The Secret

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I woke up, still holding Stampy's hand. I could have made breakfast or driven the boat but my conscience told me to keep holding his hand until he woke up.
When his eyes finally opened I could see him figuring out what happened yesterday. He was caught in limbo. Under his eyes were dark, neither of us had slept well last night.
"You alright?" I asked him, holding his hands with both of mine.
He nodded slightly before sitting up. His lips were moist and his eyes were grey.
I patted his back, "take it easy today, mate." I said to him.

I walked out of the cabin and out onto the deck. We were half way across Algeria, I wanted to take the short way around Africa. We needed to get away from land, we needed to get to Australia, a MEDC. No risk of a terrorist attack. Somewhere else..
This of course meant that we would have to go through the Suez Canal, the canal leading from the Mediterranean Sea, the sea which we were sailing through at the moment, to the Red Sea, between Africa and Saudi Arabia. Then we could go through the Indian Ocean, we would be there for about three months.

I walked into the bathroom, I removed my shorts and turned on the shower, while the water was heating up I looked at myself in the mirror. My face was slightly tanned with grey undertones under my eyes. My waterline was red from the tears I had lost yesterday. Today was a new day. I needed to keep myself together. I couldn't sit around feeling sorry for myself. Eva wouldn't want me to do that.
My stomach was flat, contoured by my ribs. I felt Eva's arms around them, kissing my neck and smiling. A tear caught in my eyelashes.
I'd never see her again.
The children that adored her would cry.
They wouldn't be cared for.
They'd never watch my videos again.
And I couldn't do anything to stop that happening.

I sat on the bench watching the world go by.
I had no idea of the date or the time.
I grabbed my phone out of the compartment. I hadn't used it in over a week.

It was Sunday 12th May.

My heart sank..

Stampy walked up the stairs onto the deck,
"Hi." He said. I blankly smiled, but I was too distracted by the date. A reminder of what happened.. My eyes started to water and a tear creeped out.
"Mate you need to tell me what's going on." He said, sitting down beside me.
"It's a birthday.." I whispered,
"Lily's?" He asked,
"No.. Sarah's.."
"Who is Sarah?" He asked me. My heart tensed.. A secret that I'd never told a soul before..

"My daughter."

Stampy's eyes widened as he moved closer to me and put his hands on my shoulders.
"H-how old is she?" He asked. More tears fell down my face, I could feel him judging me.
"Ten." I told him. "I know, I'm an absolute slut! A seventeen year old with a baby! I'm a stupid idiot! I'm disgusting and don't worry I know I'm horrible! Selfish! And I can't do anything about it!" I covered my nose and mouth. Stampy's mouth was wide open with shock. I knew what he thought of me, I knew.
"I'd never think of you as that. But- how did it happen? And where is her mother?"
I closed my eyes and told him everything..

....10 Years Ago.....

I was sitting in maths class, working out different equations..
A= bh /2
Ax2= 6.4 x 8(4)
Ax2= 204.8
I thought about last week with Lily.. I went over to her house.. I didn't know what I was doing, it was supposed to just be a chat but I ended up sleeping with her. Did I regret it? I wasn't sure, we weren't going out, she was just a good looking girl who seemed to like me.
"David?" The teacher called,
"Huh?" I looked up at her, the class laughed, I hadn't been concentrating.
"David did you hear a word I said?" Mrs Calvier, my maths teacher asked me, I bit my lip, I was so getting a detention.
"I- I-" I began before the door knocked and Lily walked into the class.
"Excuse me Mrs Calvier- may I speak with David Spencer for a few minutes?" She asked. I exhaled a sigh of relief, miming 'Thank you.' To her, she smiled blankly. Something was up..
"Is it important?" Mrs Calvier said, tucking her short grey hair behind her ears.
"Yes, very."
"Okay, be as quick as you can David."
I stood up, rolling up the sleeves of my white shirt. I wore a black and red striped tie with my top button undone, my hair was swiped up to the left and my face was cleanly shaven.
"Thanks Miss." I told her before walking outside the door and facing Lily.

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