Plane Crash

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We were travelling at fifty knots, it was about 4am, both of us were exhausted but not willing to give up.
We were so close to arriving at Auckland, but we needed to get to the airport after we arrived.
"Squid." Joe said as I concentrated on driving,
"Yeah?" I responded.
"I.. I found an app, it shows you where all the planes in the world are."
"H-have you found Sarah's flight?" I said, impressed with Joe's eagerness to find my daughter.
"Yeh, she is still over the Tasman sea, she'll be arriving in about an hour." He said.
"Oh God.." I said, speeding up the engines, "I'm just hoping the StampingSquid doesn't break down after this one." I said.
"She's not a speedboat, take it easy." Joe said,
"But my daughter is about to arrive in a huge city alone! She's only ten!"
"She still needs to collect her bags, go through security and register. She was probably thinking about what she was going to do on the plane. You need to stay calm, okay?"
I nodded, taking a deep breath. He was right.
I was sweating,
"Mate.. Mate could you take over please." I said, looking over, pleading to Joe.
"Of course," he said, taking the wheel, "sit down for a bit."
I sat down and looked on Joe's phone, tracking Sarah's flight.
"It should be just about to reach the shore." I said before looking up, and high up in the distance, a plane was coming.
"Oh shit! Stamps speed up!" I yelled.
My phone started to ring, it was.. It was Sarah. I answered it immediately.
"Sarah!" I called.
"Dad?!" She responded.
"Sarah are you okay? How are you calling me?"
"I shouldn't, I'm hiding in the bathroom? Are you in Auckland? Please be in Auckland."
"Honey, we are almost there. Why did you book a flight?!"
"Please don't be mad at me-"
"I'm not mad at you, I'm really not. I'm just worried about you!" I admitted, "I'm so worried."
"I made a mistake! I'm sorry! I just want to see you!"
I heard loud beeping noises from Sarah's phone.
"Sarah, turn off your phone and go back to your seat, you understand me. Turn everything off until you land. I'll be there." I promised. Terrified.
"Dad I can't balance! The plane is moving sideways! Help!" She screamed.
"You're okay, you are going to be fine. Turn off your phone and go back to your seat."
"I love you."
"I love you too, now go." I said. Hanging up.
I looked back up at the plane. It was really going sideways, one of the engines was burning orange and one wing was almost vertical.
"Oh god. Oh god oh god oh god! Jesus Christ, Joe speed up!" I yelled.
"David the engines on this boat will blow!"
"The engines on my daughters plane have blown! If this plane is going to crash I need to be there for her! I need to get to my daughter!"
Joe nodded, speeding up to eighty knots, (approximately 90mph), it was dawn, the plane was only a couple miles off the shore. We were less than a mile away, but travelling slower.
"It's still about twenty miles from the shore to the airport." Joe said.
"Well then it's just as well we have a motor bike." I said.
Quickly, Joe reached a port, I jumped off, tying the boat up as Joe brought the motor bike onto the land.
I jumped on the bike and Joe sat behind me before I set off.
Joe held a satnav in his hand, he gave me the fastest route to the airport, but I still feared that we were not going to be there in time.
I looked back up at the plane, it was above the land now, it was starting to catch fire in the wings. Tears were starting to water around my eyes as I panicked.
"Dave you need to take a right."
"Mate there's too much traffic there!" I said, looking at the huge pile up.
"Well then you have to go off road." He said,
"But there's just jungle!" I replied, looking off the side.
"Well your daughter could be killed in this plane crash so I want you to skip ahead!" Joe responded. I nodded. I turned right and drove at 80mph on the footpath. The plane was coming in to land, the back end of the plane was about to catch fire.
"Oh my god please." I begged, "please be okay!" A tear shot from my face.
What if my daughter dies before I ever get to know her? This would all be my fault.. What if the last words I said to her was 'now go' what if I never see her again?!

I held onto Davids waist as we charged past hundreds of cars on the motor bike. The airport was in sight, but the plane was about to land. It was descending fast, and the back of it was ablaze.
"You can do this. You will do this!" I encouraged as we pulled in to the air port.
We got off the bike.
"Shit the plane is landing!" I yelled as the plane descended down below my line of sight..

Everything was silent.
I saw David's jaw drop and shake in the tension before he ran into the airport. We couldn't see where the plane landed, if it had crashed into the airport, if it had crushed completely or if it was.. Fine.. But it couldn't be fine, half the plane was on fire. There was no 'best case scenario' apart from Sarah being alive.
I chased after David into the airport, I didn't see where he went, but many people waiting to collect loved ones had ran somewhere else, so I followed them. All of us running. We ran outside where I saw the plane in pieces. Fire crew were busy gushing water onto the plane.
The whole place was crowded with people.
I spoke to a manager person with a badge saying air traffic control.
"How many deaths?" I asked,
"We've counted eight so far." He said.
"Oh god..." I cried. Please let Sarah be alive, please let Sarah be alive..

I span around, trying to find David, until someone called my name..
It was David! I looked around to see a limp body on the ground with David holding its head in his arms.
I ran towards him, was she.. Dead? God no..

I held Sarah in my arms, never wanting to let go of my precious, precious child. Nothing in this world could take her away from me now. Nothing.
I looked down at my child, she was alive, just about, her eyes were slightly open,
"You came for me." She wheezed, after inhaling smoke.
"Course I came for you." I whispered, supporting her head, wiping my tears. I felt a wave of relief and paternal love hit me in the face.
As Sarah closed her beautiful eyes two paramedics came rushing over.
Everything was silent.
Joe ran over to me and wrapped his arms around me as I tried to catch my breath.
She was going to be okay. I told myself, she survived.
But every time I looked over at the smoking, destroyed plane, I thought about what I would have done if she didn't survive.

THE BOAT TRIP: Stampy And SquidWhere stories live. Discover now