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Courtney stared down at me as I huddled in the corner, my mouth wide open with my jaw shivering in fear.
She's alive.
She's alive..
My eyes were wide with shock, the tears still streamed from my face.
"Who are you." I muttered. But I knew exactly who this woman was.
"Joseph I made a mista-"
"I asked you a question!" I yelled,
"It's.. It's me.. " she soothed, walking towards me.
"That's not what I asked you." I took a step back.
"Courtney.. Courtney Holt." She said, looking down.
"No. Who are you to me?"
"I'm..I'm your manager.." She bit her lip, she knew she had made a mistake.
"Listen to me Joe-"
"No for once in your life you listen to me!" I yelled, "you faked your death! How dare you?!"
Tears streamed down my face into my mouth, I felt so overwhelmed and haunted.
"It was for the programme-"
"You did not just make that excuse. We thought that you died! And worse than that, we thought that it was our fault! I destroyed my phone so you couldn't track the sim, I steered the boat closer to Somalia so we went off route so the police wouldn't find us and that's where the Pirates got us! Because your stupid programme wasn't exciting enough?! Well I'm sorry big brother but you almost got both of us killed! And you most certainly made both of us suicidal!"
Courtney glared at me with hazel eyes, she had long brown hair which was dyed blonde at the ends, she was in her late twenties to early thirties and she had told me the biggest lie and the worst lie that I had ever believed.
I leaned back against the wall, getting as far away from her as possible. I was afraid of her, terrified.
"I bet the Pirates were just actors.. I bet I'm in some kind of set, all the nurses and crew are actors! This is all fake!"
"I had no idea of the Somalians."
"How can I believe a word that comes out of your mouth?! You lied to me! You lied and lied.."
"Joseph, you and David have every permission to go home, I'll pay for the flights, everything. We won't broadcast your story, we won't gain money. We can put a closure to this and you can get the next flight home. This I promise." Courtney said.
"No, Mrs Holt." I said, "we've been given a task. We aren't stopping, Mrs Holt. We aren't going home."
Courtney nodded, "very well." Before opening my cabin door.
"Oh Courtney-" I reminded her.
"Don't you dare talk to David. He's in enough shock as it is, I'll tell him later."
She nodded then left.

So much had happened in that one day.. Sqaishey.. David.. Courtney..
I was sick with the shock and the stress. And I slept alone in my bed, just waiting.

I woke up.
It was dark.
I breathed in strange air.
I couldn't see anything, but I felt a mask over my mouth.
I groaned with pain as I moved my arm to take off the mask.
"Mr Spencer?" The bright white light switched on, I moaned as I forced my eyes to adjust.
"Mr Spencer can you hear me?"
"David? David Spencer?"
I immediately opened my eyes when someone called me that name.. Squid..
I blinked heavily. Drunk with fatigue. Unable to focus.
"Decrease the morphine levels.."
Blurry people walked past me. I recognised the separate frames of life.
"He's arresting.."
I gulped in oxygen, without enough energy inside of me to breathe.
"Dave?! Dave!"
People yelled out a name that meant nothing to me.. Nothing to me at all..
I was dying. I was going to die.
This was it: this was the end.
I was trapped, in a dark room, I couldn't move, I could only feel the intense pain rushing through what was once my body.
Until a sudden burst of an electric shock shook my heart and chest. The pain made my eyes open.. I saw that blinding light again.. And the silence.. The deafening silence.
"Mr Spencer can you hear me?"
"David, can you respond?"
"David, concentrate! I need you to concentrate!"
I narrowed my eyes, trying to work out my orders.. All the words muffled together.. Only one word mattered to me: one name: Sarah.
I needed my daughter.. I needed her..
"David can you hear me?" It was Nicole's voice.. I recognised her, I knew her.
But the whole world was blurred, my whole body was burning and I felt tears streaming down my alone face. No one knew what was wrong with me. No one except Amud. Amud was there. He was always glaring at me and the people that I loved with a gun at their heads in my mind.
"Y..yeh.." I breathed with all my might, responding to Nicole.
Hands were put on my shaking face, my teeth jittered as the salted tears streamed along my swollen cheeks.
The oxygen mask was put over my chapped lips again, but I was too reckless to breathe.
I was starting to black out again,
"David, stay with me. David please just hold on.."
A hand gripped mine, it was moist and bigger and thinner than mine.
"J-Joe.." I began, my head pounding, "i- i d- don't want to die."
I stared up at his stressed face with giant blue eyes, "p-please don't make me die."
"I'm not gonna let you die, David. I promise you." He said, just before my eyes closed as a needle was stabbed into my thigh.


My eyes blinked open.
The atmosphere was calm.
The lights were dim and warm.
Nicole walked over to me and leaned down over the hospital bed, stroking my face.
I weakly glanced over at her as she removed my oxygen mask.
"How are you?" She whispered softly, I couldn't stop looking into her beautiful eyes,
"I'm... Fine. W- what happened?" I asked, unsure how so much trauma could change to this tranquil warmth.
"You has a serious anaphylactic reaction to an injection you had been given, never knew you had an allergy." She said,
"Nor did I." I replied, smiling. Before her lips touched mine, and I closed my eyes with lethargy and comfort. No one could hurt me now. Not even Amud.
Or so I thought.

THE BOAT TRIP: Stampy And SquidWhere stories live. Discover now