The Big Orange

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As the days went on we drove closer and closer to New York. All these months I couldn't wait to go to this conference in New York but now that David and I had fallen out I really was dreading it.
We could just go on, not go to the conference and drive on home, but something needed to be said about our quite frankly horrible boss.
I was sitting down in the atrium studying a few maps of the east coast of the USA while David was upstairs driving.

As the boat bounced up and down on the crests of the waves, the wind blowing in warm air I felt genuinely relaxed, there is no feeling as satisfying as sailing fast down the east coast of America, listening to some Beatles playlist with songs I'd never heard before and will probably never hear again wearing a pair of rayband sunglasses that were that bit too big for you but were small enough to still look cool.
I didn't have to care, we had plenty of fuel in the tank, Joe was still alive, and me? I was grand. Absolutely fine. With the sun shining on the bright blue clear sea, I felt amazing... however that feeling was gone when Joe walked  up on deck. I turned down the playlist and looked over at him.
"Where abouts are we?" He asked me, I pulled out the map and pointed to just about 30 miles south of New York.
"Awesome, we'll be in New York by tonight- right on time for the conference." He responded, I knew he wanted to pretend nothing happened, but I didn't. He said some horrible things to me, I couldn't just forgive him.

After Joe walked back downstairs I turned the music up and took a sip of my water.. it didn't taste quite like water. Maybe this is some kind of Caribbean water? Jamaican possibly?
I quite liked it, I proceeded to drinking all of it, then another glass.

Yes! He took the water -which is actually diluted gin -
I walked back on deck after he had had about three glasses,
"Hi mate." I said,
"Hey." He responded, "nice water- where'd you get it?"
"Cuba." I lied, "nice isn't it?"
"Yeah, want some."
"Yeah alright." I said, taking a gulp of the gin, "wow it's really.. I can't find the words."
"Is it alcoholic?" He asked me,
"Tastes like it's gin!" I laughed, taking another gulp, he started laughing again. Yes!
"Look! That's the Statue of Liberty!!" I exclaimed, pointing far into the sea, where a huge city protruded in the horizon.
We both started laughing with excitement.
"Oh my god!" He laughed, we drank a bit more of the 'water' and then took a couple beers.
"We should get changed- wow this is big!" I said, walking down the stairs and getting change into a suit and tie. I then went back upstairs as David changed into a waistcoat and bow tie.
We parked at a pier, it was so unbelievable here. I remembered back when Courtney Holt was our boss her telling us that "I know it's a long way away but there is a conference in New York.."
And here we were: dressed fabulously, tanned to perfection, with cufflinks and polished black shoes but outrageously drunk.
Two body guards helped us off the boat and guided us towards the conference centre. Two skinny ginger ladies with beautiful dark eyes, red lips and stunning glimmering black slit dresses linked an arm with us. David and I took a brief satisfied look at each other as if to say fine with me!
We entered a huge busy hall with spiral staircases up to several levels and beautiful crystal chandeliers.
The place was full of photos of us, business men, women, cameras and TVs.
I put my lips close to David's ear and whispered, "this wasn't the sort of conference that I was expecting."
"This place is buzzing! This is insane!" He responded, "and I've never been to a conference! What a place!"
"Probably not the place to go to when you're as drunk as us." I laughed,
"Shh!" He said, "oh look they're serving drinks over there!" He said,
"Have you any idea why these ladies have to stay with us?" I asked him,
"I think they make us look a bit less weird." He responded, "plus, I like the chicks." He said, winking.
"Oh you're such a player!" I laughed, walking about and taking a cocktail in my hand, then handing one to the weird glamorous ladies that escorted us about. My stomach turned with excitement.
"Hello gentlemen, great to meet you!" An American man shook our hands, I put my glass in the lady's hand.
"You two wouldn't mind doing a live interview for the TV would you?" He asked, I took a look at David, feeling happy inside, a could barely walk in a straight line, I just held on to my good-looking 'date' feeling sort of thankful that she was there.
"Sure." I responded before I started following him towards the camera with the lady linking my arm.
"Hey what's your name?" I asked her,
"Sophie." She responded, fluttering her false eyelashes at me.
"Lovely to meet you Sophie." I told her, smiling. She was no match to Beth but she would be helpful for today. "Oh- and do you mind not telling anyone that I am slightly tipsy at this moment?" I asked, she giggled, taking back my glass.
"Your secret is safe." She laughed. I put an arm around her waist, laughing, "thanks. I wasn't expecting a conference like this!" I told her, taking my hands off her and brushing my suit before looking at David.
"You ready?" I asked him, he just smiled at me before the camera span in front of us.
"What am I supposed to call you again?" He asked me, nudging my elbow,
"Stumpy." I responded, "and you?"
"Something nugget.. like.. a meat.. I can't remember."
"Nugget.. oh! I know! Chicken nugget!" I told him,
"Yes! That rings a bell! So I'm Chicken Nugget and you're Stumpy." David asked,
"Yep! Got it! Let's go!"

THE BOAT TRIP: Stampy And SquidWhere stories live. Discover now