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The Africans ran quickly downstairs and I was left up on deck lying in the ground, shaken. I put my hand to my ear and spoke to Stampy by the radio, staring at him on the opposite boat.
"Stamps.. Whatever happens, don't respond to me unless I say the code word: crescendo. You understand? Crescendo."
"Dave.. You're about fifty metres away.. Can you try and throw me your phone so I can ring Maritime?" He whispered.
I looked around and took my phone out of my pocket, hearing the Africans running underneath deck. I quickly threw the phone and it landed on the boat Stampy was in.
" Dave.. I will get you out of this. I promise."
"Oh god Stamps what do I do?" I whispered in despair. "They are going to kill me."
"I will not let that happen- you understand? I will protect you as best I can, I'm going to get help."
"O-" the Africans ran up the stairs.
"Hey American, come down!" A young man yelled at me, his eyes were dark and little flesh covered his bones. He looked young: no more than eighteen, I assumed that he was pressured into this by the other two.
I did what the Somalian asked and, with my head down, trampled downstairs to see the other two glaring down at me on the landing.
"We go home to Somalia." One said,
"Okay.." I sighed,
"You not welcome in Somalia so you go away." The other said, a spark of hope lit up inside me, until a gun was pointed at my forehead.
"Oh my god." I stuttered, unsure where to look, afraid. Then a radio buzzed: the maritime were calling.
"Hello Stamping Squid, do you copy?" The voice repeated.
"Aren't you going to answer?" I hissed with the gun planted on my head.
"Let me speak." The man, whose name I figured to be Amud, the 'captain', said.
"We copy." Amud said, his tongue sticking out from the gaps in his mustard teeth.
"Can we speak to the hostage?" The man, who I believed to be American on the phone, asked.
"The hostage fine!" Amud yelled.
"We need to hear it from him!"
"He is fine!"
"We must hear it from him!" The American shouted.
"Okay." Amud said, reluctantly. "But you give me money."
"Money?" The Maritime asked,
"One million dollar."
"That's a lot of money-"
"You give to me or American dies." He yelled, firmly pointing the gun into my forehead until I yelled with the pain.
"Do NOT harm the hostage!" The man on the phone yelled.
"Listen, if you harm the hostage you will not get your money and you will be sent to prison for the rest of your life." The man threatened.
The gun loosened on my forehead and I closed my eyes and leaned back in relief, sweat meanerd from my brow.
"Now let me speak to the hostage."
Amud handed the phone to me, my hands were tied behind me so I clenched the phone between my ear and my shoulder.
"Mr Spencer are you okay?" The man asked,
"Y-yeh, yeh I'm okay." I panted.
"Tell me exactly what is happening."
"My- my hands are tied behind my back and.. And there's a gun pointed at my head.. "
I then looked to where the camera in the kitchen was and an idea sprung to mind. I squinted to read the code on the cameras then told them quietly.
"Write this down.." I read out the code from the camera, the Somalians looked confused however the man on the phone seemed to understand.
"Thank you sir, and we will get you out safely, we are just trying to figure out a way, okay?"
"Yeh." I sighed before the man hung up.

"What do we do?!" One man said,
"Kill him, Musé!"
"We can't! We need money." Musé replied, shaking his hands about as if something was burning.
"Shut up musé." Amud yelled.

So Musé, Amud... And the other guy... I never found out his name, he was the younger one: I just called him 'kid.'

As the day went on I sat on the ground opposite the camera. It was cold. They didn't like to admit it but I knew that the Somalians were cold too.
As the others walked around the 'kid' continued to watch me, intimidating me with the gun as I closed my eyes and listened to what was happening to Joe in the radio.

After ringing the international maritime I listened to Davids radio carefully. His breathing was quick and scared.
I needed to stay close to where the Stamping Squid was: at least until the maritime got here.
I waited about four hours, the sun was beginning to go down and it was cold. The Africans had no warm fabrics to warm me on the boat, however I saw in the distance, a large ship sailing close to where we were.
When the ship was about 1km away I turned on the torch on Davids phone and shone it around, yelling, trying to catch their attention. Eventually, to my relief, the boat flashed as if to say it had noticed me.
As the dark night overcame the day, fear and coldness surrounded me: thinking about David who would have to spend the night with the Somalians.
"Mr Garrett! Joseph can you hear me?!" An American called from the boat- it was lashing rain, I was soaked, my shirt had become see-through and my head was thudding in the coldness.
"Yeh!" I attempted to reply, "yeh I can hear you."
The tide roared and the waves were steep- I had no idea how I was going to get onto this boat. I considered swimming, however I would be driven away by the tide.
"Do you have any rope?!" I yelled to them, I looked up at the huge white ship and saw a man nodding then running off, coming back with a large mound of rope, splitting it into two sections and throwing it into the water.
I grabbed the rope from the icy water and tugged myself towards the ladder.
"Grab on!" They yelled, I could barely hear them in the crashing rain. I was shivering, but I finally grabbed hold of the ladder and crawled up onto the giant ship where I was greeted by about ten people, and towels, warm warm towels.
We ran inside and I was seated down in a medical room with two people.
"Are you alright?"
"Yeh- yeh course I'm alright." I stumbled,
"You don't sound alright?"
"I'm worried, I'm so worried.." I listened into the radio where I heard David yelling in pain.
"Do you know what's happening?" The nurse asked,
"I- I don't know.. But I know it's bad.." I replied to her.
"Let's check you up, okay? Then we'll get you a cabin until it's all sorted out."
I nodded in the shock. "Okay.."

THE BOAT TRIP: Stampy And SquidWhere stories live. Discover now