Man of Choice

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We were most of the way across the Pacific Ocean, the largest ocean in the world.
David seemed to be getting better, little by little. When we had left everyone in Auckland I debated giving him a big telling off but then decided that it wasn't worth it.
What was so momentous at this time was the new boss.
Our new boss' name was Mr C Frawder.
We weren't even told his first name.
He was one of those bosses.
We communicated by text as Mr Frawder was very enthusiastic about modern technology. He made 'The Maker Boat Trip Facebook page" for us, a page all about the boat trip that we had absolutely no input on.
"I hate him." Squid said, "more than Harry, more than anyone else."
We were sitting on deck flicking through the Facebook page.
"Oh my god there is a Q&A!" I said, pressing the hyperlink.
Send some questions for Stampy and Squid to answer!
"What? Did you answer any of these questions?" I asked Squid, scrolling through,
"No, nothing. He must have made up the answers." He responded,
"Look at this- what has been the best part of the trip so far? Meeting fans in New Zealand was great fun!" I intimidated, trying not to get angry.
"What?! We never met any fans in New Zealand!" Squid said, "oh look- are you both single? Yes- we are single pringles!"
"He's pretending to be us!"
"Should we tweet out to say that website is a fake?" Squid asked,
"We could.. but then we'd get fired."
"But we can't let some anonymous teacher imitate us like this!" Squid said,
"We need to say something about this.. in the conference in New York." I offered, making Squid excited.
"I've never been this excited to go to a conference in my life!"
"He's been saying about how perfect we are, we should walk in completely drunk and say how much we hate boats." I laughed,
"Sounds like a rebellious quest!" He said,
"Quest to embarrass the boss." I laughed, remembering our old series.
"Hold on a second.." David said, his eyes fixed on something, he stopped the engine and jumped into the sea.
"Mate?! What is it?!" I called. Standing up to see what he was doing.
He climbed back on board, sodding wet. It was quite cold outside, I ran down and grabbed a towel for him.
"What happened?!" I asked, wrapped it over his shoulders. He lifted a glass bottle which had a note inside of it.
"Wow! I didn't realise people actually did this!" I complimented, lifting the note-in-a-bottle.
We smashed the bottle on a pole and then opened up a very old looking piece of paper saying:
Dear reader , my name is Stephanie, I am 10 years old and I live in California USA, when I grow up I want to own a big restaurant in New York! If you read this, please call my cell phone.
Steph, 10/09/2000.
Her number was engraved on the bottom of the letter.
"Oh my god she was ten then.. she must be thirty or so now!"
"What are the chances that she has the same number?" I asked, pulling out my phone.
"Fairly low.. but you should totally give it a shot."
I typed in the number on my phone and we crossed our fingers.
"Hello, Stephanie Windsor, how can I help you?"
We both cheered,
"Hello Stephanie, are you in a lovely restaurant in New York?" I asked,
"Y-yes would you like to book a table?" She asked, I couldn't stop smiling,
"I'm glad you persued your dreams, Steph." I said.
"I'm sorry who is this?" She asked.
"We just found a note in a bottle from a ten year old called Stephanie, with this phone number who wanted to build a restaurant in New York."
"Oh my gosh! Where did you find it?" She exclaimed,
"Half way across the Pacific Ocean- can we book a table for uhh.. say the fourth of April?"
"Of course! Anything you want for free! Anything! I can't believe you found it! I spent twenty years hypothesising whether anyone would find it and where they would and I had just almost forgotten about it! Oh you've just made my year!"
"I'm proud of you- can't wait to see you, fourth of April!"
"I'll put my best chefs to it!"

After ending the call David and I could help smiling, "well that was nice wasn't it?" I said,
"I'm glad I saw the bottle." David said, drying himself, so you reckon we can get to New York in a month?" He asked.
"Eh... if we try very hard and don't stop in Hawaii." I said, looking at a map, "very hard."
"Oh well, I'm sure we can seal another date if we don't get there in time." Squid said, adjusting the speed on the boat. "Oh- by the way- I know these are early days but.. I've been thinking about who my best man should be at my wedding.. and I wanted my best man to be my best friend.."
"Em.. James?"
"Ash- now Ash would be a good one."
"I was just thinking more along the lines of.. you."

I dropped my phone and my mouth made the shape of an O.
I remained staring silently like this for about ten minutes..
What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What.
"Joe you look as though you've just swallowed a small child."
What. What. What. What. What.
"Okay you're scaring me now." David said uneasily.
"Y-you mean.. that.. that I'm your.. best.."
"-friend." I said at the same time David said.
"Yes, yes of course you're my best friend." David said,
"A-are you sure?" I asked, still in initial shock that he thought so much of me.
"Course I am, mate."
"I might not be your best friend by the time of the wedding."
"After this?" He laughed, "of course you are."
"I- i-" I just couldn't get the words out .
"I can't believe you're in this much shock! Didn't you guess that I would ask you?!" David laughed, putting his arm around me.
"N- b- b- "
"Y-yeh.." I sighed..
Best man?!
Best man... speech...
...what..! No...

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