Gender Reveal

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I was walking down the red carpet while everyone screamed out our names, putting up posters of us, personalised and merchandise.
"What on Earth!" I laughed, still in shock that this many people had turned up.
"That's not all.." Courtney intruded, pointing to a yellow taxi that pulled up at the red carpet.
"Who's... There?" Stampy asked, looking at the door opening.
Two ladies walked out.. At first I dreaded they were the two from the conference.. But when they turned around I recognised them both immediately as Nicole and Beth.
It definitely was them this time.
Not some look-a-likes, it was Nicole. She was here. She came.
Joe and I ran over to our partners and hugged them, hearing the crowd scream a bit louder.
I felt so comforted by Nicole's arms, I put my arms around her shoulders and buried my head in her neck.
"I didn't think you were coming! I missed you so much!" I told her, looking into her eyes,
"Well I thought I'd give you a little boost before the final stretch." She replied, "and also a little gender reveal." She put her hand on her stomach. "I'm seven months pregnant after all."
"Oh my god... Do you know the gender?" I asked her, holding her hands with excitement.
"I've got it in an envelope. I haven't read it yet." She admitted, I put my hands on her hips, if it wasn't so crowded I would have kissed her, instead I put on arm around her waist and started walking beside Joe and Beth.
"Hello Sqaishey- weren't you at minecon?"
"It's been delayed, I'm just here for a couple days. Wanted to see the celebrities!" She giggled.
"We aren't bloody celebrities." I laughed.
"-he says while walking down a red carpet with hundreds of screaming fans." Nicole added. Stampy and I laughed.
"Since when did we become.. This?" I asked, "like.. We had a couple millions followers before we started but something happened and we blew up."
"The whole pirate thing." Sqaishey said,
"Oh.. Pfft. So half of these people don't know about Squid." Joe explained,
"So I have to call you.. Joseph. Eew."
"I'm offended Mr David Spencer.. Oh here come the reporters..." Joe said, looking around, about thirty reporters ran towards us with microphones and cameras in hand.
"Mr Garrett! Mr Spencer!"
"Could we please have a moment of your time?"
"Mr Spencer!"
"Is this Mrs Spencer?"
"How are you finding New Y-"
"When are you coming home?"
"Are you two married?"
"Is she pregnant or fat?!"
"Are you excited to be here?!"

My jaw dropped and I felt overwhelmed by everything..
"We are engaged, she's pregnant and I'm happy to be here." I said, walking away, "New York is a beautiful place." I complimented.
We walked up onto some sort of stage where I helped Nicole sit down beside me.
"Look at the size of the squiddling!" I laughed, petting Nicole's bump with affection.
"What do you think, girl or a boy?" She asked me,
"I.. Have no idea." I laughed, "what are you?" Excitement filled inside of me.
"You two gonna do a gender reveal?" Joe asked nudging my elbow, his hand relaxed on Sqaishey's waist.
I looked at Nicole, "we may as well.. You've got the slip of paper in your bag."
Nicole just smiled before Courtney silenced all the screaming fans.
"Okay everyone!" Courtney began. Everyone stopped talking immediately.
"Oh my god how does she do that?" Joe asked in amazement, "she should have been a teacher."
I nodded, listening mostly to what Courtney was saying.. Something about the launch of  The Boat Trip.
"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, today we have these two lovely gentlemen and their gorgeous partners joining us for the official launch of The Boat Trip Season One. Here they travel from Southampton, England, to Morocco."
When the crowd started screaming again Joe and I both looked at each other in fear.
"Did you give them the camera clips?" I asked him,
"Yeah, I gave the first couple months clips in Madagascar to Courtn.... Oh god."
"Did you take out the clip of us in Spain? Or in Morocco?!" I asked in anxiety,
"I don't know I just gave them all of the footage..."
"Shit I hope the editors took them out... We are so de..." It was at this moment that both of us realised that everyone else was silent and that everyone was listening to our conversation.
"-don't mind us!" I laughed awkwardly, "just quarrelling. Let's launch this thing already!"
A huge screen was projected onto the side of a sky scraper, we watched the trailer which started off with us leaving Southampton, a clip of us diving off the boat on our way to France, then Stampy and I getting into a fight before a short clip of us laughing in that disco in Spain. There was a very short clip of me completely breaking down in the kitchen but most it was just a short montage of nice scenery and us laughing.
After the trailer was finished I felt awkward inside, as if everyone was going to know all my secrets from this series, I almost didn't want it to be released.
"I feel the same." Stampy whispered while the crowd cheered and screamed,
"Pfft, you mind reader." I laughed. "It's just a bit awkward." I admitted, "it's like them reading a diary or something."
"Anyway.. Now for another section of this event.. Nicole and David.. Is it time for the gender reveal?"
Oh yeah.. The baby..
"I.. I dunno are you ready?" I asked Nicole. She just smiled taking out the envelope. Nerves built up inside of me, I didn't know what gender I wanted the child to be.. A boy or a girl..
Nicole's hands started shaking,
"Can you do it?" She asked, her eyes starting to water.
"What- me, no I can hardly read, here you read it Stamps." I handed the envelope over to Joe and he took it in one hand.
"Don't get this one wrong mate." I laughed, tense with nerves, my hand found its way into Nicoles and my other one was placed on her thigh.
"David and Nicole.." Joe began, carefully lifting the paper from the envelope, "congratulations it's a boy."
My mouth broke into a smile as Nicole laughed with happiness and the crowd started screaming again. I put my arms around her and hugged her. My eyes started to water before my lips met hers, the crowd started screaming louder as we split apart and started laughing.
Yeh.. Courtney really did give us a good day.

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