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6 Hours Later..
I sat on a seat beside Joe's hospital bed.
The room was dimly lit. I closed my shadowed eyes.
It was silent.. So silent.
Joe lay unconscious on the bed.
I looked down at the red bullet hole in his chest..
He could have died.. If that had hit his heart..
The bullet had hit his lung and deflated it. And so, Joe was operated on and his lung was removed.
I closed my lethargic, purple eyes. Resting my face in my hands.
"I thought you were dead.." I whispered, "I thought he killed you I thought-" a tear fell from my eye.
Stampy's eyes opened. But he was high on medication that I knew he wouldn't understand me, he was basically unconscious.
"Tom was arrested." I told him, knowing that he wasn't listening, "he won't ever be let out." Another tear fell for my face.
"I thought I lost you Joe.. When you looked at me.. When you fell I.. I felt the whole world move.. I thought that was it."
I smiled, holding his hands.
"Happy birthday mate." I sighed, "I owe you a bloody amazing Christmas present."
I put my forehead against his, all our fears were gone.
I wiped the tears from my eyes, it was still bright outside- about 5pm.
I put my hand on Joe's face before walking out of the doors.
About thirty fans stood outside, but I was in no mood to speak to them.
I just put my head down and walked past them.
"Squid." One said, "squid please is he okay?"
I turned to face him, "he.. He will be." I told him, before a tear fell from my face.
I walked down the steps of the hospital and out of the entrance before I saw her again..
That blonde girl I saw from the boat.
She stood up and stared at me.
I was caught in a trance.
I knew who she was.. She was alive.. Lily..
Suddenly I forgot about all the fans that could see me, all the people around me. Everyone.. Except her.
And then I started to run.
I ran toward her, I ran towards the girl I knew ten years ago, the girl I loved so much when we were seventeen.
When we reached each other I put my forehead against hers, closing my eyes I put my hands around her waist as she put her arms over my shoulders.
I held her in my arms.
"Ten years.." I told her, holding her so tight,
"Sorry, I must have driven you ballistic." She said as a tear ran down her face,
"Aye.. Ballistic squid."
I kissed her lips, I felt the chemistry again so I opened my lips and slowly let them shut in hers, closing my eyes I stroked her hair. She put her hands around my back as tears streamed from our eyes.
The sun set on the sea behind us as I held Lily in my arms. We walked down to the beach together. I watched Lily's short blonde hair move in the wind, I lay down in the sand and Lily sat beside me with her head resting on my chest.
"How have you been?" I asked her, stroking her hair,
"I've been good." She said,  looking out at the sunset.
"How's Sarah?" I asked,
"She's.. Shaken but, she'll be okay."
Lily looked back at me, as tears subsided. She put her hands on my face.
"You'll never be able to forgive me for lying to you, will you.." She said, I looked down,
"Why.. Why would you pretend you were dead?" I asked,
"The nurses suggested it.. I shouldn't ruin your childhood, no one should have to be a father that early."
I closed my eyes and covered my mouth with my hands, "I thought you were dead, Lily. I could have died not knowing that you were still out there."
Lily crawled on top of me and touched my face.
"That day.. When Sarah was born.. When you saw me.. When you thought that I was dead.. I.. I felt like the worst person in the world, I was the worst person in the world. Leaving you.. Watching you grieve... I am so sorry. I am so sorry for keeping you from your daughter, our daughter, and I understand.. You can take her to live with you if you want, you can refuse to speak to me ever again I understand."
"No." I told her, as a tear fell down my eye, "you're her mother."
"And I forgive you." I said. Putting my hands on her cheeks, a tear fell from her eye and I wiped it away with my thumb. Lily leaned closer and rubbed her nose against mine before I kissed her. She undid the buttons of my shirt and lay down on my chest.
I looked up at the huge hospital, knowing that Joe was in there.
"How is he?" Lily asked,
"Joe? He's... He's.. " I couldn't find the words to speak about him.
"So where is Sarah now?" I asked Lily.
"She's.. With my friend." Lily said, looking down,
"Boyfriend?" I corrected, lily nodded. I started to do up my shirt again. This wasn't right.
"Peter," she said, "he's from Tasmania, he's a medicine graduate in Adelaide."
"I'm happy for you." I said, giving a sad smile.
She hugged me, "I'm happy for you too."
We got up and walked along the beach.
"So have you told Nicole about Sarah?" She asked me,
"You told me never to tell, it was our secret." I said, "and.. You know about Nicole?"
"Yeh, Sarah is a fan, she was watching you a couple years ago and I wanted to see what she was watching then.. Then I heard your voice.. And your channel name."
I blushed, scratching my head, "how did she take.. Y'know.. Finding out that I was her dad."
"Surprisingly well." She said, making me smile, "and she kept it as a secret as well."
We walked up the streets towards Lily's house.
"So would you.. Ever think about moving back to Wakefield?" I asked,
She shook her head, "I could never go back, Dee. I'm dead there. My parents are dead, I have no reason to go back."
I looked down, "was worth a try." I sighed,
"You're still in love with me." Lily deducted,
"Course I'm still in love with you." I said, taking her hands and looking in her eyes, "we could have been something, Lily."
"And we were something. But you know yourself that we can't be together." She said, I nodded. She had Peter and I had Nicole.
She opened the door of her house and I walked in, it was a beautiful big wooden room with lights dangling from the ceiling. I followed her into her bedroom.
"We could be a family. We still have time." I said, Lily kissed my lips, stunning me. Her tongue relaxed me as I lent her down upon her bed. She unbuttoned my shirt and took off my jeans, as we kissed I slid my hands up her thighs, lifting up her dress I kissed her neck and chest before there was a knock on the door.
"Shit that's probably Pete." She said, taking her hands off me and lowering her dress again. I got dressed as quickly as possible.
"How do I look?" She asked me,
"I mean, do I look like I've just gone down with my ex?"
"Pfft, I dunno." I laughed, doing up my shirt again and walking into the kitchen, taking a seat.
Let's go meet my replacement..

THE BOAT TRIP: Stampy And SquidWhere stories live. Discover now