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I lay with my head lying against the wall which moved constantly.
There was no comfortable position. Musé had taken the bed while Amud and the younger man watched me with guns pointed at my neck.
It was impossible to sleep, I felt nerves flushing around me, a was certain that within a day we would be in Somalia.. And I'd be dead.

I woke up in a strange place. With a strange person beside me.. I looked up at the girl sitting at the end of my bed..
It was Beth.
"What are you doing here?!" I asked in hatred, sitting up in my bed.
"Get away from me! This is all your fault!" I backed away from her, "where's David?"
"Joe I'm not gonna hurt you.."
"You already have. Because of you, telling David to stop recording with me, I hated you, I feel in love with another girl and guess what? I was caught kissing her and she was killed by the same bloody Somalians that hacked into our cameras and captured David! This is all your fault and I know that there is a bigger story!" I yelled,
"You do?"
"You want us to come home." I growled, "you, Nicole, Tom and whoever else is behind this- you want us to come home, I don't know why but you do." Beth looked down, I put my hand on her cheek,
"If you had asked me to come home I might have.. But what you have done. I don't think I ever want to see you again." I removed my hand from her face and looked up at her, disappointed.

Beth looked down, ashamed, I had figured her out.
"We weren't even a couple." She sighed,
"No. We weren't." I agreed. Standing up and looking at the folded clothes on a chair. I took off my shirt and buttoned up another black one.
"You still love me though." She deduced.
"What makes you think that?" I asked, still getting changed.
"I'm sure you wouldn't get changed in front of many other people."
"Doesn't mean I love you. It means I don't have time." I sighed.
"You know you can still hate someone you love." Beth began,
"Beth I- I really am worried about other things right now." I said, truthfully. "Where's my radio?"
"Your what?"
"My radio! Shit did the nurses take it off me?"

There was then a large knock on the door, I walked over and opened it to see a tall American dressed in a navy uniform.
"Sir." I greeted,
"Hello my name is Daniel Tusckovy, lead of US Navy." Oh god this incident has just gotten big..
"Mr Garrett, please, when you're ready, follow me."
I grabbed my jacket and followed him through a narrow corridor, up the steps in through many locked doors till we entered a blue-lit room, at least fifty computers were working with cameras and CCTV screens which showed David on the ground with guns pointed at his throat.
"Oh Jesus.." I sighed, putting my hand over my mouth.
"Joseph we need you to give us any information you can."
"Code word from David is crescendo. He said don't listen to what he says unless he says the word crescendo."
They wrote the word crescendo down on a glass board.
"What else do you need to know?"
"How long have they had access to your cameras?"
"About three months, they would have gained access in Morocco."
"Three months.." He repeated, writing that on the glass pane.
"May I ask who else knows about this?" I asked, looking out a window and seeing just ocean...
"Most of the world, we were sent by the White House."

"Hello. Stamping Squid, respond."
My eyes widened.. That was Stampy's voice!
"How is that possible?" Musé asked, walking out and pointing another gun at me, I put my hands up in innocence. "That is your friend." He deduced.
I nodded, smiling, he had got to safety.
"Hello, stamping squid, respond please." Joe called again.
Musé picked up the radio, "how you get radio?" He asked,
"We would like you all to put your weapons down." Joe said, calmly.
"How you know we have weapons?! You see cameras?!" Musé turned around and shot the camera.. They couldn't see us now.. They didn't know what was going on..

My eyes widened in fear and anxiety, "stamps.."
"Are you alright Dave?"
"You can't see us anymore can you?" I asked,
"No." He replied.
"American knew! American knew they could see us!" Amud yelled, grabbing my throat and pushing me up against the wall.
"If you hurt the hostage we do not have a deal! Do you understand?! If you hurt the hostage you will get no money and you will be taken to prison!" Someone else yelled.
"American fine.. American fine.."
"I'm British." I growled. I understood that the navy could not hear anything now except when the radio was pressed. I also understood that they had no idea what was going on right now.
"Shut up American!" Musé yelled. My head was pushed onto the ground and my nose started to bleed.
I pushed Amud's head up to try and protect myself as he clawed at my throat.
"Amud! Stop! We need money!" The kid yelled. I looked up at him and nodded in appreciation. But pain surrounded me. I crawled to a corner and put my face to the floor, blood dripped from my nose and mouth and a bruise was forming around my eye and my back.
"You okay American?" The younger man asked, he was the only one who didn't point a gun at me.
I nodded, looking down at the floor and closing my tear stained eyes.
This was going to be a long day..

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