The Void

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"WHAT?! We're in BALTIMORE?! This isn't Baltimore! I've been to Baltimore! It's a city! We can't be in America!" I exclaimed, getting a few looks from surrounding people,
"Stamps where the hell are we?!" I asked him, panicking.
We ran as fast as we could into the nearest pub. People were sitting drinking beers and chatting. They spoke English at least but I couldn't pick up their accent.
"Boy you two look like you need a pint." The bartender said in an... Irish accent!
"Irish!! You're Irish!! Oh my god!! We're in Ireland!!" I yelled, David and I joined hands and jumped in the air.
"It's pronounced Ireland you English princes, now what can I get you?" He asked,
"Two very large beers please." I asked, sitting down at the bar stool beside David.
"Stamps we've got no money mate." he reminded me,
"I've got you covered." I assured him, standing up, a lady was walking up to the bar.
"Hello dear." I said, standing in front of her, I quickly hugged her, grabbing a twenty euro note out of her back pocket before sitting back down beside David.
"Stamps what the hell you just robbed her!"
"I'll give her the change." I said. Giving the note to the bartender who exchanged us with two large beers.
I clashed my beer against Davids before drinking it. It tasted weird, although to be fair I hadn't drunk alcohol since New York.
Once I got the change I went over to the girl that I took the money from and kneeled on the ground.
"Hi, sorry I think you dropped some money- it was on the ground." I said, handing her the cash.
"I don't think it's mine." She replied,
"Well keep it anyway." I said, putting it on the table. "Sorry for disturbing."
I sat back down beside David.
"You're such a nice thief." He complimented,
"I feel a bit weird Dave." I admitted, I felt out of proportion, and a bit dizzy.
"Same.. D'ya think there's something in this beer?"
"It's probably just the alcohol. Haven't had it in a while."
It was then when we heard a couple people shouting from behind the bar.
"What do you think you're doing with that?!" Someone said,
"Ack it was just for a laugh! Thought I'd give them English lads a wee fright."
"LSD?! What the hell?! This is against the law! Get out of here!"
"Ack c'mon it was just a joke."
"Alright give me fifty quid and I won't report you to the police."
"What the hell Jim! Stop being such a unionist! What are you looking for a knighthood or something!"
"Im your boss and you're fired!"

David and I looked at each other.
"I hope there's more English people in this pub." I murmured to him.
Then the 'boss' guy walked up to us and put his hands on our shoulders.
"Right.. In a couple hours you're going to feel a bit funny, it might be a bit unusual-"
"Mate we've been drunk before." Squid intruded,
"Have you been high before?" The man asked, Squid and I just looked at eachother.
"Have you drugged us?" I asked,
"Have you two got a place to stay?" He asked,
"We've got a dingy? Why?"
"Right there's a hotel just on up the road called Bushe. Give the receptionist this." He handed me a card
"What's going to happen to us?" I asked,
"Everything you two see will be a bit... A bit more emphasised.. Basically everything you see will be intensified and extreme and it'll be weird."
"Oh god this'll be fun." David laughed.

A couple hours later..

David and I walked outside the fortress. I held the piece of paper saying something about the hotel we had to go to.
David and I looked over at the sea.
"Tsunami!!! Run!! We're all gonna die!!"
David and I ran as fast as we could away from the tidal wave. But the piece of paper that I had in my hand dropped down into the void.
"No!! It's gone!!" David yelled, he fell down into the void too before he flew back up with the piece of paper.
"Oh thank god I thought you died!"
"Bushe hotel? Where is that?" I asked, David and I decided to sync up our footsteps. There was another pub playing music.
"Oh my god! That song is by Elvis! Elvis is in that pub!" I exclaimed,
"But Elvis is dead!" David said mysteriously. "Wait.. you don't think he faked his death do you?"
We knocked on the door of the pub, a man walked out.
"Can we see Elvis? We won't tell anyone!" We promised,
"Go back to England you drunk bastards."

We rolled our eyes and a taxi pulled up beside us.
"Hey you two need a lift?" The huge driver asked,
"Where's Bushe?" I asked, showing him the card.
"Here jump in and I'll show you."
"We haven't got money." I informed him,
"Ack who cares get in the car."
So we leaped into the complete stranger's car.
The car started to drive really fast- I reckoned we were reached the 150km/hr mark.
We were going to crash!
"Aaaggghhhh!!!!" David and I started to scream before the taxi driver stopped and looked confused at us.
"I was only going like ten miles an hour you drunk idiots. Just get out- the hotel's over there."
We fell out of the car. And far in the distance a huge towering hotel saying BUSHE was.
We crawled towards it. Then knocked on the door of the skyscraper.
"Stampy I think it's a hotel we can just walk in."
And so we walked in and handed the sheet of paper to the receptionist who had the head of a cobra.
She handed us a key and we went over to the lift.
The lift opened and we ran in as fast as we could do the door didn't snap our legs off.
We selected floor five.
Then a red light came on.
"Fire!!! Fire!!! The lift is on fire!!" We yelled, banging at the door.
"We're gonna die!!! The flames!!"
When the door finally opened we ran out as quickly as possible into our room.
I unlocked the door and David and I leaned against the door to make sure the zombies wouldn't get in.

"Stamps..." David murmured. I looked over at him. He had his phone out. He was looking at twitter.
"What happened.. oh god this is weird.."
"Nicole has just given birth to a monster!!!" He yelled showing me the picture.
"What is that??!"
"I have to tell Nicole that it's not a baby!! She's brain washed! Oh god!" He started to run over to the other side of the room to text her but he just collapsed down into the void.
"Squid!!" I yelled running over to him before i collapsed too.

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