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"So.." I said, handing the shocked Stampy a cuppa.
"You don't have to do it if you don't want to." Please be my best man..
"I... I.." he shivered looking like he had just swallowed a lemon.
What I hadn't told him was that I spiked his tea with a bit of vodka.
"So.. is it because of the speech?" I asked him.
He took a sip of the tea, and raised an eyebrow with satisfaction. He noticed the tea.
"I'm not the best public speaker."
"Wow. Says a world-famous commentator." I laughed,
"For kids!"
"Come on, please stamps, for me." I asked.
He just smiled, "if you promise not to spike my tea again."
I laughed, "was it that obvious?"
"Yeah! It's like taking a shot! You take a sip!"
I took the cup and drank out of it.. strangely it was a nice combination.
"Mmm, this should be a cocktail! Served warm though."
"I'd add a touch of lemon and rum." Stampy said,
"And a pinch of sugar to cancel out the acidity." I added, feeling scientific.
"And then I'd add some bicarbonate of soda and vinegar so it all foams and explodes a bit." Stampy laughed, taking another sip of the 'tea' before the phone rang, it was Sqaishey.

Feeling a bit tipsy, I picked up the call from Sqaishey.
"Hey Beth." I greeted,
"H-hi Joe.." she said, uneasily, as if she were short of breath.
"Are you okay?" I asked her,
"Yeh, I'm fine."
"You don't sound okay- what's up Bethany?"
"I- I- got into a car accident.. it- it was small b- but.."
My heart leaped, "what happened? Are you seriously alright? Are you at home?"
"Some guy pulled out of a junction when I was driving past.. I had the right of way and all.. the car is completely undriveable but.. I'm okay.. I've got a few bruises and cuts but I'm okay."
"I'll buy you a new one soon honey, where are you? Are you alone?"
"I'm at my parents house, my brother came home and my mum and dad are here, I'm okay, I just wanted to hear your voice."
"I'm just glad you're alright, it's going to be okay, I'll see you soon, love."

After ending the call with Beth I put down my phone.
"Did Ori die?!" David asked,
"What?! Where did you get that from?!"
"Well.. 'everything's going to be okay', 'I'll buy you a new one' sort of drew me to thinking one of your pets died."
I just laughed, "no the pets are fine, Beth has written off her car."
"Oh. Is she alright?" He asked,
"She says she's alright, I'm sure she will be soon."
"That really isn't the type of call to answer when you're tipsy." David laughed, handing me the tea.
"Not at all. But she's not hurt so I guess she's alright." I said, sipping it.
"This isn't gonna be one of those nights is it?" David asked,
"Where we get madly drunk and forget all of it the next day."
"I remember that one time when I put your name on a post-it note and stuck it to your head and you guessed that it was me.
"I don't recall that at all." David laughed,
"I think we were in Spain or something." I said, "it was after you slipped and hit your head."
"Well that explains why I don't remember it." David laughed, "I think I've still got the scar." He said, putting his hands through his hair, "yep, still feel it."
"You got very badly hurt on that first half of the trip." I acknowledged,
"I knocked myself out when I fell in the anchor, I got stabbed by that mad Egyptian lady then someone starved me for a couple weeks, and got beat up by a bunch of Somalians and my brother. -oh and lost my hearing in my left ear... while you.. well you got shot then your arm got bitten by a shark."
For some reason I felt inclined to hug him, just give him a huge hug. I just wrapped my arms around him and lent my head on his shoulder.
"Ohhh Kay?" Squid said, awkwardly patting my back.
"I'm so sorry." I whimpered,
"Too much of that tea?" He laughed, but I was finding it hard to hold back the tears.
I hugged him even tighter,
"Okay okay I'm getting married Stamps!" He laughed, splitting up the hug.
It felt as though everything just hit me: I tried to kill Dave, I fell in love with a girl who died the day after I met her.. my girlfriend has been in a car crash.. and I probably just took far too much if that tea.
David then handed me a glass of water to wash down the alcohol.

Lying in bed that night I looked up at the skylight.
"Dave I'm sorry for everything."
He stayed silent,
"I'm sorry too." He said,
"I spiked the water as well."
We both looked at each other before bursting out laughing.
"I hate you so much." I laughed, pulling up the duvet.
"No you don't!" He replied, handing me a glass of 'water' "another glass?" He joked,
"No thank you!" I replied,
"But you're so lovely when you're drunk."
"I'd like to stay sober!" I laughed, "but I'm not drunk." I assured him.
"Yes you are!"
"No I'm not!" I defended before I rolled off the bed.
"Yep you are totally not drunk!" David laughed before rolling over to sleep.

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