir, but three thousand is all we have."
The man charged towards me and put a gun at my throat.
"We need millions!" He yelled, my eyes widened,
"You said you were here for business! Is this business?!" I yelled. Looking up in distress at the African man.
"You give us money now!" He snapped. I nodded slowly standing up with my hands behind my back as I walked inside to the safe. I reluctantly typed in the code before picking up the bundles of cash and handing it to the man.
As the man flicked through the money I managed to snatch my phone which was on the table and went into recently called, I then clicked on International Maritime and put my phone in my pocket, out of sight.
"There is your money. Now you can put the guns away and leave us alone." I told them, trying to indicate to the people on the phone what was going on.
"Get on our boat." The African said with stern brown eyes.
"What?" I asked in shock, but the rifles were planted against our heads again and Joe and I were walked out onto the deck.
"You can't do this!" Joe yelled at them as they pushed us onto their small fishing boat.
"It's alright Joe. Stay calm." I told him, my heart leaping in my chest.
"I'm so scared." Joe whispered as we knelt down, guns planted against our necks, I grabbed Joe's hand and interweaved my fingers with his,
"We are going to be fine. Okay. Friends, just friends. Whatever happens to us now.. We will get the boat back, and the money. Just stay focused. Concentrate." I told him, I felt so tense. My stomach was thudding and stinging with nausea and fear.
"Hey American." One of the Africans said to me,
"I'm English." I added, but the man slapped my face.
"How do you drive this thing?" He asked me. I stood up and looked back at Joe: this was most certainly a trap.
I walked back on board the Stamping Squid,
"Okay.. Just.. Just pull this to start, push it down a couple times and.. And this is your radio.. You can use it to contact any boat within region.. You have to lower the anchor manually and if you have any problems you can contact the international maritime."
They looked at me and nodded with understanding.
"Okay.. Then I'll be going-"
"No." The African said before the boat jolted forwards.. I focused on Stampy's eyes in shock and absolute terror as I was sailed quickly away from him. Stampy was alone, on the african's boat and I- I was in captivity on my own boat by these cruel people.. I had no idea what to do..

THE BOAT TRIP: Stampy And SquidWhere stories live. Discover now