Last Tear

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I ran after the paramedics into the ambulance. Lily was on a plane, she'd be here in an hour. I texted her saying that we were going to the hospital.
"Sarah, can you hear me?" One of the paramedics said, putting an oxygen mask over her face. Sarah proceeded to cough,
"Her airways are blocked.." A man said. I felt so helpless, I couldn't do anything.. I couldn't save my daughter. "We need to get her to hospital quickly! What is her name?"
"Sarah Greenwood." I said. Assuming she took her mother's name.
The paramedic typed the name into his iPad.
"I'm sorry there's no records of a Sarah Greenwood."
My jaw shook and my stomach dropped. I received a text, my phone vibrated. I looked down quickly to check it. It was from Lily.

Her name is Sarah Spencer.

Tears flooded my eyes,
"Sarah Spencer." I said. Breaking down, shaking.
"Yep, She's on the system, let's take her in."
Joe, who sat beside me, put an arm on my shoulder.
"She took my name!" I whispered, glancing over at my unconscious daughter. "She took mine instead of her mother's she took mine-"

When we arrived at the hospital Sarah became conscious again, I wiped my eyes and put my hands on her pale cheeks.
"Hi Sarah, are you okay?" I said. Trying to hold back the tears.
She just smiled. "I'm going to die aren't I?" She whispered.
"No, no Sarah I'm not going to let that happen." I promised.
"That's okay, you can always text me if you need me, you've got my number."
I tried not to burst into tears, she was so beautiful, so perfect, I couldn't let her go. She had to survive.
Sarah went unconscious again with a smile on her face. Surgeons surrounded her and pushed me back.
"Mr Spencer, I believe you are Sarah's dad?" Someone asked,
"Yes," I said, a tear streaming down my face, I wiped it away.
"I'm so sorry about your daughter." He said, "we are trying our best to keep her with us."
I nodded, I couldn't keep my eyes off Sarah.
I only met her three weeks ago. This couldn't be the end. This couldn't possibly be.
"Where's Sarah?! Where is she??" I heard someone call. Lily ran in, terrified, her eyes were bloodshot.
"Lily." I said, running towards her. She ran over to me, and to my surprise, hugged me tightly.
"Where is Sarah, where is our daughter, is she okay?" She cried, I wrapped my arms around her, "that's her." I said, pointing to a hospital bed with surgeons crowded around.
"Why does she have my surname?" I asked Lily,
"Because I wanted you to be a part of her. I know we aren't married and you didn't see her the first ten years of her life but.. Virtually.. You were always here."
I kissed her cheek in sadness, constantly holding her hands.
A doctor walked up to us, "I take it you two are the parents." He said as I held Lily's hand. We nodded.
"I'm really sorry.. But there's nothing more that we can do."
Those words practically killed me.
They burned the inside of my soul.
There was no response.
"We tried to operate on the windpipe but she bled out and..."
I just wanted to fall.
I dropped my phone in my hand in shock.
I heard it crack. I didn't care.

Lily and I walked over to our daughter after everyone else left.
Sarah still looked so happy.
"You're both here." She whispered.
"Course we are sweetheart." Lily said, smiling at Sarah.
I held Sarah's hand, and Lily held the other one.
A tear streamed down Sarah's beautiful young face.
"Don't be sad, beautiful." Lily whispered, lovingly,
"It's a happy tear, mummy!" Sarah giggled, "I've got both my mum and my dad putting me to sleep tonight and that's never happened before."
A tear streamed down my face, I kissed Sarah's forehead. It will never happen again.
"You are the best girl in the world, you know that Sarah?" I whispered in her ear.
"Better than mummy?!" Sarah gasped,
"Oh miles better than mummy!" I said. Sarah laughed making everything so unbearable. Lily and I both laughed.
"Sarah I've only known you for three weeks but trust me, those were the best three weeks of my life." I told her, stroking her soft face. My beautiful, beautiful daughter.
"Daddy, when I'm older can you bring me to England?" Sarah asked with big blue eyes, she was slowly deteriorating.
"Sarah, we will travel the world together. All three of us." I said. Even though that was never going to happen.
Sarah's eyes were starting to close, the monitor was beginning to slow down.
"Can I have a hug?" She asked us, tears streamed down my face,
"Yes, yes of course you can." I responded as Lily and I wrapped our arms around our child. The impossible girl. The unforgettable girl.
My daughter,
"You are so loved." Lily soothed, "we love you so so much." She whispered.
"I love you."

"Time of death, 09:15."

Lily and I looked down at Sarah.
I covered my mouth, shaking my head.
This is my fault.. I never should have went to Australia..
I promised her she'd be okay! I promised her she wouldn't die!
I promised her I'd come and find her again..

I let go of Sarah's hands, that would become cold and grey.
I closed her soft eyelids and wiped that last happy tear that fell.
I couldn't face this anymore..
This stupid boat trip..
This stupid life..

I walked out of the room into the waiting room where Joe was sitting.
"Come on let's go." I ordered, wiping my tears,
"Dave what happened."
"Let's go." I repeated before I burst into tears, Joe put his arms around me as I cried.
"Oh David I am so so sorry." He said.
There was no one else to blame but myself for this.
My daughter was dead.
I couldn't change that.

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