One Bullet

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"I'm not a fan." The lady said,
"Then why do you have my merchandise?"
"It-it was donated."
"Ha! Donated? To a wealthy lady who owns one of the most popular canals in the world?!" I put my hands on her shoulders, "you know exactly who I am and you will let me use your canal and pay later."
She moved in closer to me, her eyes glaring at mine, her nose brushed against mine..
She moved her hands down my back and just as our lips touched I felt a jabbing pain in two places where her hands were.
I shrieked in agony, the lady then yanked two daggers out of my back, I had never felt such pain in my entire life.
She bashed her head against mine and grasped my face with her nails, pulling us closer together. I tried to push her away but I was driven back by the exhilarating pain in my sides.
"You can't hurt a woman here. You will be arrested. You know what arrested means here? You are lined up against a wall and shot."
She pushed me into the ground, with a knife pressed against my throat, I stayed silent though my life was in intense pain and anxiety and my breathing was quick. I looked at her like I would fear.
"Yes. I know who you are." She growled, I panted with my mouth open, looking up at her, "I will give you five minutes to get the hell out of Egypt. You will pay me the money. And that money will double by each month." I nodded in fear, She put her hand around my open mouth and kissed it, then covered my nose.. She was suffocating me.
I struggled to move, I couldn't breathe, I could bite down on her tongue, but then that would hurt her and I would be arrested. I felt the energy draining out of me and the blood trickling down onto the ground. I had no hope. No hope at all..

Until out of the blue Stampy ran in,
"Get off him!" He yelled, she turned around, I chocked on the air breathing loudly and slowly.
When Joe saw the blood gushing from me he pointed a gun at the lady,
"What did you do to him?!" He yelled,
I shook my head to him, "she did nothing! Don't shoot!" I tried to yell, but it came out nothing more than a whisper.
"Dave stay here I'll get someone-"
"We have to go." I whispered to him, we had less than five minutes now.
I limped to the top of the stairs before the lady pushed me down them.

"Get lost!" I yelled at the woman, trying my very best not to hurt her incredibly badly.
I ran down to where David was, at the bottom of the stairs of the cold dark house, beside the door.
"Dave can you hear me?" I asked him, putting my hands on his cheeks, he opened his eyes slightly before whispering to me,
"We have five minutes to get in the canal."
My eyes widened, i helped him up and we ran slowly down towards the boat. I saw David's eyes closing and he was limping as the blood dripped from his back.
"You're going to be okay." I shouted at him, as I heard him gasping for air.
When we finally got to the boat we charged up on deck and I started up the engine, I looked behind at David just in time to see him grab a pillar and collapse to the ground.
"Wow mate, wow.." I caught him and sat him down on my knee as I drove into the canal. Glaring up at the lady who put David in this misery.

When we got through into the canal I put the Stamping Squid on auto pilot before placing David gently down on the ground.
I tore off his shirt, lowered his shorts and grabbed a towel to comfort him. I inspected his two large cuts on either side of his back. They were still bleeding, I applied a cool cloth on both of them and then put pressure on them. I added a drop of iodine to the wounds and then wrapped a bandage around his stomach and back. I then rubbed oil on his throat to loosen his oesophagus so he could breathe easier. Still his eyes were closed. I panicked more and moved to his head: what does one do? I asked myself, he must have hit his head quite badly when he was pushed down the stairs, but there was no sign of concussion or redness. I simply placed a cool cloth on his forehead.

I looked down at his distorted body, stab wounds, blood, bruises. I sat down with my hands on my mouth and stared at him.
This was awful for David but good for me: because him being silent and unconscious gave me time to think- I focused on his breathing, well, at least I tried to, but it was so uneven, like he was choking on his tongue.
I walked over to David and tilted his head backwards so that his windpipe was straight, this helped with his breathing.

David's eyes opened wide as he looked at me, his breathing then increased with the pain, a sense of uneasiness.
"It's okay." I whispered in a haunting way. "For me." I added.

As I glared into his eyes I thought about Eva being shot by one bullet.
And that one bullet that was missing in David's gun.

"I know what you did."

THE BOAT TRIP: Stampy And SquidWhere stories live. Discover now