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I woke up beside Squid with a heavy head, we seemed to wake up at the same time, we looked over at each each other. David stretched his legs before he seemed to freak out and jumped over the covers.
"What happened?! Dave?!" I put my hand on his shoulder.
"Stamps... I think there's a snake on the boat.."
My stomach dropped.
"I touched it with my foot I felt it!"
I didn't quite believe him, it was probably just schizophrenia, so I walked out of bed until I caught a glimpse of a tail seeping under the wardrobe.
"Okay it's not psychosomatic.." I shivered.
"I can't tell what breed of snake it is, I don't know if it's safe." David said.
"You know what kind of snakes are common in Madagascar?"
"Pfft, I had blood python for like 8 months, that's the only type of snake a know about."
"Well whatever type it is we need to get it off!" I crouched on top of the sheets with David, too afraid to put a foot down on the ground.
We then saw it again... It was a huge.. Mustard green colour with brown spots.. It was about the width of my arm and at least four metres long.
Davids mouth dropped as did mine.
"That's an green anaconda." David said. "They aren't venomous, but they will strangle you and suffocate you."
"Thanks for that." I said sarcastically.
"Take off your shirt." David said,
"Just- trust me. I'm gonna need your help."
Confused, I took off my shirt as he said.
"We're gonna have to lose a pillow case, and your shirt." He said, slowly I started to understand his idea.

We gradually made our way out of the cabin and into the corridor where the snake had its neck arched and its head pointed, as if it were a cat about to pounce.
"Jesus Squid I hate snakes." I shivered, taking a step back.
"When I say three I want you to throw your shirt over the snake."
"It's head, it should curl up and then I want you to open up the window as fast as you can."
I took a deep breath in and out.
"Are you ready?" David asked, I nodded.
"Are you really because if you chicken out this could be fatal."
"I'm ready." I said, holding out my shirt. Glaring at the snake that taunted me.
"Okay, one.. Two.. three!"
I ran over to the snake and thew the shirt over its head, before running over to the window and opening it as wide as possible.
David was scooping the snake and the shirt up with the pillow case before he yelled "help!"
My eyes widened, I ran over to him,
"What is it?!" I asked,
"I can't lift it, it's so heavy!"
He glared at me.. I knew what I had to do..
I lifted up the bottom of the pillowcase, I felt the snake inside it.
"Bloody hell.." I groaned as we both struggled to life what was the largest snake I'd ever seen.
We managed to throw the pillow case out the window, and after a couple seconds I saw the snake seep out of the sinking pillowcase and into the sea.

"So.. What would you like for breakfast?"

We sat outside spooning cereal into our mouths.
"Well." He said, "that's one way to wake up in the morning."
"Didn't quite cure the hangover though!" I laughed.
"So... I know you love Madagascar and all but.. Should we get going?" Squid asked, I just smiled.

I put our dishes down in the kitchen, closed all the doors and folded away the tables in preparation.
I jumped back on shore and untied the boat from the dock before climbing back onboard and rolling up the ropes as Squid pulled up the anchor.
"All set?"

We turned on the engine. Squid was driving and I sat with a map in my hands, navigating which way to go.

"South East," I said, "south east for four thousand miles."
"Jeez, it's gonna be a long time till we see land again."
I took one last look at Madagascar before we set off in the Indian Ocean.

"So.. How's nicole?" I asked David,
"You know rightly how she is you were basically with me that whole trip home."
"Yeh.. About that.. What the hell happened?"
I don't know, stamps, I don't know.."
I put an arm over his shoulder,
"Just as well you went home then."
"Stamps I don't know if I was on something or if this was real.. But Courtney Holt-"
"She's alive, and well, they made it up."
David still didn't seem satisfied with this. "Why.."
"Well.. I supposed they wanted more varied content."
"So.. Are we still fired?"
"Not a clue,"

"I never saw Sqaishey, how is she?" Squid asked,
"She seems alright."
"I'm glad we managed to mend our relationships." David said,
"Well, your one was almost gone wasn't it."
"Yeh.. That was kind of stupid of me to mention the radio." He said, "or even wear it."
"Oh well, everyone makes mistakes." I said, "your mistakes are just a heck of a lot smaller than mine."
"Don't get into that Stamps, let's talk about... Halloweèn."
"Yes, in like three days."
"Whoah I thought it was still like August."
"Nope, it's the.. Twenty somethingth of October."
"So we've been on this bloody boat for six months."
"And we haven killed each other yet." David sighed,
"Well... " I said, remembering that time when I thought that David killed Eva.
"Ah ah, no. We don't talk about that." Squid laughed, making me feel slightly embarrassed. "I've had it quite tough these last six months."
"Yeh, I've hardly been hurt at all, you've been tortured!"
"I've had fun,"
"You call being captured by pirates fun?"
"Yeh we had great banter!" Squid laughed, sipping a glass of water.

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