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I slowly opened my eyes, hearing noises around me.
The room was dimly lit, I was in a bed... I felt so lost, so confused. Where was the boat?
"Where am I?" I asked, struggling to move, but pain stabbed my back.
"Stamps, that's the most cliché thing to say after you're unconscious. Come on think of something more creative." I heard David say. Smiling.
"D-Dave.. Why am I here?" I asked, I was so confused.
"Getting there, come on any more ideas?"
"Weren't we on the b-boat.. What happened.."
He put his cold hand on my cheek, I tried to refresh my memory.
"Stampy, you were shot. Tell me what you remember, and tell me who shot you."
I was still so lost. I couldn't focus.
"Joseph, I need you to concentrate. Who shot you?" David repeated.
I looked down at my chest where stitches closed up a bullet wound on my chest.
I looked back up at David, what happened... What happened... What happened!?

6 Hours Earlier

I sat in bed in Peter's house. Pretending to be asleep. He knew that I was Sarah's father.. Would he be okay with it? Would he hate me? Would he stay with Lily or leave her?
There was a knock on the front door. I closed my eyes, turning the other way, opposite the door and covering my shoulders with the sheet.
"Police! Is David Spencer in this house?!"
My eyes widened and my stomach dropped... W..what...? What was going on.. Why did the police want me?
I drowned myself in the sheets, pretending to be sound asleep.
"He isn't here." I heard Lily say,
"Yes he is. I let him stay- he's sleeping." Peter said. "Why do you need him?"
I heard the marching footsteps getting louder and closer to my room until the doors barged open.
"Mister Spencer I am arresting you under suspicion of shooting Mister Joseph Garrett."
My mouth opened wide. I had no idea what to do.
I was pulled out of my bed where handcuffs tied my hands behind my back.
"W..what is happening?" I mumbled while I was dragged to the other side of the room.
I looked at Lily and Peter who stood in as much shock as I was.
"David what-" lily began,
"Look after Sarah. Please I don't know what's happening."
I noticed the glare that Peter was giving me. "I'm sorry Peter.. If I'd have known.." I sighed, seeing him look down.
My breathing quickened, I was starving, my legs felt weak again.
I saw cameras and lights before I was heaved into a huge police van and into a metre squared cell.

It was all quiet before the engine turned on and I felt us moving.
I rested my head in my hands, what is going on!
What about Tom? Where is Tom?! Joe is not safe if he is loose! Why am I being arrested! What have I done! Why would they think I shot Joe?!

It was quiet, dark and lonely.
I sat on the tiny bench in the tiny room. I felt claustrophobic and isolated. Left to die.
All of a sudden I saw the blinding light, the doors opened and my cell was opened. I was dragged into a station I presumed.
My height was checked.
My weight was checked.
Until I was put in a cell.

"Why am I here?" I growled, banging my head against the wall. "I should be with Joe in hospitals!"
"You shot him." I heard a voice, I knew him..
I saw Toms face emerge from the cell opposite me.
"Shot him in the heart and blamed it on me."
"How dare you! It was you who shot him! What are you playing at?!" I yelled.
"David, I would never do that to you. You're my brother, come on bro."
"Stop lying to me you shot him! I trusted you!" I yelled,
"Calm down bro, we'll both get out of here soon. You're in shock, someone shot your friend. I understand." He said in a calming tone.
"What is wrong with you! I won't forget what you did! What you said!"
"Well, I don't mean to worry you further but they have more evidence of you shooting him- I know you wouldn't do that, D."
"Stop trying to pretend you didn't shoot him! Stop pretending!" I yelled.
"Would you two shut up!" Someone else yelled.

I leaned against the back wall of my cell. I slid down the wall as tears subsided.
I didn't shoot Joe.. It wasn't me.. It was Tom..
"Just as well you won't be in here for murder- that'd be for the rest of your life and you wouldn't get to see Lily again." Tom called,
"I don't care about Lily." I muttered.
"I think you do."
"Shut up."

Two men then unlocked both our cells, handcuffed us again and brought us up some stairs.
"Please, I didn't do this." I cried, "I promise you."

"We are able to trace the finger prints on the gun." Someone said, "we can only receive the surname which is Spencer. One of you two,"
"I saw what happened, it was Tom." I said. "I assure you, it was Tom. He shot through the glass at Joe."
Tom looked down.. Acting, "I'm sorry, your story is believable David and I always wanted to be there for you.. I never wanted to do this to you because.. Because you're my little brother, I've always cared for you, you looked up to me.. You're my brother."
"You aren't my brother." I growled.
"What happened, Sargent, was David- of whom I assume was under pressure and was a bit lost, obtained a gun, he shot Joseph then turned and shot me."
"Bull sh-"
"And what proof do you have about this?" A woman said, unlocking Tom's handcuffs.
Tom pulled up his sleeve to reveal a bullet wound in his arm.
My mouth dropped, "Tom how did you-" I gasped. Did he shoot himself just to arrest me.
"And proof to show it was David.. I.." He pulled out his phone, "I managed to snip a picture before he shot Joseph."
He showed me a picture of when I was about to shoot Joe.. When I was supposed to choose between Sarah or Joe..
"I pulled away! I pulled away! Please you have to believe me!" A tear fell down my face.
I wasn't getting out of this.. He had prepared this so well... The perfect frame..
I was pinned up against the wall by a police officer.
"Please, officer, you haven't spoken to other witnesses- Joseph and Sarah- you need to speak to them! Isn't that law?!" I was running out of hope.
"You have already spoken to Sarah, and so we cannot accept her account, and Joseph is unconscious."
"I'll wake him. Let me speak to him, you can be in the same room as me the whole time you can listen to every word just let him tell you who shot him. Please."
"Is this really necessary?" Tom asked,
"Yes it is!" I yelled. Joe was my last chance to prove to them that I was not guilty.. But what if he didn't remember... He had to remember..

THE BOAT TRIP: Stampy And SquidWhere stories live. Discover now