Final Plea

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As the helicopter took off I stared out the window.
Sadness withdrew from me as I saw the giant NewStar ship move further from us, and Joe standing on the deck, just staring at me.
As we moved further away I saw the StampingSquid, my stomach turned, remembering the sight of both the Somalians dead at my feet.
This was going to be a long day...

The NewStar, after hours of constant sailing, finally arrived at Madagascar. And it was so beautiful.
There was a small sandy beach with palm trees and a big green jungle area. I had packed up the little things I had into a small plastic bag, and put on sunglasses and a t-shirt. It was stunning.
"So," one of the members of crew who worked with me said, "this is it, sir."
I smiled and took my sunglasses off as respect, hanging them in my shirt. I shook his hand,
"Thank you all so much guys, you're amazing."
"Oh don't mention it Garrett." The man who helped me get David back said.
I smiled as I threw my stuff onto the Stamping Squid before climbing down the ladder onto the boat.

As soon as I got on the boat I just closed my eyes in satisfaction: it was good to be back on the boat, but there was something missing... David.
As I turned on the engine and drove away from the NewStar, I looked around, this is where David was, this is where he was captured, this is where a gun was shot next to his head and where two men were killed..
After switching the ship to autopilot I went on a thorough check of the boat, making sure that there was no trace of the Pirates ever being here.
Most of the smashed glass and blood was cleaned up, I couldn't see anything unusual or out of place, so I sat back down outside, dipping my legs in the warm tropical water and looking out at the beautiful island of Madagascar.


We landed in London Airport at 7pm.
I felt sick with fear. It had been months since I was in the country of England.
Although I was with Nicole, I had never felt so alone in my life.
The city lights blurred in the dark autumnal sky, it was almost Halloweèn.
I stared out the window of a taxi, trying to keep myself awake, under my eyes had turned black with fatigue:
I didn't want to be here.
I wanted to be with Joe.
Loneliness surrounded me, I had hit a wall of numbness.
I felt that all hope inside of me had vanished, until I heard a..
I immediately looked to Nicole, but she was fast asleep. And the taxi driver was completely separate from us.
"Dave, are you awake?"
Then I remembered my radio in my ear. I couldn't help but smile, it was Joe.
"Hey." I whispered, not wanting to wake Nicole.
"Where are you."
"In a taxi just leaving London. In hell. Where are you?"
"God mate, I'm in heaven, this place is stunning."
"Oh don't rub it in." I wheezed, smiling.
"How was the flight?"
"Shit. You can imagine what I was thinking the whole way."
"Yeh.. But you'll push through mate. I promise."
"I'll not stay here for any more than a couple days, Joe." I told him.
"You sure about that? You haven't seen your mother yet."
"I-" I bit my lip, and my eyes tensed, "I know."
"You'll be alright mate, you can speak to me if you want, I'm here, just a little guy in your ear."
A tear fell down my eye, "yeh." I said, trying to give a smile as I continued to glance out the wet window.

We arrived home at about 10pm, it was strange being home.
I didn't like it.
I sat down on the sofa at the back on the kitchen, my dogs jumped up beside me and I stroked them in silence.
The silence was unnerving, almost deafening.
Nicole gave me a plate of toast, but I didn't feel like eating.
I just continued to stare out the window, anxiety whirling in my stomach.
"I-I'm gonna go up to bed." I said, she looked at the plate of food she gave me, still full.
"Aren't you hungry?" She asked me,
"No." I lied. I felt overwhelmed by hunger, so sick and tired and scared.

I walked up to the bedroom and sat down on the side of he bed. Burying my head in my hands. Exhaling, this was life now. Even home doesn't make me feel comfortable.
"You alright, mate?" I heard Joe say.
I couldn't find the words to respond to him.
I wasn't okay. I wasn't okay. I felt sick with anxiety and overwhelmed by fear.

I opened my drawers of clothes, but I felt like I was cheating, I shouldn't be allowed to do this, to go home and get a new pair of clothes.
I closed the drawer again, took off my shirt then just went to bed.
Nicole walked in shortly afterwards, she got changed into her pyjamas and lay down beside me in bed.
We sat, looking up at the roof in silence for a while before Nicole broke the ice.
"You didn't kiss me when we got home." She said,
She was telling me off.. I was beginning to feel even more sick.
She leaned over to me and kissed me on the lips, I felt her tongue rest against mine, but I didn't move, I kept my eyes wide open and my tongue in my mouth.
I was thinking of far too much. Stress overpowered me.
"Dave?" Nicole asked, I looked over to her, I closed my eyes, I had to at least pretend I was enjoying myself.
I put my hands on her hips and kissed her neck. But tears just streamed down my face, I needed to escape.. I needed to go back..
"You miss Joe." Nicole said. I suddenly became fully awake.
"Huh?" I cleared up my tears and stared at her. "Sorry what?"
"Sometimes I wonder if you love him more than you love me." Nicole said sternly, my mouth dropped and my stomach churned, even the thought of Joe listening to this now made me feel sick.
"why- why would you think that?" I said in disgust, leaning back.
"So you aren't gonna deny it."
"Does it need denying?! You of all people should be able to know the difference between a girlfriend and a friend." I said.
"That doesn't explain why you were talking to him in the taxi as if he's like an imaginary friend."
"I wasn't imagining it.. It was a phone call!"  I defended.
"You don't have your phone with you." She said, "you gave it to Joe.."
"It was through my radio." I said, pointing to my ear, Nicole's mouth dropped,
"Bad move Dave.." I heard Joe say in my ear.
"So can he hear us now?" Nicole asked.
"Don't lie to me Dave."
A tear fell down my face as I took out my radio and looked down.
Nicole's eyes watered as she asked me the question,
"H-how many years have we been together?" Tears fell down our faces, we knew it was over.
"F-five years." I whispered, trying to keep in my tears. I didn't want her to go. I loved her.
"Good bye David." She said. Letting go of my hand and standing up.
"Please.. Please don't let me go." I begged.
But she just turned away.


The night ended with me alone in bed.
Nicole would move out in the next couple days.
I leaned my head against the pillow.
I thought we'd be together forever.. I thought she was the one..
Now I was completely alone.
But completely unstoppable.

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