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The children stood up as Eva stared at us,
"I knew I recognised your voices!" She said, Stampy was living the dream.. Children loved him.. I, on the other hand, was considering what the children had been through..
I can't just ignore what happened.. I can't ignore something that I've done.. Something so awful..

Stampy and I spoke loudly and clearly to the children, I was so impressed by their understanding of English, they understood about as much as an average English six year old would- probably even more.

As Stampy and Eva spoke to eachother I saw their pupils dilate, I saw them smile at eachother: affection. Something I should know.. I should have known then.. I should have felt it enough.. My biggest regret, the day my life went of in a tangent.
And I never told a soul.

I felt my stomach tense and my face shrivel up. I had to keep myself together here: I couldn't lose myself in front of fans.
I walked up to Joe and put my mouth close to his neck saying,
"I'm gonna go back to the boat- bit lightheaded, I'll make dinner."
He looked back at me, my red eyes buzzed in his gaze,
"Are you alr-"
"Yep. I'm fine." I replied swiftly. Before turning away, smiling at the kids and leaving.

At about 1pm the children left school, they either went to a care centre where a foster parent would make them work for hours, or they went to their own house, who knew what they would do there.
I sat outside with Eva. Staring at her brunette hair, styled in a messy bun. She had a clear, makeup-free face, with the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen- wait? What am I saying?!
Her eyes were hazel with almost a gold outline. Her lashes were long and dark, and her lips were red. She had a slim body, wearing a baggy white shirt with a long skirt: everyone had to wear lots, it was law: No visible skin should be shown below the neck.

We were sitting on the grass, in the heat of this 'peaceful paradise.'
"How long do you propose to stay here for?" She asked me, I shrugged my shoulders,
"Not long, we'll be gone in a couple days.." I told her, she looked down, I put my hand under her chin -this was the first time that we touched- she stared into my eyes.
"Don't worry Eve, I'll come and visit you- I'm assuming you don't have a phone.."
She shook her head, blankly smiling and shrugging her shoulders, I put my hands on her cheeks, "then I'll just have to surprise you!"
"So what is England like now?" She asked me, "it's been ten years since I was there."
"Wow.. Ten years- well, to be perfectly honest it still looks the same, apart from it has a giant wheel, called the London Eye. All the political stuff- Tony Blair was prime minister then Gordon Brown, then David Cameron and then Theresa May.. Queen Elizabeth is still very much alive, Prince William got married in.. 2011 I think, they had two children, George and Charlotte, there was a referendum and the U.K. Decided to leave the European Union.. Yeah nothing incredibly good has happened.."
"Wow.. I feel like it's still 2005.. "
"Eva, 2005 was a long time ago." I sighed.
"What was I doing in 2005? I was a thirteen year old, hiding from my parents, trying to learn how to speak Arabic because I wanted to escape.. I had the whole world ahead of me, dreams.. I just didn't want any child to have a childhood like me. I didn't want anyone to get hurt, I didn't want anyone to cry I just wanted everyone to be safe.." She looked down at her scarred wrists.
"What were you doing in 2005?" She asked me
"I'm pretty sure I was doing a lot better than you.. I was at school, trying to make some friends- I was about fourteen, fifteen, I uploaded my first YouTube video then-"
"Oh yeah?" She leaned forwards,
I chuckled, "yeah, it was just me doing a backflip-"
She giggled, "do you think you could do one?"
"Eh, no." I laughed, Eva untied the piece of string down from her hair and I watched her beautiful hair fall with a side parting on to her shoulders: she looked perfect..

I sat on the boat, reminded of the events of my past... "Lily.." I whispered, looking out the window at the sea.. "I love you Lily.." I sighed, at the name, a tear dripped from my eyes, more and more..
"Who's Lily?" Stampy said from behind me,
I coughed in fright and rubbed away my tears, facing the other way,
"My dog."
"She's obviously not-"
"A fan."
"That you love? Is there something going on between you and Nic-"
"No! Just, forget I spoke, I'm sure you said something similar to Eva today."
"W-what?" His character changed and he blushed, "hold on Eve and I aren't-"
"You like her a lot. I saw you two- her battering her eyelashes and flicking her hair, you telling her about your job- did you kiss her?"
"No I did not, we are friends.."
"She's pretty, and good with kids." I said,
"Mate if I were you I'd go for it, she's totally into you."
"But we can't stay here long-"
"But you love her." I told him, another tear fell down my face. Joe noticed it this time and his eyes widened and he walked over to me.
"Mate what's up?" He asked me, putting a hand around my shoulder, more tears flooded my eyes.
"Nothing.." I walked over to the window and wiped away more tears.
"I'm here for you mate. Please, I've never seen you like this before."
"Stamps.. I'm fine.. Everyone makes mistakes, everyone has regrets and I just am being reminded of.."
"Of what?"
"..nothing.. Just nothing.." My eyes blurred, I can't tell him, I can't tell anyone. This is my story, my secret, our secret.. It was never mine to tell.. "How's Eve?" I said, trying to change the topic, "come on ask her out."
"Mate I'm-"
"Come on! She's good with kids, she's English, she's a fan she likes minecraft and guess what even your ship-name is Steve! Your basically made for each other!"
Stampy was chuckling, "ha.. Steve.."
"Will you do it? At least tell her that you love her."
Stampy hesitated before sitting down,

What were you doing in 2005? For me, personally, 2005 was a really hard year and my life completely changed. Go give your daddy a big hug if he's around xxx

THE BOAT TRIP: Stampy And SquidWhere stories live. Discover now