English Boys in the Club

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"-And we have... Crossed the border!" I said as I looked down at the co-ordinates.
"Whoop whoop!"
We looked over at Spain, "should we stop by?" I asked,
"Yeah alright."

I looked around at the small circular bay, it had multiple houses going up the hill leading down to a beautiful beach where a few people lay bathing in the sunshine.
"It's called San Sebastián, I believe. -a touristy area."
"Cool, well should we bring a camera?"
"We have one of those travel cameras do we not?"
"We actually have two." Stampy pulled out two go-pros from a drawer, he then pulled out of the drawer two tiny radios.
"They're the things spies put in their ears in movies. -basically a cool version of a walkie talkie." He explained, gently placing it in my ear and in his. "So press this button to speak to me, and press it again to stop."
"Okay, cool." I said, "so- what's are objective here?"
"Well if we can find water that's great, but it'll have to be free, we don't have any money."
"Okay then, I'll tie her up." I said, Stampy reversed the boat beside the port, when the boat was close enough I swung the rope onto the pier and jumped.

After I landed, I retrieved the rope and pulled the Stamping Squid toward me, being careful not to let it crash into any other boats. I interlinked the rope between the curved stump on the pier, then helped Stampy down.

I looked around, admiring the stunning super yacht parked beside the Stamping Squid.
"Woah, don't you wish we got to travel in one of them." I said,
"It probably has wifi, we'd be able to record in there!"
"Yeah, this whole 'No Wifi' thing is killing me!"
"Well do you wanna have a look and see if we can find a free wifi spot?" I asked,
"Yeah, sure, I'll tell you if I find a place."
"Thanks mate."

We went in separate directions. I went up the hill to the left and Stampy went up to the right.
I walked along with my phone out, searching constantly for a free wifi zone. None of the cafés seemed to have any.
Suddenly- out of the blue- a wifi network is suggested, as I move closer the bars built up, I walked inside the dark room. Flickering lights, it must have been some kind of disco.
I sat down on a bar stool and my phone glitched with thousands of Twitter notifications and mentions, hundreds of DMs.
I pressed against my ear,
"Stamps I've got wifi." I said, subtly,
"Great where are you?"
I looked around for a name..
"H-" I exhaled a laugh, "Happy Club."
I heard Stampy laugh on the other line, "Squid are you in some sort of pride disco?"
"W-what do you mean?"
However when I looked around I saw men, just men, kissing and dancing-
"Right, I think I'm gonna find somewhere el-"
"-Hello pretty boy" An old grey man with a disgusting straggly beard, grabbed my shoulders.
"Aaggh!" I yelled in fright, facing him, he was old enough to be my grandfather!
"Don't be afraid English boy." His dry grey beard had remains of food and crumbs lurking in it, and the area around his mouth was stained a mustard yellow, I felt almost sick looking at him.
"How did you know I was English?" I glared at his old haggard eyes and wrinkly face, a yellow rotting tooth stuck out of his opened mouth.
"Oh, you could spot Englishman from miles away, they white like snow, they talk too loudly, they carry camera with them." He looked at my waist where my recording camera hung. It was still recording. He didn't know that.
A sense of uneasiness quenched my stomach.
I took a couple steps back, unsure what to do.
I subtly pressed my ear again so Stampy could hear what was going on.
"So what brings you here?" The old man asked me, walking closer to me,
"Mate what's going on?" Stampy asked,
"I dunno." I was responding to both of them. "Help." I whispered, covering my mouth, so only Stampy could hear me.
"I could bring you back to my house, I am rich." He said, I looked down at his clothing; a ripped jacket, an orange shirt stained by the sun and dirt, shredded mucky jeans. And white shoes with a large yellow toe sticking plump out of it.
"You're lying." I told him.
"Oh you already looking into me." He gave a toothy grin which made my stomach churn with his disgustingness, a crowd of men surrounded us: there was no escape..
"Stamps help me please!" I whispered again, covering my mouth. The old man put his hands on my waist, my eyes widened, I hadn't felt this uncomfortable in my entire life, I looked around for any possibility. Any way out.
"I- I already have a partner.." I said to him, petrified.
"Liar!" He yelled at me, he put his gigantic yellow hands on my face, his fingernails were plastered with grit and dirt.
Suddenly Stampy ran into the crowd, he grabbed my shoulders and leaned me up against the wall. I put my arms around his neck: we had about ten seconds before the old man got to us.
We put our faces close together, our foreheads touching.
"Oh my god that was close!" I laughed, exhaling, "oh my god thank you.. Haha.. Thanks so much!"
"God Squid I thought you had a better taste in men!"
I laughed, "Nicole if you're watching! I'm straight!"
"Oh God he's coming." Stampy said, looking out at the club, there was the large hairy vile old man, creeping over to us, we were pretending to kiss to put him off, we wanted to escape but the door was at the opposite side of the hall to us.
I pulled Stampy in closer, "okay the old guy is slow, so the plan is: as soon as he gets about one metre away from us, we leg it as fast as we can over to the other side of the hall. Alright?"
"Yeh. He'll be up here and he can't run as fast as u-"
"Oi ! The English boys are just chatting!" One young Spanish guy yelled, he was looking right at us.
"I'll keep guard just-"
The younger Spanish man walked closer to us.
"Oh sweet Jesus-" I pushed my lips against Stampy's, pursing our lips together I tried to keep serious, my emotions switched from trying not to die laughing and trying not to die of fear. However tears were streaming from my eyes, I broke up the kiss and leaned against his shoulder as we both laughed.
"Oh my God stamps.. Oh god.. Haha.. Where is he?" I asked him,
"He's getting closer.." A tear fell from his eye, he burst out laughing so I quickly kissed his lips again to try and stop our giggles from being noticed. However when I opened my eyes to notice that we were both smiling. I covered both of our mouths with my hands so no one would realise that we were speaking.
"Can you see him?" I asked him.
"N-no.." He said, his eyes wondering. "Honestly mate I can't see much."
"Okay.. Okay hug me."
Without asking why: Stampy put his arms around my neck and rested his head on my shoulder.
"Do you think we look like a couple?" I asked him,
"W-well mate!" He laughed,
"Honestly I'd rather be spotted snogging you than that old p-"
"Mate... He's not in front of us... Which means..."
He's behind us...

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around quickly knocking his bare chest with my knuckles then taking Stampy's hand and running as fast as we could back outside.

"Go! Go! Go!" I yelled, the tears sliding off the side of my face.
"Do you want the wifi?!" Stampy called,
"I don't bloody care about the stupid wifi!" I responded, pelting outside, "let's get back to the boat and leave!"
I then looked at the red faced Stampy and started chuckling, we ran down to the bottom of the hill and reached the pier where we untied the boat and started to sail away from the bay.
We sat down on the boat beside eachother. I put my arm around his shoulder and we smirked, it was sunset.
"This time two days ago we didn't speak and today we're making out in Happy Club!" We both laughed,
"Oh mate thanks for saving me from that man!"
"Oh well I wouldn't want to put you through that one mate!"
"-and guess what? We've got it all on video!"
"Oh Jesus we have to delete that- come on everyone will screenshot us kissing and put it on the front pages of their fanfictions and get thousands of views-"
"People write fan fictions of us?"
"Yeah course they do!"
"Who would read them?"
"Awesome people." :)

We watched through the whole recording,
"Your not a bad kisser." Stampy complimented me, jokingly,
"Really? You were awful!"
"Listen I could have let that seventy year old kiss you instead." He said, "-plus I was trying not to completely break into tears laughing."

I poured myself and Stamps a glass of wine and as we clashed glasses I said,
"Just friends?"
"Yes. Just friends." He replied.

THE BOAT TRIP: Stampy And SquidWhere stories live. Discover now