Final Commitment

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And thirst.
They were my two feelings when I opened my heavy eyes.
I was still outside on the deck, on a towel.
Stampy was driving. He turned around and looked at me, I didn't know what to say, but I had become starving, and I had no energy to stand up.
I looked down at my body, my wounds were almost completely healed, they were but a red mark on my sides.
My head was pounding with pain, reality struck that if my wounds were almost healed I must have been asleep for a while..
"Stamps.." I croaked, my mouth was bone dry.
He looked around at me. He didn't seem to even acknowledge me.
"Please.." I sighed.
He walked over to me and looked down at me.
"What do you want." He muttered.
"Water.. Food and water." I told him.
"We don't have any." He said.
"Yes we do where are we?" I asked, trying to lift myself up.
"The Red Sea."
"You passed the canal?"
"Days ago."
"How long- how long have I been asleep for..?" I asked him, squinting.
"I don't know. About ten days.."
"Without food and water." I sighed, "do you expect me to beg?!" I cried, with tears in my croaked voice.
"Yes." He told me.
"Just friends.." I sighed,
"Is that all you think of me?" He asked me,
"Well it's more than you think of me! You think I shot Eva!"
Stampy remained still and patient.
"Please.." I began,
"Please!" I begged, closing my dry eyes, all my tears had evaporated, my skin was flaking and my ribs were highly visible.

At that Stampy walked down the stairs, I put my head back down on the floor in relief.

After about three minutes of fear Stampy came back up with a small glass of water and a  bread roll. He really hates me doesn't he.. And to top it all off, he put it on the table.
"There." He muttered before sitting down on the driver's seat again.
"Stamps." I croaked, my eyes becoming red, my heart hurt with abandonment.
"Stamps I can't move!" I cried, closing my eyes in pain, trying to reach the table.

Stampy at once turned around with a gun in his hands pointing directly at me.
Shock and horror slapped me in the face, I was fully awake now.
"Shoot me." I sighed, looking down, "I'll be of more use to you if I'm dead."
"You killed Eva." He growled,
"Stamps I need you to listen to me-"
"I don't need to listen, I know. So you listen to me: you convinced me to ask Eva out, you convinced me to go and speak to her, you shoot her, you come out with a gun in your hands."
"Stamps I didn't-"
"I trusted you." Stampy told me, "I trusted you with my life."
"And I still trust you with mine.. " I whispered, looking up at him then planting my head on the ground, scrunching up my face as I tried my very best to stay calm but my face was turning red.
I had no way out of this.
But I expected it..
Wrongly accused of murder.

Stampy plonked the plate on the ground beside me. I quickly grabbed the water and sipped it; dazzling the insides of my mouth. I had never felt so refreshed before.
I ate the bread roll within seconds, but was still hungry for more.
"Killing a weakling." I said to him, "isn't that barbaric?"
I looked down at my skinny ribs, I had lost so much weight.
"I'm not the one who's barbaric." Joe growled.
I managed to heave myself up onto my hands and knees. From there I leaned against the table. My head blanking out as I did so.
"I know how it's feels to lose someone you love. You have to find someone to blame, and you convince yourself that it's them, but when you look back the only one to blame is yourself." I told him. Stampy turned around and faced me.
"So you're saying that this is my fault."
I stayed silent, I didn't want to argue with him. He, for once, was stronger. He had his fingers on the trigger.

My whole body tensed as Stampy put the gun up against my neck.
I opened my mouth to speak, my eyes opened wide and tears started to form.
"Stamps please.. Please when you find out what really happened you will never forgive yourself. You are my friend, there are people watching you kill me th-
"Tell me what happened." He grumbled, leaning the gun into my head.
"Check the footage." I cried, my legs could hardly hold me up anymore. My muscles were weak and tired.
"Check the footage?! Just so you I can turn around for you to stab me in the back!"
"Do I look like I have a knife?" I asked him, putting my hands up.
He turned around and pointed the gun at me yet again. I looked down. "Don't say I didn't tell you it wasn't me." I sighed. All my life ahead of me.. Everything I've ever done.. Future events.. Fans.. Girlfriends.. Wife.. Family.. Children.. Grandchildren.. Happiness.. Sadness.. My daughter.. Sarah.. I need to find Sarah I need to see my daughter!
"Was that the life you lived, flashing in front of your eyes?" Joe asked me,
"No." I told him, "it's the life I have yet to live."
"Where is the eighth bullet?" Stampy interrogated,
"I didn't know you loved Eva that much. I didn't know I meant so little to you."
"Where is the eighth bullet?" He growled,
"You are my friend Stampy. You are my best friend. And god you don't know how heartbreaking this is! I can't convince you not to kill me, I can't convince you that it wasn't my fault." I fell to my knees in agony and despair.
"Is the eighth bullet in Morocco, in the body of a girl I loved?" He asked me.
A tear fell from my face, this is it..

The gun fired.

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