Star Gazing

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I woke up: it was 2am, it was dark outside, I looked around, Stampy was still fast asleep. I rose out of bed and looked out at the Wild, wild sky.

I stood up on the highest point of the boat. Not hanging on to anything.
This was my moment.
My time.

There was no land at all; nothing but the sea and the beautiful starlit sky.
I could see the galaxies, the planets: everything.
And I wondered if I was the only one in this world gazing up at the stars right now.
I wondered about Nicole.

I almost felt her holding my hands, I saw her smile.. I heard her laugh..
I missed her.
And I knew she missed me: she wouldn't have me, she'd be at home, with Tom and the dogs.. I hoped that she'd still love me when I came home, that we could live our life again; catch up with eachother.
She and I had a future together, we could get married, have children- have a family.
I thought about the man downstairs: Stamps. He was stoic, and trustworthy. It had taken this first month to realise that he really was a good friend, he has hard moments but he can deal with them, and he can deal with my hard and awkward moments by laughing at them. Embracing embarrassment and making me feel welcome: he was a great friend.

What would Nicole think of us the other day at the club? Would she leave me? No. She'd probably laugh like we both did -Stampy and I don't love eachother- we have a strange relationship, a fun friendship of which I wouldn't change for the world.

I continued to look up at the stars, I reached my hands up high as if to try and reach the constellations: I was free. I had no money to spend, no dogs to feed, no strangers to judge me: just me, the sea, and the stars.
But no Nicole..
I wouldn't have her for at least another year..
What if I never see her again? What if I don't make it home?
All of a sudden my foot slipped- I fell immediately, my head smacked against the anchor and my eyes closed shut.

I woke up alone in bed. The sky was bright- the boat was moving and David's side of the bed was cold.
I walked into the kitchen, there was no sign of him, I climbed up to the steering area- he wasn't there..
"Squid?" I called, walking back downstairs and opening every door.
"Mate?!" I called again, "Dave?!"
A nightmare of waking up and he wasn't there unraveled. I ran upstairs again.
"Dave?!" I climbed up onto the top of the boat to see two legs stick out from behind the anchor chain, I gave a sigh of relief before I walked up to him and saw a red pool of blood beside his head.
"Oh my god!" I said to myself, running over to him before calling into his ears,
"Mate? David can you hear me? Dave? Squid? Hello? Can you hear me?"
I began to panic, I swiped back my hair in stress, unsure what to do- I needed someone else, I couldn't do this alone. I looked around for any trace of land. But we were nowhere, absolutely in the middle of nowhere.
I placed my middle and index finger on his wrist and waited: he had a pulse.
I ran back inside and grabbed a large dark brown towel and slid it under his bloody head. I cleaned up the blood from his nose and insulated his head with towels and cushions before struggling to lift him down into the cabin and gently placed him in bed.
I stayed near him for about an hour before I spotted his eyes flickering then slowly is eyelids rose.
"Hey mate.." I began, softly.
"Where's Nicole..?" He muttered to himself,
"W.. What.." He glared at me before closing his eyes again then opening them suddenly and gagging, I passed him a basin just before he got sick.
I filled him a large glass of water and took out two paracetamol tablets for him, before walking back into the room to see David with his head resting in his hands.
"How are you?" I asked him, placing down the water and tablets.
He took a deep breath as his eyebrows rose in agony. He didn't speak, he was still lost.
"Here.." I lifted the glass of water and poured the clear liquid down his throat along with the two tablets.
David then reached to touch his head but when he did he shrieked in pain,
"Hey, hey mate.. Put your head down and go to sleep.. Come on, slowly.."
I guided my confused friend to put his head down and close his eyes. He fell asleep almost immediately.

I left the room and went into the inside driving area- which we hadn't used that much. But dark cumulonimbus clouds were surrounding overhead, the rains would come soon.
"Stamps?" I heard, it was Dave's voice, croaked and broken. I rushed downstairs and sat with him, his face was pure white, the area around his eyes was red, and a tear was caught between his cheek line and his nose.
"Are you feeling alright?" I asked him, he looked around,
"Y..yeah... " I could tell that his mind hadn't properly settled. "You should bring in the camera, I'm sure Mrs Holt would appreciate it."
"I- I can't film you like this.." I said, sighing,
"Well then.." He sighed, his eyes constantly blinking,
"Mate you're in a lot of pain-"
"I know Stamps.. I know that much.."
I walked over to him and hugged him.
"I'm sorry stamps.. I messed up I'm putting you back I-"
"You said it yourself: we're in this together, now you rest up for a couple days until you're better, alright?"
Squid nodded slightly before rolling over on to his back and staring up at the window on the roof as the skies burst and rain grated from the clouds.

THE BOAT TRIP: Stampy And SquidWhere stories live. Discover now