Money Buys Greed

150 11 6

So my psychotic dad wanted my money...
And he was going after my ex girlfriend..
I glared into my mother's eyes, "oh god.. Oh god.."
I ran straight back into the car and started up the engine.
"David what's happening?!" Joe called,
"My dad.. He wants my money.. He's going to kill Nicole!"
"Holy shit, David this is going to be dangerous. You should let the police deal with this!"
"I haven't got time! I've only had two real girlfriends in my entire life, I am not going to let both of them die!"
"Then you better speed up, Dave." Joe said,
"Joe! Can you ring Nicole, I gave you my phone, tell her to get out of the house!"
"I'll give it a shot."
I drove onto the fast lane of the motor way, I was going 90mph, way above the speed limit, but I needed to, for all I knew Nicole could be dead right now, and waiting for me at the door would be my dad..
"She's not picking up Dave." Joe said,
"Oh God.. " is she dead..
"Don't worry, she's probably just sceptical about answering the phone to her ex,"
"Joe if she's hurt.. How will I forgive myself?"
"Don't you worry about that now, okay? Just concentrate, David."
"I can't believe my dad lied to me! He didn't want me to come home because my mother was ill, he wanted me to come home to kill me!" I felt sick with the thought of my dad ever wanting to do anything like that to anyone.. Never mind his own son.
"Have you heard from Tom?" Joe asked,
"No, God I haven't spoken to him at all!" I was panicking so much, my hands were shaking on the steering wheel.
"Don't worry David. Keep it together, okay? Just keep it together!"
"How am I supposed to keep it together when my whole world is falling apart?!" I pulled off the motor way onto a smaller country road where I sped up to over 100mph, hoping to god that there was no one going the opposite way.
"Dave I'm calling the police." Joe said, "you can't go into this alone."
I nodded. Carrying on driving at full speed.

"This is it Stamps," I said while pulling into my driveway, I saw a white Audi,
"Shit that's his car, Joe. He's here."
I ran out of the car but the front door was locked, my car keys didn't have the house keys on them.
My eyes widened, "Jesus no, "
I ran around to find that the back door was locked too.
I heard a scream, which made my heart sink.
I kicked a window and the glass shattered, I ran in as fast as I could to see Nicole on the ground and my dad with a knife.
I ran over to my dad and took the knife from his red, sweating hands before pinning him up against the wall.
"Nice to see you son." He growled,
"Who are you?! Fu*king Macbeth?! How dare you do this?! How dare you!" I spat,
"Mind your language son!" He turned around and kicked my stomach, pushing me to the ground, I grabbed him down with me, I couldn't hurt him, I couldn't hurt my dad.
"My money would never go to you! Never!" I yelled, defending myself, I heard the sirens in the background,
I whispered into my dads ear, "when I die my money goes to my ten year old daughter. Never you."
"You're a slut!" My dad yelled, while the officers took him away,
"Better a slut than a murderer." I growled. Staring back at him.

I turned around and ran to Nicole who was lying on the ground in shock.
"Are you okay?" I asked, putting my hands on her shoulders, "Are you okay?!"
She nodded as tears of shock ran down her face.
I stood her up and hugged her, closing my eyes and resting my head on her shoulder.
"I thought I was gonna loose you." I breathed, "oh god I thought I was gonna loose you.."
I brushed my fingers through her long brown hair, a tear dropped from my eye. What has gotten into my dad?!

After the police left I looked through the blinds, making sure that the police were completely gone, I turned my radio off so Stampy couldn't hear me.
This was our time.

I looked back at Nicole who sat on the sofa still in shock.
I walked over to her and took her hands.
"Listen, I'm so sorry about what happened, everything. Is is all my fault I can't deny that. You can keep this house, I'll leave, I'll pay for it too, I'll give you anything, anything you want." I said, looking into her eyes.
"Dave, the only thing I want is you." She said.
I smiled, "I think I can arrange that."
I kissed her on the lips, exchanging tongues, I lifted her up into my bedroom where I lay her down on the bed and crawled over her, taking off our shirts I cuddled her, holding her in my arms, never wanting to let go.

After David turned his radio off I could imagine what happened.
I looked up at the bright sky. I was in the Southern Hemisphere, it was Spring, almost summer.
There were no clouds, just a big blue atmosphere and a big blue sea.
I looked down at the tropical water, there was no seaweed blow us, just sand. And rainbow fish travelled in schools below us.
Paradise: and David would be here tomorrow.

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