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The gun dropped as the shot fired and a limp bloody corpse of a Somalian fell onto me.
I yelled in fright and shock.
I placed the body on the ground beside the young, innocent Somalian..
The timer was out.. The ship was fine..
I knelt on the ground, screaming in shock and pain..
It's all over.. It's all over..
Tears streamed down my face..
Help me.. Please help me!
My knees gave way and the rope was still tied firmly around my neck. My breathing slowed...
The Pirates were dead.. I survived... I survived..

"Sir? Sir can you hear me? Sir..."
I was rescued and lifted into a life boat which brought me to the NewStar ship.
"Can you tell me your name sir?"
"Are you alright sir?"
"You don't look alright?"
"Can you hear me?"
"Y-yes.." My heart rate rose and my fingers were shaking. "D-do my friends know where I am?"
"Yes they do, and you can call them later. We just need to get you better first. Can you tell me.. Are you hurt?"
"Sir, are you in any pain?"
I nodded in the shock.. I couldn't concentrate.. The Somalians were all dead..
"Can you lie down for me sir...?"
"Nice and slowly.. You're okay now.. You're safe."
"T-thank you.." I gulped, the tears streaming from my face.
"You're welcome."
"Thank you!" I cried, slowly lying down.. My life would never be the same again.. Not after this..

I ran straight from the bridge down to the hospital cubicles.
My face was white with anxiety, I needed to see him, I needed to see that he was safe, that he was stable.
I came face to face with a nurse, "can I see him." I asked her.
"He is unconscious.."
"Will he be okay?"
"He is in a lot of shock, but he will be okay, don't worry."
"C- can i see him? Please." I asked, nervously.
She nodded, "not too long."

I walked into the room where he lay on a hospital bed, covered in blood, tear stains had formed at the sides on his face.
I told myself that I would never let anything happen to him again..
It's all over now.. He's going to be okay..

I walked out of the room and went back up to where the crew were. They had turned off the cameras and were silent when I walked in, patiently waiting for my response.
"David is currently in a lot of shock and pain, but he's stable, and he's safe. Well done."
I blankly smiled as the crew cheered and clapped with relief and accomplishment.

I walked down into my cabin, wiping the sweat from my brow. Beth was staring at me in anticipation,
"He's okay." I sighed in relief. She walked over to me as tears started to form,
"You did an amazing job." She said, putting her arms around my waist as I rested my head on hers.
I took a deep breath before Beth kissed me on the lips then stared at me,
"Are you going to be okay?"
"Yeh, yeh I'm fine, I'm fine.."
"You've been through a lot lately."
"Well he's alive, that's what matters. David is alive." I sighed, my hands around her waist, "is Nicole still at home?"
"No she's in the cabin opposite us." Beth said, "haven't you seen her?"
"No.. No do you mind if I go speak to her?"
"Go ahead, I'll go back to my own cabin-"
"No.. No.. I want you to stay.."
She nodded and sat down on the bed, I left the room and knocked on the door of Nicoles cabin.
She opened the door with messy hair, dark under eyes and a white dressing gown on.
"-sorry for disturbing, can I come in?" I asked, she nodded and I sat down on the bed beside her.
"How is he?" She asked me,
"Alive." I said, I shook my head and asked her, "why do you want David to come home?"
"It's complicated."
"I know, God I know but surely David almost dying is enough to make you feel bad for sending those pictures of you and Tom."
"Tom and I aren't-"
"I know. So.. Why? Why pretend when you can just ask him."
"I- I can't." She muttered.
"Well then. I'll be going." I felt no motivation to argue.
"Wait, really how is David?" She was genuinely worried. I may as well tell her everything,
"In shock, unconscious and in a lot of pain." I told her, standing up then leaving, "have a nice day."

I walked back into my cabin where Beth lay in bed.
I went into the bathroom and leaned my elbows on the sink, splashing my face, trying to get myself into reality.
Beth walked up behind me.
"Hey." I sighed, seeing her in the mirror.
She undid the buttons of my shirt revealing a large bruise on my back.
"How'd you get that?" She asked me, I tensed as she ran her fingers along it.
"D-don't remember." I stuttered as she walked around to face me.
"Eva Bates." She said.
"The girl you fell in love with in Morocco. That was her name, she was my cousin."

I wasn't sure how sentimental this was to her, if she liked her as much as I did, if she even remembered her.

"Well." I said, "looks like I've got a type."
She smiled, "a type of what?"
I smiled before I put my hands on her face and kissed her, she put her hands on my chest and around my neck until our fingers intwined.
I held her hands until we stopped kissing and gazing into each others eyes.
"I've got a flight to catch.. Helicopter is gonna leave the ship at about 5am, don't wanna wake you." She said.
I nodded in understanding.
"I think I better go to my own cabin." She said, "I hope you sleep well."
"I'll try." I said, smiling.
I kissed her cheek, "I love you." I whispered.
She smiled, "love you too. Stampy."

I lay in bed, my eyes wide open. I knew squid was probably doing the same thing.
What a life.
What a world.
What a task for just friends to do..
Just friends.
Against the world.
The huge world which we were yet to travel
-and we weren't even half way there.

THE BOAT TRIP: Stampy And SquidWhere stories live. Discover now