Turn Left

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"I spy with my little eye something beginning with S."
"I spy with my little eye something beginning with S."
"I... really don't spy anything else.." I began. Joe and I were wrapped up in a blanket, shivering in the coldness. Frost was building on our raft and icebergs still emerged from the north. I felt that something was up with Joe.
"What the hell are we supposed to do for the next couple months.." I sighed, we were travelling slowly, our sail was pretty useless so we still had to row our way along.
"Just.. Row I guess. Row and chat." Joe said, "you got Netflix on your phone?"
"I do.." I said, "but i don't have a charger, or wifi."
"What have you got downloaded, we can watch on airplane mode and on the lowest light settings."
"I have.. One movie.. " I laughed when I saw what it was, "To Kill a Mocking Bird.. Great. Wanna watch it?"
"Sure why not?" Joe laughed, "nothing like some 1962 drama!"

After a few comments during the film;
"Oh Bob is looking suspicious! I don't think it was that guy!"
"Oh my gawd Atticus is the smartest man alive who is his actor?"
"Looks like Gregory Peck, he died like twenty years ago."
"Gods sake he should have had a knighthood."
"That's it if we ever get home I'm becoming a barrister like Atticus Finch."
"Oh my god no he can't hurt Scout! Not Scout! NOO Jem!!!"

"Ah well that was actually better than I thought it was gonna be." I said, "good quality for a '60's film."
"Yeah, better quality than your videos.. Ooooh!"
"Oh you didn't!" I laughed, offended.
"Need some ice for that burn?" Stampy teased, I saw his arm muscles tense every time he rowed.
"Hey wanna swap, this arm is wrecked." I offered, he nodded,
"Yeah dem biceps are burning!" He remarked.
I laughed at him, he wasn't the sort of person to say that.
"So... What are your plans for when you get home... Assuming we do." Joe asked me,
"I... I don't know.. Family is a bit of a mess now isn't it? I'm getting married, Nicole is pregnant... My mum is single and my brother and dad are locked up.." Thinking about my dad and Tom made me feel down again, I was just so disgusted that they'd ever do something like that to my mother. Never mind killing three innocent.. Well.. Fairly innocent people.
"You gonna see Tom again?" Stampy asked me, "go to Auzzie again.. Visit him?"
I shook my head, "I don't ever want to see his face again." I admitted.
"But you had so many memories together- he is your brother!"
"Until he shot three people! He was my brother. He is no one now. He changed, and I don't want him in mine or my child's life."
"So you're not gonna let your child know that he has an uncle?"
"Okay stop it with the 'you're gonna be a bad parent' vibes. I make my own decisions. This is my child." I defended.
"Your child deserves to know the truth!" He fought,
"The truth that he was a money-hungry uncle who wants to kill me and my family? Yeah! That's a fun bed time story! You're forgetting that Tom was the one who killed your girlfriend! He's dangerous!"
"Eva wasn't my girlfriend!"
"You kissed her! You were going to come back to her! You loved her!"
"I didn't love her! I barely knew her! I was in a bad place!"
"You didn't look like you were in a bad place half-naked on that beach-"
Everything stopped when Stampy pulled out a gun.
"Woah.." I put my hands up after putting our oars back in the boat. "I thought you said you didn't bring a gun."
"I lied." Joe growled, pointing the gun at me.
I kept my hands behind my head. Looking at Joe in the eyes.
"I triggered something didn't i.." I whispered to him, "-no pun intended."
"Shut up." He moaned, his green eyes piercing through me.
He was serious.
"You're still upset about Eva." I deducted.
"Well you think it's some kind of sick joke?! An innocent lonely girl who gave up her life to help Moroccan children was killed by you're brother! You think that's okay?!"
I shook my head, just listening.
"Well you know what., it's my fault! It's my fault for not turning left into the Mediterranean sooner! Tom never would have been able to put that camera on board! She'd be alive! So would your daughter! Oh and guess what Courtney never would have lost her baby! She wouldn't have been pregnant at all! This is my fault! I didn't turn left!i turned right! Everything! And guess what I'm stranded in the Atlantic Ocean with shitty weather and hardly any food! If I had turned left we might have a chance! But no! I had to turn right and find a good looking single English teacher in Morocco didn't i? I had to ruin it all."
"So whys the gun pointed at me?" I asked, feeling perfectly innocent at this time. What's the twist? What did I do wrong? Not recognise my own brother? Not tell them to run? Being born?
"Because I deserve to go to jail." Stampy said, I raised an eyebrow in confusion, he was definitely not okay.
He pointed the gun at my forehead.
"Stamps! Stop!" I yelled, putting my hands up, oh god he's actually going to do it.
"If I shoot you then I'll go to prison and then it'll all be better! You didn't care about Eva! You don't care!!"
"No it won't! It'll be worse! I care about Eva and all that but come on what about Beth! She'll be heartbroken! This isn't justice! This isn't anything what we deserve! Joseph you're not okay! You need help! I need you!"
"I know.." He said.
The gun fired. But there where no bullets.
Joe looked confused but I knew what I was doing.
"Do you seriously think I'd keep a loaded gun on the boat after what happened last time." I muttered, taking his gun and throwing it into the ocean.
Joe stood in shock and silence.
"Come on.. " I sighed, making him lie down. Tears started to stream down his traumatised face.
"Dave we're gonna die. Dave we aren't gonna make it." He sobbed as I wrapped a blanket over him.
"I know.." I sighed, looking out at the sea. "I know."

THE BOAT TRIP: Stampy And SquidWhere stories live. Discover now