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My eyes winked open with fatigue as the bright gloomy world seeped in through my heavy eyelids.
My lips were chapped, my head was pounding and my eyes were bloodshot.
I sat up, to tired to stretch or moan.
I was waking up, for the first time in years, alone.
The time was 7:00
I leaned over to kiss Nicole but.. She wasn't there.
She was probably in the guest bedroom, she'd stay in there until I left.

I stood up and looked into my wardrobe: this was the day that I would see my mother.
I picked out a shirt and tie- too formal, as if I were dressed for a funeral.
I picked out a t-shirt- to casual.
I simply went for an unbuttoned blouse and a pair of jeans.

I looked at the time again, it was 7:02
Time went so slowly here.

I put my radio to my ear, but contemplated speaking to Joe.
"Dave? Dave I can hear you breathing." He said.
I put my hands against my mouth. I didn't want to speak to Joe, I didn't want to speak to my dad I didn't want to speak to.. Anyone.
"Dave I'm so sorry about what happened last night.." Joe carried on.
"I know how you feel-"
"No you don't." I snapped, bending my head back trying to keep in the tears. "No you don't."
Joe made no response. So I went into the bathroom, brushed my teeth, shaved and did my hair like I always used to..

I walked into the kitchen where I saw Nicole making tea. She turned around,
"Sorry I-" I left, sat in my room, and waited until she had left the kitchen before I made breakfast for myself and the dogs.
I sat in the sofa stroking Ollie, Nicole's cat, when Nicole walked in.
"Hey." She said, I was stunned that she spoke, I blankly smiled, awkwardly. Neither of us had had much sleep last night.
When I had finished my breakfast I placed my bowl in the dishwasher and grabbed my car keys, taking a deep breath.
I looked back at my ex as I opened the front door and closed it behind me breathing in the cold air.
Cumulonimbus clouds were overhead, it was cold and wet as I climbed into my car.
"David, please speak to me." Joe said from my radio.
"What is there to say?" I sighed, "I never should have came home."
"Don't say that, mate."
"But it's true. How the hell am I going to deal with this? My life right now is so messed up, this time last week I was 2 miles away from Somalia with a gun pressed against my throat and for some reason, now I think I'd prefer that."
"Dave just sh-"
"Maybe I should have gone to Somalia, at least two people wouldn't be dead because of me!" More tears fell down my guilt-ridden face.
"David those Somalians would have killed you! You need to think of something else!"
"What else can I bloody think about?! I can't hear out of one ear, the others got a radio in it which made my girlfriend dump me, my mother has a couple months left to live! I'm in extreme shock and guess what i'm supposed to be in the Indian Ocean with my millionaire boyfriend drinking fu*king cocktails!"
"Dave we're just friends."
"Well try telling that to Nicole!" I yelled. Tears streaming from my red eyes. "Maybe I should just give up."
"David don't you dare even think about doing something stupid."
"Well, suicide.. Kinda feels suitable."
"Dave, you're at the lowest point of your life, your girlfriend has left you, you are completely shaken, your mum is ill and you aren't where you should be." He began, "Think about how the people who love you would feel."
I laughed, "What people love me."
"Your parents, your brother, your friends, your millions of fans, and I'm pretty sure Nicole still feels for you too."
"They'd get over it."
"No they wouldn't. I would never get over it. And nor would Sarah."
My daughter's name made me jump,
"Don't ever say that name again." I growled,
"Sarah would never know who her father was!"
"Don't you dare use my daughters name to blackmail me!"

I wiped away my tears as the rain continued to fall.
"Sorry I just.. I just need to think in silence for a bit, please," I said.

I thought about what I was going to see in a couple of minutes..
How bad was my mother going to be?
Would she be able to even make a noise at all?
Could she move?
Would she look frail, could she smile?

I needed to keep myself together, whatever happened, however bad she looked, I couldn't cry, I couldn't let myself go. I needed to make my mum happy, if it was the last thing I did.

When I arrived at my old house I noticed that there was no car there. Had they gone out?
All the same I took the plunge.. I stepped out of the car and knocked on the door of my parents' house.

But nothing could have prepared me for this:


On the threshold stood my mother, in just as much shock as I was..
She was... Fine..
She was suspiciously fine.. How.. How could she be fine she can't speak.. She.. She shouldn't be able to speak she has... She has a tumour in her throat...

"Mum.. Mum are you okay?!" I asked, panicking, putting my hands on her shoulders.
"I- I'm fine, David why are you home?!"
"Where's Dad?! He told me you were ill.. Where is he?!"
I was so confused..
"Y-your dad?"
"Yes, where is he?!"
"Your dad and I split up a couple months ago..."
"Why?! Where is he?!"
"He.. He wanted your money, David. You are by far the wealthiest in the family, he wanted to make sure all your money got to him after you.. After you died."
"So.. What happened?"
"He.. He tried to kill me, so that I wouldn't get money, I trapped myself in the house and called the police, but he was never caught by the police. He escaped.. David he's probably after Nicole."
"Nicole..." He could not hurt her. No one could hurt her. "Oh Jesus no.."
My father.. Was going to kill my ex girlfriend..
So that he would get my money when I died..
Which means he wants to kill me too..
I could not let this happen.

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