The Final Time

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10 days had passed since Joe got shot. It was Christmas Eve.
I woke up in Courtney's house. I didn't sleep on the boat because there were crowds surrounding it, and I hadn't spoken to Lily since I was arrested.
I was constantly texting Sarah. From video ideas to 'mum and Peter are kissing just outside my bedroom and I want to get out what do I do?'
I had gradually started to fall inlove with my daughter, growing more attached every day. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her.

Nicole was staying with me too, she was lying next to me in bed when I woke up at 8am. Today was the day that Joe and I were going back on the boat again, I wasn't sure if I was upset or excited.
"Where's your next stop?" Nicole asked, as I began to button up a shirt.
"New York." I said, "I mean we'll probably stop at the Panorama Canal for a couple hours but yeh.. We've got a conference in New York."
I stood in front of a huge mirror and Nicole walked up behind me, she put her arms around me and stared to undo the first couple buttons of my shirt, I closed my eyes as she ran her fingers along my neck and chest before I turned around and kissed her, tilting my head, I ran my hands down her waist making us fall back onto the bed with our legs intwined.

I sat on my hospital bed, waiting. I hadn't seen David since I just woke up. And quite frankly I was still in shock after he kissed me.
I didn't know what was going on in his head, but I knew it was more than he let me know about, when I last saw him he looked as though he was about to break down into tears at any second.
I got changed into a clean white shirt and trousers before there was a knock on my door.
Squid walked in blankly smiling.
"Wow you look well!" He admired, walking over to me and hugging me.
"Wish I could say the same for you, you look exhausted." I said, noticing the greyness under his eyes.
"It's been a tough couple weeks." He said, scratching his head.
"You got insomnia?"
"Yeh. Can't sleep. My mind's just.. Spinning!" He laughed, but I knew something was bothering him. "I'm fine.. Really." He said.
"You sure? We can talk about it-"
"No! Jesus no! I'm fine I don't need therapy!" He assured, but I could still tell that he was hiding something.
Before I could ask him any more questions Courtney walked into the room. We both stood up to greet our boss, David pulled over a chair for her, I noticed that she was looking a little more.. Rounded.
"So you ready to set off again this afternoon?" She asked,
"Yep." I said,
"Well I have some news for you.. You can take it as you wish.. You will be getting a new boss in a couple of weeks as I am going off on maternity leave."
David and I looked at each other in shock. Oh god I didn't get her pregnant did I..? Oh god no.. No! No! No!
"The face of you! Joe- I've been pregnant for months, don't worry." She giggled. I gave a sigh of relief, so did David. I was so worried that I was the father!

After Courtney left both of us broke down into tears laughing.
"Oh Jesus I thought my life was ruined!" Joe cried,
"I thought you got her pregnant Joe! Oh god if you had got her pregnant..!" I sighed, chuckling.
"Come on we better discharge you and get you on that bloody boat." I laughed, helping him stand up,
"Oh, watch me back, I've got stitches in it."
"Oh sorry mate!" I said, remembering that he got his lung removed after he was shot.
I put my arm around his neck and balanced him down the stairs toward the exit of the hospital. His walking was improving, he just often got short of breath.
Outside of the hospital there was a huge crowd, most wearing our merchandise or the boat trip merchandise.
"Wow..." We said, so taken aback by the huge crowd that turned up.
"Bloody hell how on earth are we supposed to get back to the boat?"
The sky was growing dark and I felt raindrops fall onto my head.
While most people were distracted by getting out umbrellas or ponchos Joe and I took a run for it down the beach towards the pier.
It was when I saw Courtney, Sarah and Lily I told Joe to stop running.
Lily put giant coats over us so that we wouldn't be recognised and Joe started talking to Courtney.
"So this is it." Lily said, putting her hands on my shoulders, I looked down at her, nodding. The rain was pouring down now. I kneeled down to my daughter Sarah.
"I'll miss you." She said,
"I'll text you, and visit you, and when you're old enough you can visit me." I said, hugging her.
I looked over to Lily again and hugged her before whispering in her ear, "thank you."
"I'll never forget you, Ballistic squid." She whispered, my mouth dropped slightly.. That was the last thing she told me before she.. 'Died'.
I kissed her cheek and let go of her hands before she grasped them again,
"Just one more thing, Squid." She said, I walked up to her again, "before I faked my death you started to speak to me.. You said Lily Greenwood I. How was that sentence going to end?" I knew how that sentence was supposed to end, I remembered what I was going to say to her. I was going to say Lily Greenwood, I love you.
"Lily Greenwood." I said, "I'm not actually a Squid." before walking away, hearing Sarah giggle with her mum,to where Courtney and Joe were.
Courtney put her hands on Joe's face suddenly,
"Ah ah!" Joe said, pulling what was going to be a kiss, into a hug. "I think once is quite enough don't you?" He laughed, pulling away and slowly letting go of her fingers .
"You've been a shitty boss, Mrs Holt, but.. The best one I've ever had." He said, this made her smile, she whispered something into his ear and he said something back before she kissed his cheek. That's when I decided that, before they started snogging again, to link my arm with Joe's, wave goodbye to my family and my boss and jump on the boat.
I started to unravel the rope from the stump in the pier, I spoke to Joe as I handed him the rope,
"What was that all about?" He asked, rolling up the rope and wrapping it around a pole on the boat.
"I was tryin' a stop you from hooking up with your boss again." I replied, pulling down the ladder. "What was that she whispered in your ear? Ooh! I love you JoJo! And you replied ooh! I love you too CoCo!"
Joe started laughing as he pulled the boat towards the pier using a rope, "you're jealous!"
"I most certainly am not!" I yelled as Joe held out his hand to help me on board.
"Then where did that kiss come from in the hospital?"
"I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about." I lied, "you were probably high on drugs."
"Nope, you kissed me, 100% tongue and all."
"Yuck, you're disgusting bro." I said, trying to brush off this topic as I walked on board the boat.
"I wish I knew what was going on inside your head." Joe said, putting a hand on my shoulder,
"No you don't." I replied, thinking of Nicole, Tom, Lily, Peter, Sarah, almost getting arrested.. Breaking up with Nicole..
"Listen mate. If I were to ask you some questions would you tell me the truth?" He asked me, while we waved at the crowd, mooring the boat out of the port.
"Probably not mate." I responded, sitting down, watching my daughter go further and further away as we continued on the journey once more.

THE BOAT TRIP: Stampy And SquidWhere stories live. Discover now