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I sat on the side of the boat opposite to David, over the last couple months of this raft we had acquired our own sides. I was on the left, he was on the right. We weren't rowing, David had decided to turn on the engine 1: to go faster 2: to warm ourselves up.
And it was working; I felt almost warm again, we put a blanket over the engine so that it would be warm when we went to sleep.
We were soaring at about 50 knots across the Atlantic Ocean, bouncing over the crests of the waves. It felt amazing, and slightly terrifying as it was a motorbike engine that we were using.
"Where'd you even get this motorbike?" I asked, "New Zealand?"
"Nah, we used it in New Zealand but I bought it in Madagascar."
"Oh yeah that's right, that was after we split up and you went to England." I remembered,
"Yep, took me ages trying to find the boat on those dirt tracks- I remember the family of tiny baby meerkats I almost ran over."
"I remember you telling me that- that's when we had the little earpieces so we could always hear each other." I said, "what ever happened to those little gadgets? They were super handy."
"You know what: I don't know.. We didn't really use them after Madagascar I don't think." David said,
"Didn't really need them did we?" I supposed, looking out at the sea.
"Nah- saw each other like everyday after that.. the days we didn't.. well.." David started to laughed, "we probably wouldn't wanna hear each other!"
I laughed with him until it dawned to me how much we lost in that boat.
"We had a lot of stuff on The StampingSquid." I sighed,
"Yeah.. And I thought it was cramped on that wee boat. The shower, the little kitchen.. We were living a life of luxury."
"Yep.. Now I feel like I'm constantly about to faint from lack of water." I admitted,
"Yeah I feel pretty lightheaded too.. I hope we get home soon.." David said,
"I don't think that's gonna happen," I admitted, "we've been travelling on the Atlantic for four months but.. Who really knows where we are? We could be heading back to Morocco."
"Nope! Not on my watch!" David said, I laughed,
"y'know this journey has really numbed me." I told him,
"Well.. Wasn't it you who said when we were leaving Southampton those years ago, 'Next time we come back here we'll be completely changed.'"
I nodded, "yeah.. But I didn't think I'd be this changed!"  I admitted, "like damn I've.. I've lost a baby! I've been shot in the lung and been bitten by a shark along with witnessing pretty horrible stuff!"
"Oh yeah I forgot you got shot- has it healed up yet?" David asked, I took off my sweater and unbuttoned my shirt revealing a reasonably sized bullet wound on the right side of my chest.
"God it's still there alright, does it hurt?" He asked, inspecting it.
"A little bit, only if you put pressure on it." I said,
"Well honey I shan't be putting pressure on your chest!" David laughed, patting my shoulder,
"What about that time you got stabbed in Egypt- that seems like yesterday!" I remembered,
"Oh yeah- I hate these scars almost as much as the story of how I got them! They annoy me so much!" He lowered his trousers to reveal two weird looking, thick scars.
"Gosh..." I reacted in shock.
"I know! It looked like I've been cut with a knife and fork! If she had to stab me she could have at least done it nicely!" He ranted. I laughed at him,
"It's not that bad!" I assured him,
"Yes it is! You see this-" he pointed at the scar on his head, it came from underneath his ear, it was a small long line. "This scar is absolutely beautiful! It is a work of art! But these!! These two little squiggles of scars just annoy me! They look like my kidneys are about to come out and say hi!"
"Squid you are the most descriptive person I know." I laughed,
"So Stampy. We've been travelling together for almost two years.. What do you not know about me now?" David asked me, lying back on the boat. I sat down beside him,
"Umm... Whatever happened in Adelaide- when I was busy being unconscious in hospital stuff was going on outside with you, what happened?"
David began to explain that he and Lily had gotten together while I was in hospital. Then he had gotten to know Lily's boyfriend. He collapsed in Lily's boyfriend's house and was arrested the next morning in suspicion of shooting me. Tom had framed David by shooting himself and taking a picture of David when he was about to shoot me. David's last resort was me, on the way into hospital he met Nicole who broke up with him for shooting me. He then had to interview me to prove that he didn't shoot me. After he was proved not guilty he and Nicole got together again and we left to New Zealand.
"Ah.. I see." I said, "so that's why you were having like a million panic attacks."
"Yep.. I was pretty messed up back then." David said, "but yeah, I'm a lot more messed up now."
"You okay mate?" I asked him, remembering that he lost his child after that.
"I'm always okay Stamps." He said, I put an arm around his neck as we looked up at the sky.
"We've been through a lot together haven't we." I sighed,
"Bit too much probably." David laughed,
I leant my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes, I felt him smiling before resting his head on mine and falling asleep.

THE BOAT TRIP: Stampy And SquidWhere stories live. Discover now